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- Muss einem Begleithandangriff folgen. Wenn dieser Angriff erfolgreich ist, fügt er für jeden wieder aufzuladenen Dolchangriff +5...12 Punkte Schaden (maximaler Bonus 50) zu.
- Blades of Steel's recharge is included when determining damage dealt.
- If you are going for a high-energy-usage build using many dagger skills, Blades of Steel can deal very high damage. An example combo is Black Mantis Thrust, Jungle Strike, Horns of the Ox, Falling Spider, and finish with Blades of Steel. Moebius Strike could also be tacked on after Blades of Steel.
- This skill bears the same name as the ice hockey game by Konami.
- This skill's icon resembles the villian Carnage from the Spider-Man series.