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Schaden ist in Guild Wars das Ergebnis einer Aktion, die vom Angreifer verursacht wird und die eine bestimmte Anzahl von Leben abzieht. Diese Definiion beinhaltet viele Angiffe oder Fertigkeiten (einschließlich der Zauber), dazu gehören aber 'nicht Lebenspunktedegneration, Leben entziehen, Opferung oder Lebenspunkteverlust durch Fertigkeiten wie Leben einflößen oder Illuion der Schwäche.

Wenn ein Angreifer Schaden an einem Ziel verursacht, sind folgende Faktoren zubeachten:

  • Der Schadenstyp, wie feuer oder stumpf. Die Menge des Schadens, die verursacht wird, hängt von der Rüstungsstufe und dem Widerstand zu diesem Schadenstyp des Verteidiger ab.
  • Die Fähigkeit des Angreifers, das Schaden zuzufügen.
  • Die Fähigkeit des Ziels, diesem Schaden zu widerstehen.
  • Bonies auf beiden Seiten. Ein Angreifer kann ein Bonus haben, der den Schaden vergrößern und das Ziel kann einen Bonus, der den Schaden verringern.


Es gibt viele einzelne Schadenstypen und zwei nennenswerte Kategorien von Schaden, elementar und physischer.

Elementar-Schaden Physischer Schaden Speziele Schadenstypen1 Andere Schadenstypen
1Schaden dieser Typen sind nur in Fertigkeiten verfügbar. Der verursachte Schaden ist direkter Schaden, die die Rüstung ignoriert. (sieh Ausnahmen weiter unten)
2Erd-Schaden der Dust Trap ignoriert Rüstung und den Effekt des Winters als elementar Schaden.
3Stich-Schaden der Wirbelverteidigung ignoriert Rüstung und den Effekt des Großflächenbrands als physischer Schaden.
4Einblick des Richters ist die einzige Ausnahme, wo der Heilige Schaden die Rüstung nicht ignoriert.

Eine Einfache Schadensberechnung

Note: For simplicity, on this page the term attack describes any attempt to Schaden an opponent. However, whenever the word "attack" is used in skill descriptions, it refers to the attack action.

There are many different factors to consider while calculating Schaden. To avoid confusion, this section presents a simplified Schaden calculation which only takes into consideration the more common factors.

The Approximate Schaden (ApproxD) depends on the Raw Schaden (RD) and the Armor Effect (AE).

ApproxD = BD × AE;

For attacks that ignore armor, AE is set to 1.

Raw Schaden

Skill-based offense (like Shock) have a specific raw Schaden (RD) value indicated in the skill description.

Weapons attacks select RD each time uniformly from the Schaden range of the weapon. For weapons that have an attribute requirement on their Schaden range, there is actually another hidden range used for when the attacker does not meet the requirement (see here for details).

Schaden/Armor effect

Effective Schaden

The Effective Schaden (ED) considers all the Schaden Modifiers that were dropped when calculating the Approximate Schaden. The ED depends on the Raw Schaden (RD), various Schaden Modifiers (D*), and the Armor Effect (AE).

ED = [([RD × DScale× AE ] + DShift) × DMult] + DNeg

Again, for attacks that ignore armor, AE is set to 1, essentially removing it from the equation.

Schaden/Schaden Modifiers

Schaden Cap and Redirection

Certain enchantments will restrict the maximam Schaden the target can receive, or redirect some of the Schaden away from the target, thus making the received Schaden less than the Effective Schaden. Cap is always applied before redirection.


Every 8 ranks in a physical Schaden attribute thus doubles the net noncaster Schaden caused; similarly, every 13 character levels doubles caster Schaden. The accounting per rank or level is as follows: every rank in attack attributes scales the Schaden by exactly a factor of 2(1/8) (roughly 9%), and every character level scales the caster Schaden by 23/40 (roughly 5.33%). Note that the effect of cumulative ranks or levels is compounded; for example, 5 ranks in an attack attribute doesn't increase Schaden by 45%, but by (1.095 - 1) × 100 ≈ 53%.

It is important to keep in mind that certain skills such as Greater Conflagration and Judge's Insight change the Schaden type, and therefore can have an effect on AL bonuses or DL calculation. The articles on these skills explain their Schaden type changes in more detail. Only in the early PvE game, advanced PvE areas, or in exceptional situations is the EffectiveAL actually less than the EffectiveDL, so the AE generally always reduces the effective Schaden. The philosophy behind the AE scale can be seen as follows: in the prototypical case where the attacker and target are roughly equal PvP players, the attacker's ranked 12 noncaster attack or normal caster attack at character level 20 will exactly negate the target's EffectiveAL of 60 (standard for all spellcaster PvP armor). The AE equation gives us a handy rule of thumb: every 40 increase (decrease) in EffectiveAL halves (doubles) the amount of normal Schaden (i.e., Schaden not caused by armor ignoring attacks). A Warrior with 100 armor against physical Schaden being whacked by a sword will take half as much Schaden as any 60 armor Elementalist being whacked by the same sword. Skills such as Healing Signet temporarily reduce AL by 40, which translates to double Schaden for normal attacks. An increase of approximately 16 armor would correspond to taking 75% Schaden. (Many ranger armors such as Drakescale or Frostbound Armor give AL bonuses of +15.)

Handy Simplification:

eAL = (Your Current AL - 60)

1 / (2^(eAL/40)) = ~Schaden Taken %

Consider a Mesmer, an Elementalist, and a Ranger being hit by the same attribute level 16, caster level 20 Fireball. The Mesmer with only 60 armor takes all 119 Schaden. The Elementalist has Pyromancer's Armor with 75 armor against fire and takes 92. The Ranger wears Druid's Armor which has 100 armor against elemental Schaden so he takes 60 Schaden.

Illustrative Examples


Related Articles

Original References

The present article is built on the results of the research laid out in the following article, with additional original research conducted by users of the GuildWiki.