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Entwicklerupdates/20111209: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 19: Zeile 19:
=== Elementarmagier ===
=== Elementarmagier ===
*[[Frostrüstung]]: Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden verringert {{Vorlage:war|45}}; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Euer Wassermagie-Attribut ist um +1 erhöht.“ „Endet, wenn Ihr Feuermagie benutzt.“ entfernt.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Frostrüstung}}: Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden verringert {{Vorlage:war|45}}; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Euer Wassermagie-Attribut ist um +1 erhöht.“ „Endet, wenn Ihr Feuermagie benutzt.“ entfernt.
*[[Blendende Welle]]: folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%. Wenn dieser Zauber einen angreifenden Gegner trifft, werden auch alle umstehenden Feinde getroffen und dieser Zauber verursacht 50% mehr Schaden.“
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Blendende Welle}}: folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%. Wenn dieser Zauber einen angreifenden Gegner trifft, werden auch alle umstehenden Feinde getroffen und dieser Zauber verursacht 50% mehr Schaden.“
*[[Himmelssturm]]: Beschreibung verbessert.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Himmelssturm}}: Beschreibung verbessert.
*[[Kettenblitz]]: Verursacht nun immer 5 Punkte Erschöpfung anstatt bedingt 10.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Kettenblitz}}: Verursacht nun immer 5 Punkte Erschöpfung anstatt bedingt 10.
*[[Aufgeworfene Erde]]: Wirkzeit auf 2 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|3}}.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Aufgeworfene Erde}}: Wirkzeit auf 2 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|3}}.
*[[Doppeldrache]]: Wirkzeit auf 1 Sekunde erhöht {{Vorlage:war|¾}}; Energiekosten auf 10 erhöht {{Vorlage:war|5}}; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden erhöht {{Vorlage:war|15}}; Funktionalität geändert zu: „Ruft die Macht des Drachen herbei. 8 Sekunden lang werdet Ihr und der angewählte Verbündete mit Doppeldrache verzaubert. Alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden 5...30 Punkte Feuerschaden pro Sekunde. Wenn Ihr oder Euer Verbündeter eine Fertigkeit benutzt, die einen Gegner anwählt, brennt dieser Gegner 0...3 Sekunden.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Doppeldrache}}: Wirkzeit auf 1 Sekunde erhöht {{Vorlage:war|¾}}; Energiekosten auf 10 erhöht {{Vorlage:war|5}}; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden erhöht {{Vorlage:war|15}}; Funktionalität geändert zu: „Ruft die Macht des Drachen herbei. 8 Sekunden lang werdet Ihr und der angewählte Verbündete mit Doppeldrache verzaubert. Alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden {{p1|5|30|E}} Punkte Feuerschaden pro Sekunde. Wenn Ihr oder Euer Verbündeter eine Fertigkeit benutzt, die einen Gegner anwählt, brennt dieser Gegner {{p1|0|3|E}} Sekunden.
*[[Elementareinstimmung]]: Dauer verändert zu 25...60 Sekunden; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|30}}; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt:„Ihr seid auf Luft, Feuer, Wasser und Erde eingestimmt und erhaltet +1...2 auf diese Attribute.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Elementareinstimmung}}: Dauer verändert zu {{p1|25|60|E}} Sekunden; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|30}}; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt:„Ihr seid auf Luft, Feuer, Wasser und Erde eingestimmt und erhaltet +{{p1|1|2|E}} auf diese Attribute.
*[[Energieexplosion]]: Wiederaufladezeit reduziert auf 1,5 Sekunden {{Vorlage:war|2}}.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Energieexplosion}}: Wiederaufladezeit reduziert auf 1,5 Sekunden {{Vorlage:war|2}}.
*[[Energiesegen]]: Fertigkeitstyp geändert zu Verzauberung {{Vorlage:war|Fertigkeit}}; Wirkzeit auf 1 Sekunde erhöht {{Vorlage:war|keine}}; Energiekosten auf 10 erhöht {{Vorlage:war|5}}; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|40}}; Funktionalität geändert zu: „36...60 Sekunden lang erhöht Energiesegen Eure maximalen Lebenspunkte und die eines anvisierten Verbündeten um 1...3 für jeden Punkt Eurer (''respective?'') maximalen Energie. Wenn diese Verzauberung das erste Mal aufgetragen wird, erhaltet Ihr und der anvisierte Verbündete 1...12 Punkte Energie. Ihr erhaltet 1 zusätzlichen Punkt Energie für jeweils 2 Ränge Energiespeicherung.“
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Energiesegen}}: Fertigkeitstyp geändert zu Verzauberung {{Vorlage:war|Fertigkeit}}; Wirkzeit auf 1 Sekunde erhöht {{Vorlage:war|keine}}; Energiekosten auf 10 erhöht {{Vorlage:war|5}}; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|40}}; Funktionalität geändert zu: „{{p1|36|60|E}} Sekunden lang erhöht Energiesegen Eure maximalen Lebenspunkte und die eines anvisierten Verbündeten um {{p1|1|3|E}} für jeden Punkt Eurer (''respective?'') maximalen Energie. Wenn diese Verzauberung das erste Mal aufgetragen wird, erhaltet Ihr und der anvisierte Verbündete {{p1|1|12|E}} Punkte Energie. Ihr erhaltet 1 zusätzlichen Punkt Energie für jeweils 2 Ränge Energiespeicherung.“
*[[Ätherwunder]]: Dauer erhöht auf 8...20 Sekunden; Schaden pro Energiepunkt reduziert auf 2.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Ätherwunder}}: Dauer erhöht auf {{p1|8|20|E}} Sekunden; Schaden pro Energiepunkt reduziert auf 2.
*[[Feuerball]]: Wirkzeit auf 1,5 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|2}}.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Feuerball}}: Wirkzeit auf 1,5 Sekunden reduziert {{Vorlage:war|2}}.
*[[Gefrierende Böe]]: Wiederaufladezeit erhöht auf 8 Sekunden {{Vorlage:war|7}}.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Gefrierende Böe}}: Wiederaufladezeit erhöht auf 8 Sekunden {{Vorlage:war|7}}.
*[[Schimmerndes Zeichen]]: folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „10 Sekunden lang erleiden der Zielgegner und alle ihn umstehenden Feinde 5...25 Punkte Schaden pro Sekunde. Feinde, die Angriffsfertigkeiten nutzen, werden 3 Sekunden lang geblendet.“
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Schimmerndes Zeichen}}: folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „10 Sekunden lang erleiden der Zielgegner und alle ihn umstehenden Feinde {{p1|5|25|E}} Punkte Schaden pro Sekunde. Feinde, die Angriffsfertigkeiten nutzen, werden 3 Sekunden lang geblendet.“
*[[Glyphe der Energie]]: Wiederaufladezeit erhöht auf 25 Sekunden; betriftt nun die nächsten 1...3 Zauber; Reduzierung der Energiekosten beträgt nun 10...25 Punkte Energie; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Eure Elementarattribute werden um +1...4 erhöht.“
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Glyphe der Energie}}: Wiederaufladezeit erhöht auf 25 Sekunden; betriftt nun die nächsten {{p1|1|3|E}} Zauber; Reduzierung der Energiekosten beträgt nun {{p1|10|25|E}} Punkte Energie; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Eure Elementarattribute werden um +{{p1|1|4|E}} erhöht.“
*[[Böe]]: Funktionalität geändert zu: „5...11 Sekunden lang bewegt Ihr und der anvisierte Verbündete Euch um 33% schneller. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Verbündeten 15...70 Punkte Kälteschaden. Feinde, die angreifen oder sich bewegen, während sie von Böe getroffen werden, werden zu Boden geworfen.“
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Böe}}: Funktionalität geändert zu: „{{p1|5|11|E}} Sekunden lang bewegt Ihr und der anvisierte Verbündete Euch um 33% schneller. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Verbündeten {{p1|15|70|E}} Punkte Kälteschaden. Feinde, die angreifen oder sich bewegen, während sie von Böe getroffen werden, werden zu Boden geworfen.“
*[[Eisgefängnis]]: folgende Funktionalität entfernt: „Diese Wirkung endet, wenn das Ziel Feuerschaden erleidet.“
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Eisgefängnis}}: folgende Funktionalität entfernt: „Diese Wirkung endet, wenn das Ziel Feuerschaden erleidet.“
*[[Eisdornen]]: Wirkzeit reduziert auf 1,5 Sekunden {{Vorlage:war|2}}.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Eisdornen}}: Wirkzeit reduziert auf 1,5 Sekunden {{Vorlage:war|2}}.
* [[Invoke Lightning]]: now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Blitz herbeirufen}}: now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.
* [[Lightning Surge]]: reduced cost to 10 Energy; reduced casting time to 1 second; added the following functionality: "Target foe has Cracked Armor for 5...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Blitzwelle}}: reduced cost to 10 Energy; reduced casting time to 1 second; added the following functionality: "Target foe has Cracked Armor for {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
* [[Master of Magic]]: reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed elemental attribute scaling to 8...14; removed Energy regeneration; removed the following functionality: "This enchantment ends if you use a non-Elementalist skill." Added the following functionality: "Your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Meister der Magie}}: reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed elemental attribute scaling to {{p1|8|14|E}}; removed Energy regeneration; removed the following functionality: "This enchantment ends if you use a non-Elementalist skill." Added the following functionality: "Your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost."
* [[Mind Burn]]: changed functionality to: "Target foe and all adjacent foes take 15...60 fire damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe and all adjacent foes take an additional 15...60 fire damage and are set on fire for 1...8 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistige Verbrennung}}: changed functionality to: "Target foe and all adjacent foes take {{p1|15|60|E}} fire damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe and all adjacent foes take an additional {{p1|15|60|E}} fire damage and are set on fire for {{p1|1|8|E}} seconds."
* [[Mind Freeze]]: increased damage to 10...60; increased additional damage to 10...60; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistige Erfrierung}}: increased damage to {{p1|10|60|E}}; increased additional damage to {{p1|10|60|E}}; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds.
* [[Mind Freeze (PvP)]]: split for PvP; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Mind Freeze (PvP)}}: split for PvP; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds.
* [[Mind Shock]]: reduced Exhaustion to 5.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistiger Schock}}: reduced Exhaustion to 5.
* [[Mind Shock (PvP)]]: split for PvP.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Mind Shock (PvP)}}: split for PvP.
* [[Mirror of Ice]]: reduced casting time to 0.75 seconds; reduced Energy cost to 10; reduced recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "Shatter a Mirror of Ice. All foes near you and target ally take 15...70 cold damage and move 66% slower for 2...6 seconds. If you strike a foe hexed with Water Magic, Mirror of Ice recharges 50% faster.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Eisspiegel}}: reduced casting time to 0.75 seconds; reduced Energy cost to 10; reduced recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "Shatter a Mirror of Ice. All foes near you and target ally take {{p1|15|70|E}} cold damage and move 66% slower for {{p1|2|6|E}} seconds. If you strike a foe hexed with Water Magic, Mirror of Ice recharges 50% faster.
* [[Mist Form]]: reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...250% of the Energy cost of the spell."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Nebelform}}: reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|10|45|E}} seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for {{p1|50|250|E}}% of the Energy cost of the spell."
* [[Mist Form (PvP)]]: split for PvP; reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...250% of the Energy cost of the spell. This spell does not heal allies above 80% Health."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Mist Form (PvP)}}: split for PvP; reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|10|45|E}} seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for {{p1|50|250|E}}% of the Energy cost of the spell. This spell does not heal allies above 80% Health."
* [[Obsidian Flame]]: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Obsidianflamme}}: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
* [[Ride the Lightning]]: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...5 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Den Blitz reiten}}: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to {{p1|10|70|E}}; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds."
* [[Ride the Lightning (PvP)]]: split for PvP; increased cost to 15 Energy; increased recharge to 10 seconds; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...5 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Ride the Lightning (PvP)}}: split for PvP; increased cost to 15 Energy; increased recharge to 10 seconds; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to {{p1|10|70|E}}; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds."
* [[Sandstorm]]: reduced recharge to 25 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Sandsturm}}: reduced recharge to 25 seconds.
* [[Second Wind]]: reduced casting time to 1 second; reduced Exhaustion to 5; changed functionality to: "You gain 1 Energy and 5 Health for each point of Energy restricted by Exhaustion. You lose all enchantments."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Zweite Chance}}: reduced casting time to 1 second; reduced Exhaustion to 5; changed functionality to: "You gain 1 Energy and 5 Health for each point of Energy restricted by Exhaustion. You lose all enchantments."
* [[Shatterstone]]: reduced cost to 10 Energy; changed functionality to: "Target foe is struck for 25...100 cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for 25...100 cold damage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Trümmerstein}}: reduced cost to 10 Energy; changed functionality to: "Target foe is struck for {{p1|25|100|E}} cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for {{p1|25|100|E}} cold damage."
* [[Shockwave]]: changed functionality to: "All foes in the area take 15...60 earth damage and are Weakened for 1...10 seconds. Nearby foes also take +15...60 earth damage and have Cracked Armor for 1...10 seconds. Adjacent foes suffer the previous effects, take +15...60 earth damage, and are Blinded for 1...10 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Stoßwelle}}: changed functionality to: "All foes in the area take {{p1|15|60|E}} earth damage and are Weakened for {{p1|1|10|E}} seconds. Nearby foes also take +{{p1|15|60|E}} earth damage and have Cracked Armor for {{p1|1|10|E}} seconds. Adjacent foes suffer the previous effects, take +{{p1|15|60|E}} earth damage, and are Blinded for {{p1|1|10|E}} seconds."
* [[Star Burst]]: reduced recharge to 7 seconds; changed functionality to: "Target touched foe and all foes in the area are struck for 7...112 fire damage and set on fire for 1...4 seconds. For each foe you hit, gain 2 Energy."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Sternenexplosion}}: reduced recharge to 7 seconds; changed functionality to: "Target touched foe and all foes in the area are struck for {{p1|7|112|E}} fire damage and set on fire for {{p1|1|4|E}} seconds. For each foe you hit, gain 2 Energy."
* [[Stone Sheath]]: reduced recharge to 12 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 5...20 seconds, you and target ally have +1...35 armor and are immune to critical hits. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take 15...70 earth damage and are Weakened for 5...20 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Steinmantel}}: reduced recharge to 12 seconds; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds, you and target ally have +{{p1|1|35|E}} armor and are immune to critical hits. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take {{p1|15|70|E}} earth damage and are Weakened for {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds."
* [[Teinai's Prison]]: removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Teinais Gefängnis}}: removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
* [[Thunderclap]]: reduced recharge to 8 seconds; reduced damage to 10...50; added 25% armor penetration; changed functionality to: "Create a massive shockwave at target foe's location. Deals 10...50 lightning damage to target and all adjacent foes. Struck foes are interrupted and suffer from Cracked Armor and Weakness for 5...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Donnerschlag}}: reduced recharge to 8 seconds; reduced damage to {{p1|10|50|E}}; added 25% armor penetration; changed functionality to: "Create a massive shockwave at target foe's location. Deals {{p1|10|50|E}} lightning damage to target and all adjacent foes. Struck foes are interrupted and suffer from Cracked Armor and Weakness for {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
* [[Unsteady Ground]]: reduced recharge to 15 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Schwankender Boden}}: reduced recharge to 15 seconds.
* [[Ward Against Harm]]: changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3 Health regeneration, +12...24 armor, and an additional +12...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 20 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Abwehr gegen Schaden}}: changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For {{p1|5|15|E}} seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +{{p1|1|3|E}} Health regeneration, +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor, and an additional +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 20 seconds."
* [[Ward Against Harm (PvP)]]: split for PvP; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3 Health regeneration, +12...24 armor, and an additional +12...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 30 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Ward Against Harm (PvP)}}: split for PvP; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For {{p1|5|15|E}} seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +{{p1|1|3|E}} Health regeneration, +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor, and an additional +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 30 seconds."
* [[Water Trident]]: changed functionality to: "Send out a fast-moving Water Trident, striking target foe and up to 2 adjacent foes for 10...90 cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Wasserdreizack}}: changed functionality to: "Send out a fast-moving Water Trident, striking target foe and up to 2 adjacent foes for {{p1|10|90|E}} cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down."

=== Mesmer ===
=== Mesmer ===
* [[Mistrust]]: reduced damage to 10...100.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Argwohn}}: reduced damage to {{p1|10|100|E}}.
* [[Mistrust (PvP)]]: reduced damage to 10...75; reduced recharge to 12 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Mistrust (PvP)}}: reduced damage to {{p1|10|75|E}}; reduced recharge to 12 seconds.

=== Ritualist ===
=== Ritualist ===
* [[Ancestors' Rage|Ancestor's Rage]]: {{sic}} lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Ancestors' Rage|Ancestor's Rage}}: {{sic}} lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
* [[Ancestors' Rage (PvP)|Ancestor's Rage (PvP)]]: {{sic}} increased damage to 1...41; lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Ancestors' Rage (PvP)|Ancestor's Rage (PvP)}}: {{sic}} increased damage to {{p1|1|41|E}}; lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
* [[Cruel Was Daoshen|Cruel was Daoshen]]: {{sic}} reduced damage to 15...85.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Cruel Was Daoshen|Cruel was Daoshen}}: {{sic}} reduced damage to {{p1|15|85|E}}.
* [[Destructive Was Glaive|Destructive was Glaive]]: {{sic}} reduced damage to 15...85.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Destructive Was Glaive|Destructive was Glaive}}: {{sic}} reduced damage to {{p1|15|85|E}}.
* [[Destructive Was Glaive (PvP)|Destructive was Glaive (PvP)]]: {{sic}} reduced damage to 15...85.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Destructive Was Glaive (PvP)|Destructive was Glaive (PvP)}}: {{sic}} reduced damage to {{p1|15|85|E}}.
* [[Signet of Spirits]]: reduced spirit damage to 5...20.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Siegel der Geister}}: reduced spirit damage to {{p1|5|20|E}}.
* [[Spirit Rift]]: reduced damage to 25...125.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geisterriss}}: reduced damage to {{p1|25|125|E}}.

== Developer Update - December 2011 Skill Balances ==
== Developer Update - December 2011 Skill Balances ==
With this update, we are making some changes to Elementalists to improve their viability in PvE. Where relevant, we are also making some changes to Elementalist skills used in PvP in order to address certain powerful options and to provide some new playstyles. This update focuses mainly on improving elite skill options and adding a global change to Hard Mode foes. Even though this update is mostly limited to Elementalist elite skills, we are also addressing some normal skills for Elementalists that we felt could use some changes and a few non-Elementalist skills that have become too powerful.
With this update, we are making some changes to Elementalists to improve their viability in PvE. Where relevant, we are also making some changes to Elementalist skills used in PvP in order to address certain powerful options and to provide some new playstyles. This update focuses mainly on improving elite skill options and adding a global change to Hard Mode foes. Even though this update is mostly limited to Elementalist elite skills, we are also addressing some normal skills for Elementalists that we felt could use some changes and a few non-Elementalist skills that have become too powerful.

* Hard Mode
*Hard Mode
* New Mechanics
*New Mechanics
* Doublecast Skills
*Doublecast Skills
* New Functionality
*New Functionality
* New Synergies
*New Synergies
* Bar Compression
*Bar Compression
* Usability
* Reduced Exhaustion Costs
*Reduced Exhaustion Costs
* Other Changes
*Other Changes
* Non-Elite Skills
*Non-Elite Skills
* 1.5 Second Cast Times
*1.5 Second Cast Times
* Reducing Armor Ignoring Damage
*Reducing Armor Ignoring Damage
* Conclusion

== Hard Mode ==
== Hard Mode ==
* Reduced the armor level for Hard Mode enemies.
*Reduced the armor level for Hard Mode enemies.
* Raised the maximum Health of Hard Mode enemies.
*Raised the maximum Health of Hard Mode enemies.

Elemental damage tends to become much less effective as enemies reach levels over 20. As a result of this, some professions, but especially Elementalists, tend to be less effective at this point in the game. While one possibility to address this issue would have been to improve the damage on skills that deal elemental damage, this would have likely resulted in the damage from creatures in Hard Mode quickly becoming unmanageable. Reducing the armor of foes and raising their Health helps keep Elementalists relevant while maintaining the overall effectiveness of professions that deal armor ignoring damage.
Elemental damage tends to become much less effective as enemies reach levels over 20. As a result of this, some professions, but especially Elementalists, tend to be less effective at this point in the game. While one possibility to address this issue would have been to improve the damage on skills that deal elemental damage, this would have likely resulted in the damage from creatures in Hard Mode quickly becoming unmanageable. Reducing the armor of foes and raising their Health helps keep Elementalists relevant while maintaining the overall effectiveness of professions that deal armor ignoring damage.
Zeile 105: Zeile 105:
A doublecast skill is a new type of spell that casts on you as well as your target. By utilizing proper positioning, skilled players can significantly increase the power level of these skills as well as the area that they cover. Many of these skills were reworked because they were too unwieldy to play normally due to conditionals or poor synergies with other skills. In the case of Mirror of Ice, the skill was providing too much power in PvP without being useful in PvE.
A doublecast skill is a new type of spell that casts on you as well as your target. By utilizing proper positioning, skilled players can significantly increase the power level of these skills as well as the area that they cover. Many of these skills were reworked because they were too unwieldy to play normally due to conditionals or poor synergies with other skills. In the case of Mirror of Ice, the skill was providing too much power in PvP without being useful in PvE.

* [[Double Dragon]]: increased casting time to 1 second; increased cost to 10 Energy; increased recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "Invoke the power of the Dragon. For 8 seconds, you and target ally are enchanted with Double Dragon. Adjacent foes are dealt 5...30 fire damage each second. Additionally, when you or your ally use skills that target a foe, that foe is set on fire for 0...3 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Doppeldrache}}: increased casting time to 1 second; increased cost to 10 Energy; increased recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "Invoke the power of the Dragon. For 8 seconds, you and target ally are enchanted with Double Dragon. Adjacent foes are dealt {{p1|5|30|E}} fire damage each second. Additionally, when you or your ally use skills that target a foe, that foe is set on fire for {{p1|0|3|E}} seconds."
* [[Energy Boon]]: changed skill type to enchantment spell; increased casting time to 1 second; increased cost to 10 Energy; reduced recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 36...60 seconds, Energy Boon raises the maximum Health of you and target ally by 1...3 for each point of your respective maximum Energy. When this enchantment is first applied, you and your target gain 1...12 Energy. You gain an additional 1 Energy for every 2 points you have in Energy Storage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Energiesegen}}: changed skill type to enchantment spell; increased casting time to 1 second; increased cost to 10 Energy; reduced recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|36|60|E}} seconds, Energy Boon raises the maximum Health of you and target ally by {{p1|1|3|E}} for each point of your respective maximum Energy. When this enchantment is first applied, you and your target gain {{p1|1|12|E}} Energy. You gain an additional 1 Energy for every 2 points you have in Energy Storage."
* [[Gust]]: changed functionality to: "For 5...11 seconds, both you and target ally move 33% faster. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take 15...70 cold damage. Foes struck by Gust while attacking or moving are knocked down."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Böe}}: changed functionality to: "For {{p1|5|11|E}} seconds, both you and target ally move 33% faster. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take {{p1|15|70|E}} cold damage. Foes struck by Gust while attacking or moving are knocked down."
* [[Mirror of Ice]]: reduced casting time to 0.75 seconds; reduced Energy cost to 10; reduced recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "Shatter a Mirror of Ice. All foes near you and target ally take 15...70 cold damage and move 66% slower for 2...6 seconds. If you strike a foe hexed with Water Magic, Mirror of Ice recharges 50% faster.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Eisspiegel}}: reduced casting time to 0.75 seconds; reduced Energy cost to 10; reduced recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "Shatter a Mirror of Ice. All foes near you and target ally take {{p1|15|70|E}} cold damage and move 66% slower for {{p1|2|6|E}} seconds. If you strike a foe hexed with Water Magic, Mirror of Ice recharges 50% faster.
* [[Stone Sheath]]: reduced recharge to 12 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 5...20 seconds, you and target ally have +1...35 armor and are immune to critical hits. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take 15...70 earth damage and are Weakened for 5...20 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Steinmantel}}: reduced recharge to 12 seconds; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds, you and target ally have +{{p1|1|35|E}} armor and are immune to critical hits. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take {{p1|15|70|E}} earth damage and are Weakened for {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds."

== New Functionality ==
== New Functionality ==
Zeile 115: Zeile 115:

=== Mist Form ===
=== Mist Form ===
* [[Mist Form]]: reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...250% of the Energy cost of the spell."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Nebelform}}: reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|10|45|E}} seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for {{p1|50|250|E}}% of the Energy cost of the spell."
* [[Mist Form (PvP)]]: split for PvP; reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...250% of the Energy cost of the spell. This spell does not heal allies above 80% Health."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Nebelform (PvP)}}: split for PvP; reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For {{p1|10|45|E}} seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for {{p1|50|250|E}}% of the Energy cost of the spell. This spell does not heal allies above 80% Health."

While its previous effect was fairly strong against martial professions, Mist Form had almost no effect against casters, and its one-dimensional functionality made it a difficult choice to take over most damage-dealing elites. It could also be very frustrating to use without removal. This update changes the skill into a defensive skill that also provides healing to your allies. In order to emphasize the Elementalist nature of the skill, though, the healing and damage reduction conditionals encourage offensive spell use. To prevent stacking in PvP, this skill has been split.
While its previous effect was fairly strong against martial professions, Mist Form had almost no effect against casters, and its one-dimensional functionality made it a difficult choice to take over most damage-dealing elites. It could also be very frustrating to use without removal. This update changes the skill into a defensive skill that also provides healing to your allies. In order to emphasize the Elementalist nature of the skill, though, the healing and damage reduction conditionals encourage offensive spell use. To prevent stacking in PvP, this skill has been split.

=== Thunderclap ===
=== Thunderclap ===
* [[Thunderclap]]: reduced recharge to 8 seconds; reduced damage to 10...50; added 25% armor penetration; changed functionality to: "Create a massive shockwave at target foe's location. Deals 10...50 lightning damage to target and all adjacent foes. Struck foes are interrupted and suffer from Cracked Armor and Weakness for 5...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Donnerschlag}}: reduced recharge to 8 seconds; reduced damage to {{p1|10|50|E}}; added 25% armor penetration; changed functionality to: "Create a massive shockwave at target foe's location. Deals {{p1|10|50|E}} lightning damage to target and all adjacent foes. Struck foes are interrupted and suffer from Cracked Armor and Weakness for {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."

Due to the delay in the Dazed application, Thunderclap tended to be a poor choice as an interrupt skill, and the long recharge coupled with only hitting a single target made it a poor damage skill as well. Since Air Magic already has good AoE damage options, we've changed this skill to be more of an elite interrupt and condition-application skill. With a 1-second cast time, this skill won't outclass Mesmer interrupts but will provide bonuses for skilled Elementalists who read their opponents.
Due to the delay in the Dazed application, Thunderclap tended to be a poor choice as an interrupt skill, and the long recharge coupled with only hitting a single target made it a poor damage skill as well. Since Air Magic already has good AoE damage options, we've changed this skill to be more of an elite interrupt and condition-application skill. With a 1-second cast time, this skill won't outclass Mesmer interrupts but will provide bonuses for skilled Elementalists who read their opponents.

=== Ward Against Harm ===
=== Ward Against Harm ===
*[[Ward Against Harm]]: changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3 Health regeneration, +12...24 armor, and an additional +12...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 20 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Abwehr gegen Schaden}}: changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For {{p1|5|15|E}} seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +{{p1|1|3|E}} Health regeneration, +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor, and an additional +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 20 seconds."
*[[Ward Against Harm (PvP)]]: split for PvP; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3 Health regeneration, +12...24 armor, and an additional +12...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 30 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Abwehr gegen Schaden (PvP)}}: split for PvP; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For {{p1|5|15|E}} seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +{{p1|1|3|E}} Health regeneration, +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor, and an additional +{{p1|12|24|E}} armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 30 seconds."

With Ward Against Harm we are again trying something slightly different. We've given this skill a small party-healing aspect similar to how Water Magic skills function in Guild Wars 2. We hope this can provide another appealing source of party-healing utility on the Water Elementalist. Additionally, the bonus armor is now applied to all elements instead of just Fire Magic. We feel this is necessary to make it useful outside of areas like the Fire Islands. We're concerned about this skill's effects in PvP, so we've split it and may make further changes after seeing how it plays out.
With Ward Against Harm we are again trying something slightly different. We've given this skill a small party-healing aspect similar to how Water Magic skills function in Guild Wars 2. We hope this can provide another appealing source of party-healing utility on the Water Elementalist. Additionally, the bonus armor is now applied to all elements instead of just Fire Magic. We feel this is necessary to make it useful outside of areas like the Fire Islands. We're concerned about this skill's effects in PvP, so we've split it and may make further changes after seeing how it plays out.
Zeile 135: Zeile 135:

=== Master of Magic ===
=== Master of Magic ===
* [[Master of Magic]]: reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed elemental attribute scaling to 8...14; removed Energy regeneration; removed the following functionality: "This enchantment ends if you use a non-Elementalist skill." Added the following functionality: "Your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Meister der Magie}}: reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed elemental attribute scaling to {{p1|8|14|E}}; removed Energy regeneration; removed the following functionality: "This enchantment ends if you use a non-Elementalist skill." Added the following functionality: "Your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost."

Master of Magic is held back partly by the lack of good cross-elemental synergies and an attribute level that is generally ineffective at level 20. By scaling the attribute bonus, we hope to correct this latter problem. In an update further down the line, we plan to look at cross-elemental synergy skills. The "ends on non-Elementalist skill" clause was mainly to prevent Elementalist healers from taking advantage of the bonus Energy regen, so we've removed it and the Energy regen in favor of a universal attunement to make it easier to run multiple attributes. The recharge has also been reduced to make it less vulnerable to strips.
Master of Magic is held back partly by the lack of good cross-elemental synergies and an attribute level that is generally ineffective at level 20. By scaling the attribute bonus, we hope to correct this latter problem. In an update further down the line, we plan to look at cross-elemental synergy skills. The "ends on non-Elementalist skill" clause was mainly to prevent Elementalist healers from taking advantage of the bonus Energy regen, so we've removed it and the Energy regen in favor of a universal attunement to make it easier to run multiple attributes. The recharge has also been reduced to make it less vulnerable to strips.

=== Shockwave ===
=== Shockwave ===
* [[Shockwave]]: changed functionality to: "All foes in the area take 15...60 earth damage and are Weakened for 1...10 seconds. Nearby foes also take +15...60 earth damage and have Cracked Armor for 1...10 seconds. Adjacent foes suffer the previous effects, take +15...60 earth damage, and are Blinded for 1...10 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Stoßwelle}}: changed functionality to: "All foes in the area take {{p1|15|60|E}} earth damage and are Weakened for {{p1|1|10|E}} seconds. Nearby foes also take +{{p1|15|60|E}} earth damage and have Cracked Armor for {{p1|1|10|E}} seconds. Adjacent foes suffer the previous effects, take +{{p1|15|60|E}} earth damage, and are Blinded for {{p1|1|10|E}} seconds."

Due to the high-risk/low-reward ratio on this skill, Shockwave only has niche uses. These changes are intended to promote some synergy with other skills in Earth Magic.
Due to the high-risk/low-reward ratio on this skill, Shockwave only has niche uses. These changes are intended to promote some synergy with other skills in Earth Magic.

=== Star Burst ===
=== Star Burst ===
* [[Star Burst]]: reduced recharge to 7 seconds; changed functionality to: "Target touched foe and all foes in the area are struck for 7...112 fire damage and set on fire for 1...4 seconds. For each foe you hit, gain 2 Energy."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Sternenexplosion}}: reduced recharge to 7 seconds; changed functionality to: "Target touched foe and all foes in the area are struck for {{p1|7|112|E}} fire damage and set on fire for {{p1|1|4|E}} seconds. For each foe you hit, gain 2 Energy."

After reworking Double Dragon, we felt that Star Burst could remain as a PBAoE skill; however, it had very little to distinguish it from other PBAoE skills like Inferno or Flame Burst. Because these types of builds tend to have Energy problems, we reversed the previous Energy loss into Energy gain. While we don't think this will make PBAoE Elementalists very common, it will provide some better options for this type of playstyle.
After reworking Double Dragon, we felt that Star Burst could remain as a PBAoE skill; however, it had very little to distinguish it from other PBAoE skills like Inferno or Flame Burst. Because these types of builds tend to have Energy problems, we reversed the previous Energy loss into Energy gain. While we don't think this will make PBAoE Elementalists very common, it will provide some better options for this type of playstyle.
Zeile 152: Zeile 152:
In some cases we found elites that could be good but didn't quite provide the level of bar compression to make them desirable over direct-damage skills.
In some cases we found elites that could be good but didn't quite provide the level of bar compression to make them desirable over direct-damage skills.

* [[Elemental Attunement]]: rescaled duration to 25...60 seconds; reduced recharge to 20 seconds; added the following functionality: "You are attuned to Air, Fire, Water, and Earth and gain +1...2 to these attributes."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Elementareinstimmung}}: rescaled duration to {{p1|25|60|E}} seconds; reduced recharge to 20 seconds; added the following functionality: "You are attuned to Air, Fire, Water, and Earth and gain +{{p1|1|2|E}} to these attributes."
* [[Glyph of Energy]]: increased recharge to 25 seconds; now affects your next 1...3 spells; reduced Energy savings to 10...25; added the following functionality: "Your elemental attributes are increased by 1...4."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Glyphe der Energie}}: increased recharge to 25 seconds; now affects your next {{p1|1|3|E}} spells; reduced Energy savings to {{p1|10|25|E}}; added the following functionality: "Your elemental attributes are increased by {{p1|1|4|E}}."

Due to the change to Master of Magic, Elemental Attunement and Glyph of Energy became a little lacking. So we are improving both of these skills with a small attribute bonus while active. The addition of an attribute bonus gives these skills some bar compression as well as a small damage boost, which Elementalists are lacking in many PvE areas. We've also increased the number of charges on Glyph of Energy to make it less cumbersome to use, though in order to keep the Energy management from becoming too good we've lowered the Energy savings per use and increased the recharge. Elemental Attunement had its duration and recharge rescaled slightly to prevent fast-casting Mesmer/Elementalists from outshining primary Elementalists using this skill.
Due to the change to Master of Magic, Elemental Attunement and Glyph of Energy became a little lacking. So we are improving both of these skills with a small attribute bonus while active. The addition of an attribute bonus gives these skills some bar compression as well as a small damage boost, which Elementalists are lacking in many PvE areas. We've also increased the number of charges on Glyph of Energy to make it less cumbersome to use, though in order to keep the Energy management from becoming too good we've lowered the Energy savings per use and increased the recharge. Elemental Attunement had its duration and recharge rescaled slightly to prevent fast-casting Mesmer/Elementalists from outshining primary Elementalists using this skill.
Zeile 160: Zeile 160:
Several of the elite skills we examined for this update simply had small usability problems. Whether it was lack of damage or a downside that didn't justify the investment, these skills required much smaller adjustments to make them more viable. In several cases the major problems were eliminated simply by allowing these skills to strike an area instead of a single target, though different buffs were necessary for others.
Several of the elite skills we examined for this update simply had small usability problems. Whether it was lack of damage or a downside that didn't justify the investment, these skills required much smaller adjustments to make them more viable. In several cases the major problems were eliminated simply by allowing these skills to strike an area instead of a single target, though different buffs were necessary for others.

* [[Blinding Surge]]: added the following functionality: "This spell has 25% armor penetration. If this spell strikes an attacking foe, all adjacent foes are also struck and this spell deals 50% more damage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Blendende Welle}}: added the following functionality: "This spell has 25% armor penetration. If this spell strikes an attacking foe, all adjacent foes are also struck and this spell deals 50% more damage."

While this skill sees use in PvP, its low damage makes it difficult to justify in most PvE situations. This buff is intended to bolster the overall damage a bit without turning it into a spike skill.
While this skill sees use in PvP, its low damage makes it difficult to justify in most PvE situations. This buff is intended to bolster the overall damage a bit without turning it into a spike skill.

* [[Ether Prodigy]]: increased duration to 8...20 seconds; reduced damage per point of Energy to 2.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Ätherwunder}}: increased duration to {{p1|8|20|E}} seconds; reduced damage per point of Energy to 2.

Given that the skill already has the downside of causing Exhaustion and losing all enchantments, we felt that some changes were in order for this skill. We felt that this skill had viability in PvP but was kept out of play due to the high damage on end and the high spec required to make it effective. We've made a small reduction in the amount of damage dealt on end and improved the scaling on this skill so it is more effective at lower ranks.
Given that the skill already has the downside of causing Exhaustion and losing all enchantments, we felt that some changes were in order for this skill. We felt that this skill had viability in PvP but was kept out of play due to the high damage on end and the high spec required to make it effective. We've made a small reduction in the amount of damage dealt on end and improved the scaling on this skill so it is more effective at lower ranks.

* [[Glimmering Mark]]: added the following functionality: "For 10 seconds, target foe and all foes adjacent to your target take 5...25 damage each second. Foes using attack skills are Blinded for 3 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Schimmerndes Zeichen}}: added the following functionality: "For 10 seconds, target foe and all foes adjacent to your target take {{p1|5|25|E}} damage each second. Foes using attack skills are Blinded for 3 seconds."

While the damage on this skill for a single target is good, its cancel condition makes it difficult to use. To improve its use for PvE, we've added a Blind effect and increased its radius to hit adjacent foes.
While the damage on this skill for a single target is good, its cancel condition makes it difficult to use. To improve its use for PvE, we've added a Blind effect and increased its radius to hit adjacent foes.

* [[Lightning Surge]]: reduced cost to 10 Energy; reduced casting time to 1 second; added the following functionality: "Target foe has Cracked Armor for 5...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Blitzwelle}}: reduced cost to 10 Energy; reduced casting time to 1 second; added the following functionality: "Target foe has Cracked Armor for {{p1|5|20|E}} seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."

While the knockdown on this skill is useful and powerful, we felt a buff was justified given the skill's long casting cost and 3-second delay before activation. With the addition of Cracked Armor and a reduction in cost and casting time, we feel that this skill can now fit into a larger variety of builds.
While the knockdown on this skill is useful and powerful, we felt a buff was justified given the skill's long casting cost and 3-second delay before activation. With the addition of Cracked Armor and a reduction in cost and casting time, we feel that this skill can now fit into a larger variety of builds.

* [[Shatterstone]]: reduced cost to 10 Energy; changed functionality to: "Target foe is struck for 25...100 cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for 25...100 cold damage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Trümmerstein}}: reduced cost to 10 Energy; changed functionality to: "Target foe is struck for {{p1|25|100|E}} cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for {{p1|25|100|E}} cold damage."

Even though this skill has good overall damage and a modest recharge, it generally stacks up poorly against other Elementalist elites that deal damage. By reducing the cost and adding a new AoE component to the end of the skill, we feel it is more justified as an elite skill.
Even though this skill has good overall damage and a modest recharge, it generally stacks up poorly against other Elementalist elites that deal damage. By reducing the cost and adding a new AoE component to the end of the skill, we feel it is more justified as an elite skill.

* [[Water Trident]]: changed functionality to: "Send out a fast-moving Water Trident, striking target foe and up to 2 adjacent foes for 10...90 cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Wasserdreizack}}: changed functionality to: "Send out a fast-moving Water Trident, striking target foe and up to 2 adjacent foes for {{p1|10|90|E}} cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down."

Water Trident's conditional effect and damage were a little too weak to use in most PvE situations, so we've given it an AoE component similar to Lava Arrows as well as a small damage buff.
Water Trident's conditional effect and damage were a little too weak to use in most PvE situations, so we've given it an AoE component similar to Lava Arrows as well as a small damage buff.
Zeile 188: Zeile 188:
The Exhaustion mechanic is unique in Guild Wars in that it is a resource that cannot be manipulated by any skill; this makes it one of our strongest balancing mechanisms. However, because all skills that cause Exhaustion cause the same amount of Exhaustion, it often becomes difficult to properly balance the skill's effectiveness with the fixed Exhaustion penalty. As a result, we usually see players take the single most powerful Exhaustion skill they can find and ignore everything else for fear of getting too Exhausted. We're taking this opportunity to introduce skills that cause 5 points of Exhaustion instead of 10. We feel this change will make these skills more appealing while giving us better control over Elementalist skills in the future. Due to this change, Exhaustion will now be shown as a number followed by a gray dot with a downward arrow in the UI rather than using the phrase "This spell causes Exhaustion."
The Exhaustion mechanic is unique in Guild Wars in that it is a resource that cannot be manipulated by any skill; this makes it one of our strongest balancing mechanisms. However, because all skills that cause Exhaustion cause the same amount of Exhaustion, it often becomes difficult to properly balance the skill's effectiveness with the fixed Exhaustion penalty. As a result, we usually see players take the single most powerful Exhaustion skill they can find and ignore everything else for fear of getting too Exhausted. We're taking this opportunity to introduce skills that cause 5 points of Exhaustion instead of 10. We feel this change will make these skills more appealing while giving us better control over Elementalist skills in the future. Due to this change, Exhaustion will now be shown as a number followed by a gray dot with a downward arrow in the UI rather than using the phrase "This spell causes Exhaustion."

* [[Invoke Lightning]]: now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Blitz herbeirufen}}: now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.

The addition of lowered Exhaustion costs to the game gave us better ways to balance existing skills. In the case of Invoke Lightning, Exhaustion was intended as a metering mechanic, but given the long uptime of Elementalist enchantments this weakness almost never showed up. With a guaranteed Exhaustion amount of 5, this skill should be much more balanced for teams in PvP. Chain Lightning, a similar skill, was also changed in this way.
The addition of lowered Exhaustion costs to the game gave us better ways to balance existing skills. In the case of Invoke Lightning, Exhaustion was intended as a metering mechanic, but given the long uptime of Elementalist enchantments this weakness almost never showed up. With a guaranteed Exhaustion amount of 5, this skill should be much more balanced for teams in PvP. Chain Lightning, a similar skill, was also changed in this way.

* [[Mind Burn]]: changed functionality to: "Target foe and all adjacent foes take 15...60 fire damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe and all adjacent foes take an additional 15...60 fire damage and are set on fire for 1...8 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistige Verbrennung}}: changed functionality to: "Target foe and all adjacent foes take {{p1|15|60|E}} fire damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe and all adjacent foes take an additional {{p1|15|60|E}} fire damage and are set on fire for {{p1|1|8|E}} seconds."
* [[Mind Freeze]]: increased damage to 10...60; increased additional damage to 10...60; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistige Erfrierung}}: increased damage to {{p1|10|60|E}}; increased additional damage to {{p1|10|60|E}}; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds.
* [[Mind Freeze (PvP)]]: split for PvP; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistige Erfrierung (PvP)}}: split for PvP; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds.
* [[Mind Shock]]: reduced Exhaustion to 5.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistiger Schock}}: reduced Exhaustion to 5.
* [[Mind Shock (PvP)]]: split for PvP.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geistiger Schock (PvP)}}: split for PvP.

We felt the Mind skills could use some small buffs to better justify their conditional secondary effects and Exhaustion. As a Fire spell it made sense for Mind Burn to at least have an AoE component while Mind Freeze simply didn't do enough damage to justify its Exhaustion. We've reduced the Exhaustion costs on both of these skills in order to make them more usable. Mind Shock is a dangerous spike skill, which still sees use in PvP, so we've split it and only reduced the Exhaustion cost for this skill in PvE.
We felt the Mind skills could use some small buffs to better justify their conditional secondary effects and Exhaustion. As a Fire spell it made sense for Mind Burn to at least have an AoE component while Mind Freeze simply didn't do enough damage to justify its Exhaustion. We've reduced the Exhaustion costs on both of these skills in order to make them more usable. Mind Shock is a dangerous spike skill, which still sees use in PvP, so we've split it and only reduced the Exhaustion cost for this skill in PvE.

* [[Ride the Lightning]]: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...5 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Den Blitz reiten}}: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to {{p1|10|70|E}}; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds."
* [[Ride the Lightning (PvP)]]: split for PvP; increased cost to 15 Energy; increased recharge to 10 seconds; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...5 seconds."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Den Blitz reiten (PvP)}}: split for PvP; increased cost to 15 Energy; increased recharge to 10 seconds; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to {{p1|10|70|E}}; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for {{p1|1|5|E}} seconds."

Ride the Lightning is a dangerous and expensive skill for the low-armored Elementalist to use and has further problems due to the lack of strong PBAoE skills in Air Magic. This change adds in Blind to protect the Elementalist for a short time in this dangerous position and allows it to target allies as well as enemies for increased movement options. Because reducing the Exhaustion without any other changes would likely make this skill overpowered in PvP, we've split the skill and raised the recharge and Energy cost to compensate.
Ride the Lightning is a dangerous and expensive skill for the low-armored Elementalist to use and has further problems due to the lack of strong PBAoE skills in Air Magic. This change adds in Blind to protect the Elementalist for a short time in this dangerous position and allows it to target allies as well as enemies for increased movement options. Because reducing the Exhaustion without any other changes would likely make this skill overpowered in PvP, we've split the skill and raised the recharge and Energy cost to compensate.

* [[Second Wind]]: reduced casting time to 1 second; reduced Exhaustion to 5; changed functionality to: "You gain 1 Energy and 5 Health for each point of Energy restricted by Exhaustion. You lose all enchantments."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Zweite Chance}}: reduced casting time to 1 second; reduced Exhaustion to 5; changed functionality to: "You gain 1 Energy and 5 Health for each point of Energy restricted by Exhaustion. You lose all enchantments."

Second Wind is a skill that has a unique interaction with the Exhaustion mechanic. While it doesn't see a lot of use it can be fairly powerful under the right conditions. We've lowered the casting time and Exhaustion caused by this skill in order to improve its use. Additionally, it now heals the caster to provide some bar compression. Testing revealed that these changes could potentially bring back certain undesirable smite builds to PvP, so we've added a clause that removes all enchantments to prevent this from happening. Because the skill provides both Health and Energy now, we don't feel this will negatively impact most builds.
Second Wind is a skill that has a unique interaction with the Exhaustion mechanic. While it doesn't see a lot of use it can be fairly powerful under the right conditions. We've lowered the casting time and Exhaustion caused by this skill in order to improve its use. Additionally, it now heals the caster to provide some bar compression. Testing revealed that these changes could potentially bring back certain undesirable smite builds to PvP, so we've added a clause that removes all enchantments to prevent this from happening. Because the skill provides both Health and Energy now, we don't feel this will negatively impact most builds.
Zeile 211: Zeile 211:
== Other Changes ==
== Other Changes ==
A few other skills we felt simply need small adjustments to make them competitive with other options.
A few other skills we felt simply need small adjustments to make them competitive with other options.
* [[Sandstorm]]: reduced recharge to 25 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Sandsturm}}: reduced recharge to 25 seconds.

* [[Unsteady Ground]]: reduced recharge to 15 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Schwankender Boden}}: reduced recharge to 15 seconds.

=== Non-Elite Skills ===
=== Non-Elite Skills ===
While we are saving most of the changes to non-elite skills for a later update, we feel that there are a few worth making with this update.
While we are saving most of the changes to non-elite skills for a later update, we feel that there are a few worth making with this update.

* [[Chain Lightning]]: now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Kettenblitz}}: now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.

In order to match Invoke Lightning, Chain Lightning now also causes 5 Exhaustion unconditionally.
In order to match Invoke Lightning, Chain Lightning now also causes 5 Exhaustion unconditionally.

* [[Churning Earth]]: reduced casting time to 2 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Aufgeworfene Erde}}: reduced casting time to 2 seconds.

Given its casting time and short duration, we felt that the activation on this skill could be reduced a bit.
Given its casting time and short duration, we felt that the activation on this skill could be reduced a bit.

* [[Freezing Gust]]: increased recharge to 8 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Gefrierende Böe}}: increased recharge to 8 seconds.

With improvements to Mind Freeze and Mirror of Ice, we wanted to tone down the power slightly on this staple of Water Elementalists in order to keep the build as a whole from becoming too powerful.
With improvements to Mind Freeze and Mirror of Ice, we wanted to tone down the power slightly on this staple of Water Elementalists in order to keep the build as a whole from becoming too powerful.

* [[Armor of Frost]]: reduced recharge to 20 seconds; added the following functionality: "You have +1 Water Magic." Removed "Ends if you use Fire Magic."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Frostrüstung}}: reduced recharge to 20 seconds; added the following functionality: "You have +1 Water Magic." Removed "Ends if you use Fire Magic."
* [[Ice Prison]]: removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Eisgefängnis}}: removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
* [[Teinai's Prison]]: removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Teinais Gefängnis}}: removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."

The fire damage aspect of these skills ran counter to the idea that elemental attribute lines can be mixed. By removing this restriction, we hope to encourage more mixing of attribute lines. In the case of Armor of Frost, we noticed that it was still numerically inferior to skills like Armor of Mist and Frigid Armor, so we lowered its recharge and added a small attribute bonus.
The fire damage aspect of these skills ran counter to the idea that elemental attribute lines can be mixed. By removing this restriction, we hope to encourage more mixing of attribute lines. In the case of Armor of Frost, we noticed that it was still numerically inferior to skills like Armor of Mist and Frigid Armor, so we lowered its recharge and added a small attribute bonus.
Zeile 239: Zeile 239:
In addition to trying out lowered Exhaustion costs with this update, we are also examining the option of further gradation of skill activation times. While flat one- and two-second cast times work for the majority of skills, there are several skills that are numerically inferior at two seconds, but would be far too powerful at one second. For now we are only comfortable releasing a few skills with this new casting time, but we will be examining more candidates for this change in future updates.
In addition to trying out lowered Exhaustion costs with this update, we are also examining the option of further gradation of skill activation times. While flat one- and two-second cast times work for the majority of skills, there are several skills that are numerically inferior at two seconds, but would be far too powerful at one second. For now we are only comfortable releasing a few skills with this new casting time, but we will be examining more candidates for this change in future updates.

* [[Obsidian Flame]]: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Obsidianflamme}}: reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
* [[Energy Blast]]: reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Energieexplosion}}: reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
* [[Fireball]]: reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Feuerball}}: reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
* [[Ice Spikes]]: reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Eisdornen}}: reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.

== Reducing Armor Ignoring Damage ==
== Reducing Armor Ignoring Damage ==
Zeile 248: Zeile 248:

; Mesmer
; Mesmer
* [[Mistrust]]: reduced damage to 10...100.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Argwohn}}: reduced damage to {{p1|10|100|E}}.
* [[Mistrust (PvP)]]: reduced damage to 10...75; reduced recharge to 12 seconds.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Argwohn (PvP)}}: reduced damage to {{p1|10|75|E}}; reduced recharge to 12 seconds.

; Ritualist
; Ritualist
* [[Ancestors' Rage]]: lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Wut der Vorfahren}}: lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
* [[Ancestors' Rage (PvP)]]: increased damage to 1...41; lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Wut der Vorfahren (PvP)}}: increased damage to {{p1|1|41|E}}; lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
* [[Cruel Was Daoshen]]: reduced damage to 15...85.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Grausam war Daoshen}}: reduced damage to {{p1|15|85|E}}.
* [[Destructive Was Glaive]]: reduced damage to 15...85.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Vernichtend war Glaive}}: reduced damage to {{p1|15|85|E}}.
* [[Destructive Was Glaive (PvP)]]: reduced damage to 15...85.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Vernichtend war Glaive (PvP)}}: reduced damage to {{p1|15|85|E}}.
* [[Signet of Spirits]]: reduced spirit damage to 5...20.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Siegel der Geister}}: reduced spirit damage to {{p1|5|20|E}}.
* [[Spirit Rift]]: reduced damage to 25...125.
*{{Fertigkeit icon|Geisterriss}}: reduced damage to {{p1|25|125|E}}.

Mistrust retains higher damage because it cannot be stacked like Destructive was Glaive and requires a much stronger conditional to proc. For the Ritualist skills, rather than heavily lower the damage on any single skill, we felt it would be better to make several smaller reductions to certain key skills. In this way, the individual skills can retain their general usage, but builds that stacked them will suffer a larger hit in damage.
Mistrust retains higher damage because it cannot be stacked like Destructive was Glaive and requires a much stronger conditional to proc. For the Ritualist skills, rather than heavily lower the damage on any single skill, we felt it would be better to make several smaller reductions to certain key skills. In this way, the individual skills can retain their general usage, but builds that stacked them will suffer a larger hit in damage.

Version vom 9. Dezember 2011, 18:08 Uhr

Achtung: Diese Informationen stammen aus dem GWW von User:Tennessee Ernie Ford. Derzeit ist diese Seite noch eine Kopie seiner Arbeit! Um die Originalseite einzusehen besuche diese Seite!
Übersetzungs-stub.png Dieser Artikel ist eine inoffizielle GuildWiki-Übersetzung einer nur auf Englisch veröffentlichten Mitteilung an die Spieler, die inzwischen wieder entfernt wurde.

Zitat von Regina:

Note: Sorry for the confusion. The notes about the Elementalist were unintentionally published due to a technical oversight. We had originally planned to release an Elementalist skill update today, but made the decision to hold off on this update until after the holidays. Some of the reasons for this include localization issues, the fact that the Wintersday event is coming and could distract from the update, and other factors.

Skill Balance

For more information on these changes, please see the Developer Updates page.

Schwerer Modus

  • Rüstung von Gegnern im Schweren Modus reduziert.
  • Maximale Lebenspunkte von Gegnern im Schweren Modus erhöht.


  • Die Verringerung der maximalen Energiepunkte durch Erschöpfung wird nun durch eine kleine Nummer neben Symbol für Erschöpfung angegeben.



  • Verzauberung (Prophecies). 10...29...34 Sekunden lang erhaltet Ihr +40 Rüstung gegen physischen Schaden. Eure Wassermagie ist um +1 erhöht.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden verringert (war: 45); folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Euer Wassermagie-Attribut ist um +1 erhöht.“ „Endet, wenn Ihr Feuermagie benutzt.“ entfernt.
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Der Gegner erleidet 5...41...50 Punkte Blitzschaden. Der Gegner und alle umstehenden Feinde werden 3...7...8 Sekunden lang geblendet. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%. Wenn dieser Zauber einen angreifenden Gegner trifft, werden alle umstehenden Feinde ebenfalls getroffen und dieser Zauber richtet 50% mehr Schaden an.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Blendende Welle.jpg
     Blendende Welle
    : folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%. Wenn dieser Zauber einen angreifenden Gegner trifft, werden auch alle umstehenden Feinde getroffen und dieser Zauber verursacht 50% mehr Schaden.“
  • Fertigkeit (Factions). An der Position des Gegners wird ein Himmelssturm erzeugt, der 15 Sekunden lang anhält. Alle Feinde im Bereich erleiden pro Sekunde 40 Punkte Feuerschaden, 40 Punkte Kälteschaden, 40 Punkte Blitzschaden und 40 Punkte Erdschaden.
    Ohne Attribut (Elementarmagier)
    : Beschreibung verbessert.
  • Zauber (Prophecies). Der Gegner, ein Feind in seiner Nähe und ein weiterer Feind in der Nähe von letzterem erleiden 10...70...85 Punkte Blitzschaden. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : Verursacht nun immer 5 Punkte Erschöpfung anstatt bedingt 10.
  • Zauber (Factions). Am Standort des Feindes wird Aufgeworfene Erde erzeugt. In den nächsten 5 Sekunden bewirkt Aufgeworfene Erde bei Feinden in der Nähe des Ortes pro Sekunde 10...34...40 Punkte Erdschaden. Jeder Feind, der sich schneller als normal bewegt, wenn er von Aufgeworfene Erde getroffen wird, wird zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Aufgeworfene Erde.jpg
     Aufgeworfene Erde
    : Wirkzeit auf 2 Sekunden reduziert (war: 3).
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). Ihr beschwört die Macht des Drachen. 8 Sekunden lang werden ein Verbündeter und Ihr mit Doppeldrache verzaubert. Umstehende Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde 5...25...30 Punkte Feuerschaden. Wenn Ihr oder Euer Verbündeter Fertigkeiten auf einen Feind anwenden, wird dieser Feind zudem 0...2...3 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : Wirkzeit auf 1 Sekunde erhöht (war: ¾); Energiekosten auf 10 erhöht (war: 5); Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden erhöht (war: 15); Funktionalität geändert zu: „Ruft die Macht des Drachen herbei. 8 Sekunden lang werdet Ihr und der angewählte Verbündete mit Doppeldrache verzaubert. Alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden 5...25...30 Punkte Feuerschaden pro Sekunde. Wenn Ihr oder Euer Verbündeter eine Fertigkeit benutzt, die einen Gegner anwählt, brennt dieser Gegner 0...2...3 Sekunden.
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Basis). 25...53...60 Sekunden seid Ihr auf Luft, Feuer, Wasser und Erde eingestimmt und erhaltet +1...2...2 auf diese Attribute. Jedes Mal, wenn Ihr Magie in Verbindung mit einem dieser Elemente verwendet, erhaltet Ihr 50% der Basisenergiekosten der Fertigkeit zurück.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    : Dauer verändert zu 25...53...60 Sekunden; Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden reduziert (war: 30); folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt:„Ihr seid auf Luft, Feuer, Wasser und Erde eingestimmt und erhaltet +1...2...2 auf diese Attribute.
  • Zauber (Eye of the North). Der Gegner erleidet pro Energiepunkt, den Ihr habt, 1...2...2 Punkte Schaden (maximal 130 Punkte).
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    : Wiederaufladezeit reduziert auf 1,5 Sekunden (war: 2).
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). 36...55...60 Sekunden lang erhöht Energiesegen Eure maximale Gesundheit und die Eures verbündeten Ziels um 1...3...3 für jeden Punkt Eurer entsprechenden maximalen Energie. Beim Anwenden dieser Verzauberung erhaltet Ihr und Euer Ziel 1...10...12 Energiepunkte. Ihr erhaltet zudem 1 Energiepunkt pro 2 Punkte, die Ihr in Energiespeicherung habt.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    : Fertigkeitstyp geändert zu Verzauberung (war: Fertigkeit); Wirkzeit auf 1 Sekunde erhöht (war: keine); Energiekosten auf 10 erhöht (war: 5); Wiederaufladezeit auf 20 Sekunden reduziert (war: 40); Funktionalität geändert zu: „36...55...60 Sekunden lang erhöht Energiesegen Eure maximalen Lebenspunkte und die eines anvisierten Verbündeten um 1...3...3 für jeden Punkt Eurer (respective?) maximalen Energie. Wenn diese Verzauberung das erste Mal aufgetragen wird, erhaltet Ihr und der anvisierte Verbündete 1...10...12 Punkte Energie. Ihr erhaltet 1 zusätzlichen Punkt Energie für jeweils 2 Ränge Energiespeicherung.“
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Prophecies). Alle Verzauberungen gehen verloren. 8...18...20 Sekunden erhaltet Ihr eine Energieregeneration von +6. Wenn Ätherwunder endet, verliert Ihr für jeden Energiepunkt, den Ihr habt, 2 Lebenspunkte.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    : Dauer erhöht auf 8...18...20 Sekunden; Schaden pro Energiepunkt reduziert auf 2.
  • Feuerball
    Zauber (Basis). Sendet einen Feuerball aus, der dem Gegner und alle [sic] umstehenden Feinden 7...91...112 Punkte Feuerschaden zufügt.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : Wirkzeit auf 1,5 Sekunden reduziert (war: 2).
  • Verhexung (Nightfall). Wenn der Gegner an den Auswirkungen einer Wassermagie-Verhexung leidet, erleidet er 20...68...80 Punkte Kälteschaden. Ansonsten bewegt er sich 1...4...5 Sekunden lang um 66% langsamer.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Gefrierende Böe.jpg
     Gefrierende Böe
    : Wiederaufladezeit erhöht auf 8 Sekunden (war: 7).
  • Elite-Verhexung (Prophecies). 10 Sekunden lang wird der Gegner mit Schimmerndes Zeichen verhext. Er und alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde 5...21...25 Punkte Schaden. Feinde, die sich in der Wirk- oder Nachwirkzeit von einer Angriffsfertigkeit befinden, während sie von Schimmerndes Zeichen Schaden erleiden, werden 3 Sekunden lang geblendet. Diese Verhexung endet, wenn Ihr eine Fertigkeit mit diesem Gegner als Ziel verwendet.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Schimmerndes Zeichen.jpg
     Schimmerndes Zeichen
    : folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „10 Sekunden lang erleiden der Zielgegner und alle ihn umstehenden Feinde 5...21...25 Punkte Schaden pro Sekunde. Feinde, die Angriffsfertigkeiten nutzen, werden 3 Sekunden lang geblendet.“
  • Elite-Glyphe (Prophecies). Euer nächster [sic] 1...3...3 Zauber verursachen kein Überzaubern [sic] und kosten 10...22...25 Energiepunkte weniger. Eure Elementarattribute sind um 1...2...2 erhöht.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    Glyphe der Energie.jpg
     Glyphe der Energie
    : Wiederaufladezeit erhöht auf 25 Sekunden; betriftt nun die nächsten 1...3...3 Zauber; Reduzierung der Energiekosten beträgt nun 10...22...25 Punkte Energie; folgende Funktionalität hinzugefügt: „Eure Elementarattribute werden um +1...3...4 erhöht.“
  • Böe
    Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). Während der nächsten 5...10...11 Sekunden bewegen Ihr und Euer Verbündeter sich um 33% schneller. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Ziels 15...59...70 Punkte Kälteschaden. Von Böe getroffene angreifende oder sich bewegende Feinde werden zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : Funktionalität geändert zu: „5...10...11 Sekunden lang bewegt Ihr und der anvisierte Verbündete Euch um 33% schneller. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Verbündeten 15...59...70 Punkte Kälteschaden. Feinde, die angreifen oder sich bewegen, während sie von Böe getroffen werden, werden zu Boden geworfen.“
  • Verhexung (Prophecies). 8...18...20 Sekunden lang werden die Beine des Gegners von Eis umschlossen, wodurch seine Bewegungen um 66% langsamer werden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : folgende Funktionalität entfernt: „Diese Wirkung endet, wenn das Ziel Feuerschaden erleidet.“
  • Eisdornen
    Verhexung (Basis). Der Gegner sowie umstehende Feinde erleiden 20...68...80 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegen sich 2...5...6 Sekunden lang um 66% langsamer.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : Wirkzeit reduziert auf 1,5 Sekunden (war: 2).
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Der Gegner, ein Feind in seiner Nähe und ein weiterer Feind in der Nähe von letzterem erleiden 10...74...90 Punkte Blitzschaden. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Blitz herbeirufen.jpg
     Blitz herbeirufen
    : now always causes 5 Exhaustion instead of conditionally causing 10 Exhaustion.
  • Elite-Verhexung (Basis). Nach 3 Sekunden wird der Zielgegner zu Boden geworfen, erleidet 14...83...100 Punkte Blitzschaden und leidet 5...17...20 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced cost to 10 Energy; reduced casting time to 1 second; added the following functionality: "Target foe has Cracked Armor for 5...17...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 1...49...61 Sekunden lang betragen alle Eure Elementarattribute 8...13...14 und Eure Elementarzauber geben Euch 30% ihrer Energiekosten zurück.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    Meister der Magie.jpg
     Meister der Magie
    : reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed elemental attribute scaling to 8...13...14; removed Energy regeneration; removed the following functionality: "This enchantment ends if you use a non-Elementalist skill." Added the following functionality: "Your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost."
  • Elite-Zauber (Basis). Gegner und umstehende Feinde erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Feuerschaden. Falls Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleiden er und alle umstehenden Feinde zusätzlich 15...51...60 Punkte Feuerschaden und werden 1...8...10 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistige Verbrennung.jpg
     Geistige Verbrennung
    : changed functionality to: "Target foe and all adjacent foes take 15...51...60 fire damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe and all adjacent foes take an additional 15...51...60 fire damage and are set on fire for 1...7...8 seconds."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Basis). Der Gegner erleidet 10...50...60 Punkte Kälteschaden. Wenn Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleidet er zusätzlich 10...50...60 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegt sich 1...4...5 Sekunden lang um 90% langsamer. Dieser Zauber ruft Erschöpfung hervor.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistige Erfrierung.jpg
     Geistige Erfrierung [PvP]
    : increased damage to 10...50...60; increased additional damage to 10...50...60; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...4...5 seconds.
  • Datei:Mind Freeze (PvP).jpg Mind Freeze (PvP): split for PvP; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...4...5 seconds.
  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). Der Gegner erleidet 10...42...50 Punkte Blitzschaden. Wenn Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleidet er 10...42...50 Punkte zusätzlichen Blitzschaden und wird zu Boden geworfen. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistiger Schock.jpg
     Geistiger Schock [PvP]
    : reduced Exhaustion to 5.
  • Datei:Mind Shock (PvP).jpg Mind Shock (PvP): split for PvP.
  • Elite-Verhexung (Factions). Zerbrecht einen Eisspiegel. Alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe des verbündeten Ziels (bzw. Euch selbst) erleiden 15...59...70 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegen sich 2...5...6 Sekunden lang um 66% langsamer. Wenn Ihr einen Gegner trefft, der mit Wassermagie verhext ist, beträgt die Wiederaufladezeit unveränderlich 6 Sekunden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced casting time to 0.75 seconds; reduced Energy cost to 10; reduced recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "Shatter a Mirror of Ice. All foes near you and target ally take 15...59...70 cold damage and move 66% slower for 2...5...6 seconds. If you strike a foe hexed with Water Magic, Mirror of Ice recharges 50% faster.
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Prophecies). 10...38...45 Sekunden lang erleidet Ihr 33% weniger Schaden von Feinden, die an den Auswirkungen einer Wassermagie-Verhexung leiden. Immer wenn Ihr einen Elementarzauber wirkt, werden alle Verbündete [sic] in Hörweite, die keine Geister sind, um 50...210...250% der Energiekosten dieses Zaubers geheilt.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
     Nebelform [PvP]
    : reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...38...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...210...250% of the Energy cost of the spell."
  • Datei:Mist Form (PvP).jpg Mist Form (PvP): split for PvP; reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...38...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...210...250% of the Energy cost of the spell. This spell does not heal allies above 80% Health."
  • Zauber (Basis). Fügt dem Gegner 22...94...112 Punkte Schaden zu. Dieser Zauber ignoriert Rüstung.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
     Obsidianflamme [PvP]
    : reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced casting time to 1.5 seconds.
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Unternehmt einen Schattenschritt zum Ziel. Alle umstehenden Feinde werden 1...4...5 Sekunden lang geblendet. Wenn Euer Ziel ein Gegner ist, erleidet er 10...58...70 Punkte Blitzschaden. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Den Blitz reiten.jpg
     Den Blitz reiten [PvP]
    : reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...58...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...4...5 seconds."
  • Datei:Ride the Lightning (PvP).jpg Ride the Lightning (PvP): split for PvP; increased cost to 15 Energy; increased recharge to 10 seconds; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...58...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...4...5 seconds."
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Am Standort des Gegners wird ein Sandsturm erzeugt. Während der nächsten 10 Sekunden erleiden Gegner in der Nähe 10...26...30 Punkte Erdschaden pro Sekunde. Angreifende Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde zusätzlich 10...26...30 Punkte Erdschaden.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 25 seconds.
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Ihr erhaltet für jeden Eurer Energiepunkte, der durch Überzaubern [sic] eingeschränkt ist, 1 Energiepunkt und 5 Punkte Gesundheit. Ihr verliert alle Verzauberungen.
    Ohne Attribut (Elementarmagier)
    Zweite Chance.jpg
     Zweite Chance
    : reduced casting time to 1 second; reduced Exhaustion to 5; changed functionality to: "You gain 1 Energy and 5 Health for each point of Energy restricted by Exhaustion. You lose all enchantments."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Factions). Der Gegner erleidet 25...85...100 Punkte Kälteschaden und wird 3 Sekunden lang mit Trümmerstein verhext. Wenn Trümmerstein endet, erleiden der Gegner und alle Feinde in der Nähe 25...85...100 Punkte Kälteschaden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced cost to 10 Energy; changed functionality to: "Target foe is struck for 25...85...100 cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for 25...85...100 cold damage."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Alle Feinde in der Nähe leiden 1...8...10 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung, alle Feinde in dem Bereich sind 1...8...10 Sekunden lang geschwächt und umstehende Feinde werden 1...8...10 Sekunden lang geblendet. Alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Erdschaden, alle Feinde in der Nähe erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Erdschaden und alle Feinde in dem Bereich erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Erdschaden.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : changed functionality to: "All foes in the area take 15...51...60 earth damage and are Weakened for 1...8...10 seconds. Nearby foes also take +15...51...60 earth damage and have Cracked Armor for 1...8...10 seconds. Adjacent foes suffer the previous effects, take +15...51...60 earth damage, and are Blinded for 1...8...10 seconds."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Der berührte Gegner und alle Feinde im Bereich erleiden 7...91...112 Punkte Feuerschaden und werden 1...3...4 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt. Ihr erhaltet für jeden getroffenen Feind 2 Energiepunkte.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 7 seconds; changed functionality to: "Target touched foe and all foes in the area are struck for 7...91...112 fire damage and set on fire for 1...3...4 seconds. For each foe you hit, gain 2 Energy."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 5...17...20 Sekunden lang habt Ihr und ein Verbündeter +1...24...30 Rüstung und seid gegen kritische Treffer immun. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Ziels 15...59...70 Punkte Erdschaden und sind 5...17...20 Sekunden lang geschwächt.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 12 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 5...17...20 seconds, you and target ally have +1...28...35 armor and are immune to critical hits. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take 15...59...70 earth damage and are Weakened for 5...17...20 seconds."
  • Verhexung (Factions). 1...5...6 Sekunden lang werden die Beine des Gegners von Eis umschlossen, wodurch seine Bewegungen um 66% langsamer werden. Wenn der Gegner an Beschädigter Rüstung leidet, sickert die Kälte durch und verursacht 5...8...9 Lebenspunktdegeneration.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Teinais Gefängnis.jpg
     Teinais Gefängnis
    : removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). An der Position des Gegners wird eine gewaltige Stoßwelle erzeugt. Richtet beim Gegner und umstehenden Feinden 10...42...50 Punkte Blitzschaden an. Getroffene Feinde werden unterbrochen und leiden 5...17...20 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung und Schwäche. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 8 seconds; reduced damage to 10...42...50; added 25% armor penetration; changed functionality to: "Create a massive shockwave at target foe's location. Deals 10...42...50 lightning damage to target and all adjacent foes. Struck foes are interrupted and suffer from Cracked Armor and Weakness for 5...17...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Am Standort des Feindes wird Schwankender Boden erzeugt. In den nächsten 5 Sekunden erleiden Gegner in der Nähe 10...34...40 Punkte Erdschaden pro Sekunde. Angreifende Gegner, die von Schwankender Boden getroffen werden, werden zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Schwankender Boden.jpg
     Schwankender Boden
    : reduced recharge to 15 seconds.
  • Elite-Abwehrzauber (Prophecies). Errichtet an dieser Position eine Abwehr gegen Schaden. 5...13...15 Sekunden lang erhalten in diesem Bereich befindliche Verbündete, die keine Geister sind, +1...3...3 Lebenspunktregeneration. Gruppenmitglieder erhalten außerdem +12...22...24 Rüstung und doppelt so viel Rüstung gegen Elementarschaden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Abwehr gegen Schaden.jpg
     Abwehr gegen Schaden [PvP]
    : changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...13...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3...3 Health regeneration, +12...22...24 armor, and an additional +12...22...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 20 seconds."
  • Datei:Ward Against Harm (PvP).jpg Ward Against Harm (PvP): split for PvP; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...13...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3...3 Health regeneration, +12...22...24 armor, and an additional +12...22...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 30 seconds."
  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). Sendet einen schnellen Wasserdreizack aus, der dem Gegner und bis zu 2 umstehenden Feinden 10...74...90 Punkte Kälteschaden zufügt, wenn er trifft. Trifft er einen Gegner, der sich bewegt, wird dieser zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : changed functionality to: "Send out a fast-moving Water Trident, striking target foe and up to 2 adjacent foes for 10...74...90 cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down."



Developer Update - December 2011 Skill Balances

With this update, we are making some changes to Elementalists to improve their viability in PvE. Where relevant, we are also making some changes to Elementalist skills used in PvP in order to address certain powerful options and to provide some new playstyles. This update focuses mainly on improving elite skill options and adding a global change to Hard Mode foes. Even though this update is mostly limited to Elementalist elite skills, we are also addressing some normal skills for Elementalists that we felt could use some changes and a few non-Elementalist skills that have become too powerful.

  • Hard Mode
  • New Mechanics
  • Doublecast Skills
  • New Functionality
  • New Synergies
  • Bar Compression
  • Usability
  • Reduced Exhaustion Costs
  • Other Changes
  • Non-Elite Skills
  • 1.5 Second Cast Times
  • Reducing Armor Ignoring Damage
  • Conclusion

Hard Mode

  • Reduced the armor level for Hard Mode enemies.
  • Raised the maximum Health of Hard Mode enemies.

Elemental damage tends to become much less effective as enemies reach levels over 20. As a result of this, some professions, but especially Elementalists, tend to be less effective at this point in the game. While one possibility to address this issue would have been to improve the damage on skills that deal elemental damage, this would have likely resulted in the damage from creatures in Hard Mode quickly becoming unmanageable. Reducing the armor of foes and raising their Health helps keep Elementalists relevant while maintaining the overall effectiveness of professions that deal armor ignoring damage.

New Mechanics

Many Elementalist elites are surpassed by the powerful AoE skills Searing Flames and Savannah Heat. In looking to provide new options for Elementalists, we created some new mechanics that we feel can help these other underused elites.

Doublecast skills

A doublecast skill is a new type of spell that casts on you as well as your target. By utilizing proper positioning, skilled players can significantly increase the power level of these skills as well as the area that they cover. Many of these skills were reworked because they were too unwieldy to play normally due to conditionals or poor synergies with other skills. In the case of Mirror of Ice, the skill was providing too much power in PvP without being useful in PvE.

  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). Ihr beschwört die Macht des Drachen. 8 Sekunden lang werden ein Verbündeter und Ihr mit Doppeldrache verzaubert. Umstehende Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde 5...25...30 Punkte Feuerschaden. Wenn Ihr oder Euer Verbündeter Fertigkeiten auf einen Feind anwenden, wird dieser Feind zudem 0...2...3 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : increased casting time to 1 second; increased cost to 10 Energy; increased recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "Invoke the power of the Dragon. For 8 seconds, you and target ally are enchanted with Double Dragon. Adjacent foes are dealt 5...25...30 fire damage each second. Additionally, when you or your ally use skills that target a foe, that foe is set on fire for 0...2...3 seconds."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). 36...55...60 Sekunden lang erhöht Energiesegen Eure maximale Gesundheit und die Eures verbündeten Ziels um 1...3...3 für jeden Punkt Eurer entsprechenden maximalen Energie. Beim Anwenden dieser Verzauberung erhaltet Ihr und Euer Ziel 1...10...12 Energiepunkte. Ihr erhaltet zudem 1 Energiepunkt pro 2 Punkte, die Ihr in Energiespeicherung habt.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    : changed skill type to enchantment spell; increased casting time to 1 second; increased cost to 10 Energy; reduced recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 36...55...60 seconds, Energy Boon raises the maximum Health of you and target ally by 1...3...3 for each point of your respective maximum Energy. When this enchantment is first applied, you and your target gain 1...10...12 Energy. You gain an additional 1 Energy for every 2 points you have in Energy Storage."
  • Böe
    Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). Während der nächsten 5...10...11 Sekunden bewegen Ihr und Euer Verbündeter sich um 33% schneller. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Ziels 15...59...70 Punkte Kälteschaden. Von Böe getroffene angreifende oder sich bewegende Feinde werden zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : changed functionality to: "For 5...10...11 seconds, both you and target ally move 33% faster. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take 15...59...70 cold damage. Foes struck by Gust while attacking or moving are knocked down."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Factions). Zerbrecht einen Eisspiegel. Alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe des verbündeten Ziels (bzw. Euch selbst) erleiden 15...59...70 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegen sich 2...5...6 Sekunden lang um 66% langsamer. Wenn Ihr einen Gegner trefft, der mit Wassermagie verhext ist, beträgt die Wiederaufladezeit unveränderlich 6 Sekunden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced casting time to 0.75 seconds; reduced Energy cost to 10; reduced recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "Shatter a Mirror of Ice. All foes near you and target ally take 15...59...70 cold damage and move 66% slower for 2...5...6 seconds. If you strike a foe hexed with Water Magic, Mirror of Ice recharges 50% faster.
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 5...17...20 Sekunden lang habt Ihr und ein Verbündeter +1...24...30 Rüstung und seid gegen kritische Treffer immun. Wenn Ihr diesen Zauber wirkt, erleiden alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe Eures Ziels 15...59...70 Punkte Erdschaden und sind 5...17...20 Sekunden lang geschwächt.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 12 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 5...17...20 seconds, you and target ally have +1...28...35 armor and are immune to critical hits. When you cast this spell, all foes near you and your target take 15...59...70 earth damage and are Weakened for 5...17...20 seconds."

New Functionality

In addition to doublecast skills, we are also allowing some Elementalist elites to have functionality usually covered by other professions. Because these skills are elite, we feel it's OK to blur the role of the Elementalist a bit, as long as this functionality meshes with how the Elementalist normally plays.

Mist Form

  • Elite-Verzauberung (Prophecies). 10...38...45 Sekunden lang erleidet Ihr 33% weniger Schaden von Feinden, die an den Auswirkungen einer Wassermagie-Verhexung leiden. Immer wenn Ihr einen Elementarzauber wirkt, werden alle Verbündete [sic] in Hörweite, die keine Geister sind, um 50...210...250% der Energiekosten dieses Zaubers geheilt.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
     Nebelform [PvP]
    : reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...38...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...210...250% of the Energy cost of the spell."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Prophecies). 10...38...45 Sekunden lang erleidet Ihr 33% weniger Schaden von Feinden, die an den Auswirkungen einer Wassermagie-Verhexung leiden. Immer wenn Ihr einen Elementarzauber wirkt, werden alle Verbündete in Hörweite, die keine Geister sind, um 50...210...250% der Energiekosten dieses Zaubers geheilt. Dieser Zauber heilt keine Verbündeten mit mehr als 80% Gesundheit.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Nebelform (PvP).jpg
     Nebelform (PvP)
    : split for PvP; reduced cost to 5 Energy; changed functionality to: "For 10...38...45 seconds, you take 33% less damage from foes under the effect of Water Magic hexes. Whenever you cast an elemental spell, all non-spirit allies in earshot are healed for 50...210...250% of the Energy cost of the spell. This spell does not heal allies above 80% Health."

While its previous effect was fairly strong against martial professions, Mist Form had almost no effect against casters, and its one-dimensional functionality made it a difficult choice to take over most damage-dealing elites. It could also be very frustrating to use without removal. This update changes the skill into a defensive skill that also provides healing to your allies. In order to emphasize the Elementalist nature of the skill, though, the healing and damage reduction conditionals encourage offensive spell use. To prevent stacking in PvP, this skill has been split.


  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). An der Position des Gegners wird eine gewaltige Stoßwelle erzeugt. Richtet beim Gegner und umstehenden Feinden 10...42...50 Punkte Blitzschaden an. Getroffene Feinde werden unterbrochen und leiden 5...17...20 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung und Schwäche. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 8 seconds; reduced damage to 10...42...50; added 25% armor penetration; changed functionality to: "Create a massive shockwave at target foe's location. Deals 10...42...50 lightning damage to target and all adjacent foes. Struck foes are interrupted and suffer from Cracked Armor and Weakness for 5...17...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."

Due to the delay in the Dazed application, Thunderclap tended to be a poor choice as an interrupt skill, and the long recharge coupled with only hitting a single target made it a poor damage skill as well. Since Air Magic already has good AoE damage options, we've changed this skill to be more of an elite interrupt and condition-application skill. With a 1-second cast time, this skill won't outclass Mesmer interrupts but will provide bonuses for skilled Elementalists who read their opponents.

Ward Against Harm

  • Elite-Abwehrzauber (Prophecies). Errichtet an dieser Position eine Abwehr gegen Schaden. 5...13...15 Sekunden lang erhalten in diesem Bereich befindliche Verbündete, die keine Geister sind, +1...3...3 Lebenspunktregeneration. Gruppenmitglieder erhalten außerdem +12...22...24 Rüstung und doppelt so viel Rüstung gegen Elementarschaden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Abwehr gegen Schaden.jpg
     Abwehr gegen Schaden [PvP]
    : changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...13...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3...3 Health regeneration, +12...22...24 armor, and an additional +12...22...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 20 seconds."
  • Elite-Abwehrzauber (Prophecies). Errichtet an dieser Position eine Abwehr gegen Schaden. 5...13...15 Sekunden lang erhalten in diesem Bereich befindliche Verbündete, die keine Geister sind, +1...3...3 Lebenspunktregeneration. Gruppenmitglieder erhalten außerdem +12...22...24 Rüstung und doppelt so viel Rüstung gegen Elementarschaden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Abwehr gegen Schaden (PvP).jpg
     Abwehr gegen Schaden (PvP)
    : split for PvP; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 5...13...15 seconds, non-spirit allies in this area have +1...3...3 Health regeneration, +12...22...24 armor, and an additional +12...22...24 armor against elemental damage. This spell is disabled for 30 seconds."

With Ward Against Harm we are again trying something slightly different. We've given this skill a small party-healing aspect similar to how Water Magic skills function in Guild Wars 2. We hope this can provide another appealing source of party-healing utility on the Water Elementalist. Additionally, the bonus armor is now applied to all elements instead of just Fire Magic. We feel this is necessary to make it useful outside of areas like the Fire Islands. We're concerned about this skill's effects in PvP, so we've split it and may make further changes after seeing how it plays out.

New Synergies

We're also making a few smaller changes to some skills that we hope will promote some new synergies and help make some previously nonviable builds possible.

Master of Magic

  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 1...49...61 Sekunden lang betragen alle Eure Elementarattribute 8...13...14 und Eure Elementarzauber geben Euch 30% ihrer Energiekosten zurück.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    Meister der Magie.jpg
     Meister der Magie
    : reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed elemental attribute scaling to 8...13...14; removed Energy regeneration; removed the following functionality: "This enchantment ends if you use a non-Elementalist skill." Added the following functionality: "Your elemental spells return 30% of their Energy cost."

Master of Magic is held back partly by the lack of good cross-elemental synergies and an attribute level that is generally ineffective at level 20. By scaling the attribute bonus, we hope to correct this latter problem. In an update further down the line, we plan to look at cross-elemental synergy skills. The "ends on non-Elementalist skill" clause was mainly to prevent Elementalist healers from taking advantage of the bonus Energy regen, so we've removed it and the Energy regen in favor of a universal attunement to make it easier to run multiple attributes. The recharge has also been reduced to make it less vulnerable to strips.


  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Alle Feinde in der Nähe leiden 1...8...10 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung, alle Feinde in dem Bereich sind 1...8...10 Sekunden lang geschwächt und umstehende Feinde werden 1...8...10 Sekunden lang geblendet. Alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Erdschaden, alle Feinde in der Nähe erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Erdschaden und alle Feinde in dem Bereich erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Erdschaden.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : changed functionality to: "All foes in the area take 15...51...60 earth damage and are Weakened for 1...8...10 seconds. Nearby foes also take +15...51...60 earth damage and have Cracked Armor for 1...8...10 seconds. Adjacent foes suffer the previous effects, take +15...51...60 earth damage, and are Blinded for 1...8...10 seconds."

Due to the high-risk/low-reward ratio on this skill, Shockwave only has niche uses. These changes are intended to promote some synergy with other skills in Earth Magic.

Star Burst

  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Der berührte Gegner und alle Feinde im Bereich erleiden 7...91...112 Punkte Feuerschaden und werden 1...3...4 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt. Ihr erhaltet für jeden getroffenen Feind 2 Energiepunkte.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 7 seconds; changed functionality to: "Target touched foe and all foes in the area are struck for 7...91...112 fire damage and set on fire for 1...3...4 seconds. For each foe you hit, gain 2 Energy."

After reworking Double Dragon, we felt that Star Burst could remain as a PBAoE skill; however, it had very little to distinguish it from other PBAoE skills like Inferno or Flame Burst. Because these types of builds tend to have Energy problems, we reversed the previous Energy loss into Energy gain. While we don't think this will make PBAoE Elementalists very common, it will provide some better options for this type of playstyle.

Bar Compression

In some cases we found elites that could be good but didn't quite provide the level of bar compression to make them desirable over direct-damage skills.

  • Elite-Verzauberung (Basis). 25...53...60 Sekunden seid Ihr auf Luft, Feuer, Wasser und Erde eingestimmt und erhaltet +1...2...2 auf diese Attribute. Jedes Mal, wenn Ihr Magie in Verbindung mit einem dieser Elemente verwendet, erhaltet Ihr 50% der Basisenergiekosten der Fertigkeit zurück.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    : rescaled duration to 25...53...60 seconds; reduced recharge to 20 seconds; added the following functionality: "You are attuned to Air, Fire, Water, and Earth and gain +1...2...2 to these attributes."
  • Elite-Glyphe (Prophecies). Euer nächster [sic] 1...3...3 Zauber verursachen kein Überzaubern [sic] und kosten 10...22...25 Energiepunkte weniger. Eure Elementarattribute sind um 1...2...2 erhöht.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    Glyphe der Energie.jpg
     Glyphe der Energie
    : increased recharge to 25 seconds; now affects your next 1...3...3 spells; reduced Energy savings to 10...22...25; added the following functionality: "Your elemental attributes are increased by 1...3...4."

Due to the change to Master of Magic, Elemental Attunement and Glyph of Energy became a little lacking. So we are improving both of these skills with a small attribute bonus while active. The addition of an attribute bonus gives these skills some bar compression as well as a small damage boost, which Elementalists are lacking in many PvE areas. We've also increased the number of charges on Glyph of Energy to make it less cumbersome to use, though in order to keep the Energy management from becoming too good we've lowered the Energy savings per use and increased the recharge. Elemental Attunement had its duration and recharge rescaled slightly to prevent fast-casting Mesmer/Elementalists from outshining primary Elementalists using this skill.


Several of the elite skills we examined for this update simply had small usability problems. Whether it was lack of damage or a downside that didn't justify the investment, these skills required much smaller adjustments to make them more viable. In several cases the major problems were eliminated simply by allowing these skills to strike an area instead of a single target, though different buffs were necessary for others.

  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Der Gegner erleidet 5...41...50 Punkte Blitzschaden. Der Gegner und alle umstehenden Feinde werden 3...7...8 Sekunden lang geblendet. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%. Wenn dieser Zauber einen angreifenden Gegner trifft, werden alle umstehenden Feinde ebenfalls getroffen und dieser Zauber richtet 50% mehr Schaden an.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Blendende Welle.jpg
     Blendende Welle
    : added the following functionality: "This spell has 25% armor penetration. If this spell strikes an attacking foe, all adjacent foes are also struck and this spell deals 50% more damage."

While this skill sees use in PvP, its low damage makes it difficult to justify in most PvE situations. This buff is intended to bolster the overall damage a bit without turning it into a spike skill.

Given that the skill already has the downside of causing Exhaustion and losing all enchantments, we felt that some changes were in order for this skill. We felt that this skill had viability in PvP but was kept out of play due to the high damage on end and the high spec required to make it effective. We've made a small reduction in the amount of damage dealt on end and improved the scaling on this skill so it is more effective at lower ranks.

  • Elite-Verhexung (Prophecies). 10 Sekunden lang wird der Gegner mit Schimmerndes Zeichen verhext. Er und alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde 5...21...25 Punkte Schaden. Feinde, die sich in der Wirk- oder Nachwirkzeit von einer Angriffsfertigkeit befinden, während sie von Schimmerndes Zeichen Schaden erleiden, werden 3 Sekunden lang geblendet. Diese Verhexung endet, wenn Ihr eine Fertigkeit mit diesem Gegner als Ziel verwendet.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Schimmerndes Zeichen.jpg
     Schimmerndes Zeichen
    : added the following functionality: "For 10 seconds, target foe and all foes adjacent to your target take 5...21...25 damage each second. Foes using attack skills are Blinded for 3 seconds."

While the damage on this skill for a single target is good, its cancel condition makes it difficult to use. To improve its use for PvE, we've added a Blind effect and increased its radius to hit adjacent foes.

  • Elite-Verhexung (Basis). Nach 3 Sekunden wird der Zielgegner zu Boden geworfen, erleidet 14...83...100 Punkte Blitzschaden und leidet 5...17...20 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced cost to 10 Energy; reduced casting time to 1 second; added the following functionality: "Target foe has Cracked Armor for 5...17...20 seconds. This spell has 25% armor penetration."

While the knockdown on this skill is useful and powerful, we felt a buff was justified given the skill's long casting cost and 3-second delay before activation. With the addition of Cracked Armor and a reduction in cost and casting time, we feel that this skill can now fit into a larger variety of builds.

  • Elite-Verhexung (Factions). Der Gegner erleidet 25...85...100 Punkte Kälteschaden und wird 3 Sekunden lang mit Trümmerstein verhext. Wenn Trümmerstein endet, erleiden der Gegner und alle Feinde in der Nähe 25...85...100 Punkte Kälteschaden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced cost to 10 Energy; changed functionality to: "Target foe is struck for 25...85...100 cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for 25...85...100 cold damage."

Even though this skill has good overall damage and a modest recharge, it generally stacks up poorly against other Elementalist elites that deal damage. By reducing the cost and adding a new AoE component to the end of the skill, we feel it is more justified as an elite skill.

  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). Sendet einen schnellen Wasserdreizack aus, der dem Gegner und bis zu 2 umstehenden Feinden 10...74...90 Punkte Kälteschaden zufügt, wenn er trifft. Trifft er einen Gegner, der sich bewegt, wird dieser zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : changed functionality to: "Send out a fast-moving Water Trident, striking target foe and up to 2 adjacent foes for 10...74...90 cold damage if it hits. If it hits a moving foe, that foe is knocked down."

Water Trident's conditional effect and damage were a little too weak to use in most PvE situations, so we've given it an AoE component similar to Lava Arrows as well as a small damage buff.

Reduced Exhaustion Costs

The Exhaustion mechanic is unique in Guild Wars in that it is a resource that cannot be manipulated by any skill; this makes it one of our strongest balancing mechanisms. However, because all skills that cause Exhaustion cause the same amount of Exhaustion, it often becomes difficult to properly balance the skill's effectiveness with the fixed Exhaustion penalty. As a result, we usually see players take the single most powerful Exhaustion skill they can find and ignore everything else for fear of getting too Exhausted. We're taking this opportunity to introduce skills that cause 5 points of Exhaustion instead of 10. We feel this change will make these skills more appealing while giving us better control over Elementalist skills in the future. Due to this change, Exhaustion will now be shown as a number followed by a gray dot with a downward arrow in the UI rather than using the phrase "This spell causes Exhaustion."

The addition of lowered Exhaustion costs to the game gave us better ways to balance existing skills. In the case of Invoke Lightning, Exhaustion was intended as a metering mechanic, but given the long uptime of Elementalist enchantments this weakness almost never showed up. With a guaranteed Exhaustion amount of 5, this skill should be much more balanced for teams in PvP. Chain Lightning, a similar skill, was also changed in this way.

  • Elite-Zauber (Basis). Gegner und umstehende Feinde erleiden 15...51...60 Punkte Feuerschaden. Falls Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleiden er und alle umstehenden Feinde zusätzlich 15...51...60 Punkte Feuerschaden und werden 1...8...10 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt.
    Attribut: Feuermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistige Verbrennung.jpg
     Geistige Verbrennung
    : changed functionality to: "Target foe and all adjacent foes take 15...51...60 fire damage. If you have more Energy than target foe, that foe and all adjacent foes take an additional 15...51...60 fire damage and are set on fire for 1...7...8 seconds."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Basis). Der Gegner erleidet 10...50...60 Punkte Kälteschaden. Wenn Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleidet er zusätzlich 10...50...60 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegt sich 1...4...5 Sekunden lang um 90% langsamer. Dieser Zauber ruft Erschöpfung hervor.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistige Erfrierung.jpg
     Geistige Erfrierung [PvP]
    : increased damage to 10...50...60; increased additional damage to 10...50...60; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...4...5 seconds.
  • Elite-Verhexung (Basis). Der Gegner erleidet 10...34...40 Punkte Kälteschaden. Wenn Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleidet er zusätzlich 10...34...40 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegt sich 1...4...5 Sekunden lang um 90% langsamer. Dieser Zauber ruft Erschöpfung hervor.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistige Erfrierung (PvP).jpg
     Geistige Erfrierung (PvP)
    : split for PvP; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced recharge to 5 seconds; reduced duration to 1...4...5 seconds.
  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). Der Gegner erleidet 10...42...50 Punkte Blitzschaden. Wenn Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleidet er 10...42...50 Punkte zusätzlichen Blitzschaden und wird zu Boden geworfen. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistiger Schock.jpg
     Geistiger Schock [PvP]
    : reduced Exhaustion to 5.
  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). Der Gegner erleidet 10...42...50 Punkte Blitzschaden. Wenn Ihr mehr Energie als der Gegner habt, erleidet er 10...42...50 Punkte zusätzlichen Blitzschaden und wird zu Boden geworfen. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Geistiger Schock (PvP).jpg
     Geistiger Schock (PvP)
    : split for PvP.

We felt the Mind skills could use some small buffs to better justify their conditional secondary effects and Exhaustion. As a Fire spell it made sense for Mind Burn to at least have an AoE component while Mind Freeze simply didn't do enough damage to justify its Exhaustion. We've reduced the Exhaustion costs on both of these skills in order to make them more usable. Mind Shock is a dangerous spike skill, which still sees use in PvP, so we've split it and only reduced the Exhaustion cost for this skill in PvE.

  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Unternehmt einen Schattenschritt zum Ziel. Alle umstehenden Feinde werden 1...4...5 Sekunden lang geblendet. Wenn Euer Ziel ein Gegner ist, erleidet er 10...58...70 Punkte Blitzschaden. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Den Blitz reiten.jpg
     Den Blitz reiten [PvP]
    : reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...58...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...4...5 seconds."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Unternehmt einen Schattenschritt zum Ziel. Alle umstehenden Feinde werden 1...4...5 Sekunden lang geblendet. Wenn Euer Ziel ein Gegner ist, erleidet er 10...58...70 Punkte Blitzschaden. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Den Blitz reiten (PvP).jpg
     Den Blitz reiten (PvP)
    : split for PvP; increased cost to 15 Energy; increased recharge to 10 seconds; reduced Exhaustion to 5; reduced damage to 10...58...70; you can now teleport to allies as well as enemies; added the following functionality: "All adjacent foes are Blinded for 1...4...5 seconds."

Ride the Lightning is a dangerous and expensive skill for the low-armored Elementalist to use and has further problems due to the lack of strong PBAoE skills in Air Magic. This change adds in Blind to protect the Elementalist for a short time in this dangerous position and allows it to target allies as well as enemies for increased movement options. Because reducing the Exhaustion without any other changes would likely make this skill overpowered in PvP, we've split the skill and raised the recharge and Energy cost to compensate.

  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Ihr erhaltet für jeden Eurer Energiepunkte, der durch Überzaubern [sic] eingeschränkt ist, 1 Energiepunkt und 5 Punkte Gesundheit. Ihr verliert alle Verzauberungen.
    Ohne Attribut (Elementarmagier)
    Zweite Chance.jpg
     Zweite Chance
    : reduced casting time to 1 second; reduced Exhaustion to 5; changed functionality to: "You gain 1 Energy and 5 Health for each point of Energy restricted by Exhaustion. You lose all enchantments."

Second Wind is a skill that has a unique interaction with the Exhaustion mechanic. While it doesn't see a lot of use it can be fairly powerful under the right conditions. We've lowered the casting time and Exhaustion caused by this skill in order to improve its use. Additionally, it now heals the caster to provide some bar compression. Testing revealed that these changes could potentially bring back certain undesirable smite builds to PvP, so we've added a clause that removes all enchantments to prevent this from happening. Because the skill provides both Health and Energy now, we don't feel this will negatively impact most builds.

Other Changes

A few other skills we felt simply need small adjustments to make them competitive with other options.

  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Am Standort des Gegners wird ein Sandsturm erzeugt. Während der nächsten 10 Sekunden erleiden Gegner in der Nähe 10...26...30 Punkte Erdschaden pro Sekunde. Angreifende Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde zusätzlich 10...26...30 Punkte Erdschaden.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 25 seconds.

Non-Elite Skills

While we are saving most of the changes to non-elite skills for a later update, we feel that there are a few worth making with this update.

In order to match Invoke Lightning, Chain Lightning now also causes 5 Exhaustion unconditionally.

  • Zauber (Factions). Am Standort des Feindes wird Aufgeworfene Erde erzeugt. In den nächsten 5 Sekunden bewirkt Aufgeworfene Erde bei Feinden in der Nähe des Ortes pro Sekunde 10...34...40 Punkte Erdschaden. Jeder Feind, der sich schneller als normal bewegt, wenn er von Aufgeworfene Erde getroffen wird, wird zu Boden geworfen.
    Attribut: Erdmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Aufgeworfene Erde.jpg
     Aufgeworfene Erde
    : reduced casting time to 2 seconds.

Given its casting time and short duration, we felt that the activation on this skill could be reduced a bit.

With improvements to Mind Freeze and Mirror of Ice, we wanted to tone down the power slightly on this staple of Water Elementalists in order to keep the build as a whole from becoming too powerful.

  • Verzauberung (Prophecies). 10...29...34 Sekunden lang erhaltet Ihr +40 Rüstung gegen physischen Schaden. Eure Wassermagie ist um +1 erhöht.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : reduced recharge to 20 seconds; added the following functionality: "You have +1 Water Magic." Removed "Ends if you use Fire Magic."
  • Verhexung (Prophecies). 8...18...20 Sekunden lang werden die Beine des Gegners von Eis umschlossen, wodurch seine Bewegungen um 66% langsamer werden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."
  • Verhexung (Factions). 1...5...6 Sekunden lang werden die Beine des Gegners von Eis umschlossen, wodurch seine Bewegungen um 66% langsamer werden. Wenn der Gegner an Beschädigter Rüstung leidet, sickert die Kälte durch und verursacht 5...8...9 Lebenspunktdegeneration.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    Teinais Gefängnis.jpg
     Teinais Gefängnis
    : removed the following functionality: "This effect ends if target takes fire damage."

The fire damage aspect of these skills ran counter to the idea that elemental attribute lines can be mixed. By removing this restriction, we hope to encourage more mixing of attribute lines. In the case of Armor of Frost, we noticed that it was still numerically inferior to skills like Armor of Mist and Frigid Armor, so we lowered its recharge and added a small attribute bonus.

1.5 Second Cast Times

In addition to trying out lowered Exhaustion costs with this update, we are also examining the option of further gradation of skill activation times. While flat one- and two-second cast times work for the majority of skills, there are several skills that are numerically inferior at two seconds, but would be far too powerful at one second. For now we are only comfortable releasing a few skills with this new casting time, but we will be examining more candidates for this change in future updates.

Reducing Armor Ignoring Damage

This update also makes some changes to some skills on other professions that deal armor-ignoring damage. Because of the higher armor in Hard Mode, these skills often mean that Elementalists are displaced as damage dealers. While we feel that these professions should be able to deal damage in these situations, the amount of armor-ignoring damage they are dealing is far higher than is reasonable when compared to Elementalist skills with similar effects.

  • Fertigkeit (Factions). 1 Sekunde lang geschieht nichts. Wenn diese Fertigkeit endet erleiden alle den Verbündeten (bzw. Euch selbst) umstehenden Feinde 5...89...110 Blitzschaden.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Wut der Vorfahren.jpg
     Wut der Vorfahren [PvP]
    : lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
  • Fertigkeit (Factions). 3 Sekunden lang erleiden alle den Verbündeten (bzw. Euch selbst) umstehenden Feinde pro Sekunde 1...33...41 Punkte Blitzschaden.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Wut der Vorfahren (PvP).jpg
     Wut der Vorfahren (PvP)
    : increased damage to 1...33...41; lightning damage from this skill no longer ignores armor.
  • Gegenstandszauber (Factions). Haltet Daoshens Asche bis zu 15...51...60 Sekunden lang. Während Ihr seine Asche haltet, haben alle Ritualisten-Fertigkeiten eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 10%. Wenn Ihr seine Asche fallen lasst, erleiden alle Feinde in der Nähe 15...71...85 Punkte Blitzschaden.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Grausam war Daoshen.jpg
     Grausam war Daoshen
    : reduced damage to 15...71...85.
  • Elite-Gegenstandszauber (Nightfall). Haltet Glaives Asche bis zu 30...54...60 Sekunden lang. Während Ihr ihre Asche haltet, haben alle Ritualisten-Fertigkeiten eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 20%. Wenn Ihr ihre Asche fallen lasst, erleiden alle Feinde in dem Bereich 15...71...85 Punkte Blitzschaden.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Vernichtend war Glaive.jpg
     Vernichtend war Glaive [PvP]
    : reduced damage to 15...71...85.
  • Elite-Gegenstandszauber (Nightfall). Haltet Glaives Asche bis zu 30...54...60 Sekunden lang. Während Ihr ihre Asche haltet, haben alle Ritualisten-Fertigkeiten eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 10%. Wenn Ihr ihre Asche fallen lasst, erleiden alle Feinde in dem Bereich 15...71...85 Punkte Blitzschaden.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Vernichtend war Glaive (PvP).jpg
     Vernichtend war Glaive (PvP)
    : reduced damage to 15...71...85.
  • Elite-Siegel (Factions). Erstellt 3 Geister der Stufe 1...10...12. Diese Geister fügen mit Angriffen 5...17...20 Punkte Schaden zu und sterben nach 60 Sekunden.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Siegel der Geister.jpg
     Siegel der Geister [PvP]
    : reduced spirit damage to 5...17...20.
  • Zauber (Factions). An der Position des Gegners wird ein Geisterriss erzeugt. Nach 3 Sekunden erleiden alle umstehenden Feinde 25...105...125 Punkte Blitzschaden. Wenn Geisterriss endet, leiden die im Wirkungsbereich befindlichen Feinde 1...16...20 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung.
    Attribut: Kanalisierungsmagie (Ritualist)
    : reduced damage to 25...105...125.

Mistrust retains higher damage because it cannot be stacked like Destructive was Glaive and requires a much stronger conditional to proc. For the Ritualist skills, rather than heavily lower the damage on any single skill, we felt it would be better to make several smaller reductions to certain key skills. In this way, the individual skills can retain their general usage, but builds that stacked them will suffer a larger hit in damage.


We're introducing several somewhat radical changes to Elementalists with this update, but we feel that these changes will help give the Elementalist a stronger place in high-end PvE as well as provide new and exciting ways to play the profession in other formats. In the next few months, we'll evaluate the shifts created in the metagame as a result of these changes and make further adjustments to skills that are not in line with our intentions. Additionally, we'll be working a second update to address issues with some of the Elementalist non-elite skills as the elites in this update settle into their places.