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Version vom 6. Juli 2006, 17:05 Uhr


Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit von Charakteren getragenen Ausrüstungsstücken. Dinge, wie zum Beispiel Fähigkeiten, die die Rüstung beeinflussen, werden unter armor level behandelt. Rüstungen werden von Charakteren getragen, um sich vor Angriffen zu schützen. Schilde zählen als Zweitwaffen, nicht als Rüstung.


Im Kampf entscheidet die richtige Rüstung oft über Leben und Tod. Welche Rüstungen ein Charakter tragen kann, hängt von seiner primären Klasse ab. Es gibt Rüstungsteile für fünf Körperteile, deren Rüstungsschutz sich keineswegs ergänzt: Er gilt jeweils nur für das entsprechende Körperteil. Wie oft man an welcher Stelle getroffen wird, zeigen die folgenden Prozentsätze:

 Kopf: 12,5% aller körperlichen (physischen) Angriffe, falls der Angreifer höher als der Angegriffene steht       steigt der Prozentsatz.
 Brust: 37,5% aller körperlichen Angriffe und alle Direktschadenszauber.
 Hände und Füße: Jeweils 12,5 % aller physischen Angriffe
 Beine: 25% aller körperlichen Angriffe.

Es wird oft behauptet, das spezielle Zauber jeweils spezifische Körperteile treffen. Beweise hierfür existieren allerdings nicht.

Inwiefern Rüstungsschutz den genommenen Schaden reduziert, lässt sich unter Schaden nachlesen.

Each profession has access to "Basic" Armors, which provide standard modifications. For example, the Ranger's Basic Armor is the Leather Armor, which provides +30 AL against elemental attacks. Other armor sets usually provide additional bonuses. For example, a Ranger can purchase a Drakescale Vest, Gloves, Leggings, and Boots, known collectively as Drakescale Armor (or the Drakescale Set). This Armor provides bonus against fire damage, in addition to the +30 AL against elemental attacks that is standard for all ranger armors. The bonuses for a few armor sets are global, meaning only one piece of armor is needed for the bonus to be applied to the whole body, and equipping more than one piece will not increase the bonus effect. A few other armor sets have various penalities as a trade-off for their bonuses. Thus, the standard armor isn't always the worst armor in terms of bonuses (or the lack thereof), depending on what you value.

Most armor sets do not have a corresponding headgear. Typically, each class has a "standard" piece of headgear that has the same armor characteristics of their Standard Armor. In place of set headgear that provides various bonuses (such as +AL against piercing, +AL against lightning damage, etc.), each character has a selection of headgear that provides a +1 to a single attribute. For example, there are five pieces of Mesmer Headgear available: The standard mask, and a mask for each of the four Mesmer attributes: +1 Beherrschungsmagie, +1 Schnellwirkung, +1 Illusionsmagie, and +1 Inspirationsmagie. The sole exception is the warriors, who have both attribute headgears and set headgears for most sets (which also provide attribute boosts on top of the set bonuses).

Finally, there are some independent armor items available for Nekromants and Krieger. Nekromanten can purchase Blutbefleckte Stiefel, which decrease the casting time of corpse-exploitation skills. Krieger can purchase Seinstulpenhandschuhe, which increase knockdown time.

If you're interested in what a particular set of armor looks like, a good way to check is by creating a PvP character and playing with the equipment selection available. This won't have nearly all the armors available, but it will have at least three varieties to check out. Pictures are also generally available here within the articles for each armor type.

Obtaining Armor

All armor is customized for their owners, thus traded armor cannot be equipped (unless you trade it away and trade the same one back).



PvP characters only have access to one armor piece per body location, chosen at character creation. The good news is, the armor is free and at max armor level. For armor sets that have the same bonus stats, only one of those sets is available for PvP characters. The standard armor is not available at all.

All Armors available for PvP only characters are listed as PvP Armor. Check the Armor Sets section for more information on stats and art work.

Special Events

Certain special in-game events (usually as reference to real world celebrations) may provide players with fun-looking armors. They typically come pre-customized, cannot be dyed, has 0 armor level, but can be upgraded with runes.

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