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#REDIRECT [[Der Sieg ist mein!]]
#REDIRECT [[Der Sieg ist mein!]]
== Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight ==
There is a vitally important shift underway in how we think about progress. Growing numbers of economists, political leaders and expert commentators are calling for better measures of how well society is doing; measures that track not just our economic standard of living, but our overall quality of life. We too can benefit from a shift in priorities and a recognition that real happiness is less about what we earn or own and more about our relationships and state of mind;
[[ Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 13 Things You Should Do To Live Life Without Regrets ==
A study that was performed on elderly individuals a few years back, has shown that during old age, there are many people who regret the things they didnt have the courage to do as opposed to only a few who had regrets about the things theyve done.
[[ 13 Things You Should Do To Live Life Without Regrets]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== World Book Night: Millions of Free Books Donated ==
A young woman is jumping up and down in front of the New York Public Library wearing a sandwich sign that says, "Hate Reading? Talk To Me!" Shes waving around several copies of "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, eager to get them off her hands.Men and women in suits breeze by, but some passersby are curious about the spectacle. If you were roaming the streets of New York City or London last night you may have encountered a similar scene: Zealous readers handing out award-winning novels by the boxful.
[[ World Book Night: Millions of Free Books Donated]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 7 Ways to Deal With the Death of a Loved One ==
How do you deal with death, the loss of a loved one when the pain is so strong; how can you let go of the people you once loved and still love so much; how can you accept the fact that you will never see those people ever again? How can you accept the idea of loss, of death?
[[ 7 Ways to Deal With the Death of a Loved One]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 13 Things You Should Do To Live Life Without Regrets ==
A study that was performed on elderly individuals a few years back, has shown that during old age, there are many people who regret the things they didnt have the courage to do as opposed to only a few who had regrets about the things theyve done.
[[ 13 Things You Should Do To Live Life Without Regrets]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
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