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- 7 Sekunden lang erhalten Shiros Angriffe Lebensentzug im Ausmaß des höchsten Schadens, den er erleidet, während er diese Haltung einnimmt.
- As an example: If he activates it, and then suddenly gets hit for 40 damage, he will continue to steal 40 damage on each hit. This effect will end if: the stance ends, or, he takes damage higher than 40.
- The attacks only steal life on hit, so blindness works wonders.
- Skills such as Wild Blow that end stances are also effective.
- The skill has a very short recharge time, so unless the stance is ended prematurely Shiro is able keep it up over half of the time by frequently refreshing it. This is Shiro's main source of healing.
- Battle Scars has no energy cost and has a recharge time of 11 seconds. Like all stances, it activates instantly.
- When Shiro uses this skill in combination with Impossible Odds, he will be able to steal a tremendous amount of health from several party members at once. Aside from the healing benefit this will give him, it will also usually kill most characters almost instantly if he's even taken light damage in the stance. It is imperative in this situation to run from him or end the stance.
- Because of this stance, it can be dangerous to use high-power armor-ignoring skills like Obsidian Flame, as they will shoot his life-stealing abilities into the stratosphere.
- The stance only affects standard damage, life-stealing will not effect it no matter how great the amount, such as the affects from Ravenous Gaze or Grenth's Balance.