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Aura des Lich

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15...39 Sekunden lang werden Eure maximalen Lebenspunkte um die Hälfte reduziert, aber Ihr erleidet nur halb so viel Schaden aus allen Quellen. Wenn Aura des Lich endet, erfahrt ihr Heilung in Höhe von 50...202 Lebenspunkten.


Todesmagie 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Dauer 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 ? ?
Heilung 50 63 75 88 101 113 126 139 151 164 177 189 202 215 227 240 253 265 278 ? ?

Wie erlangt man diese Fertigkeit?

Siegel der Erbeutung:



  • It is very important to note that Aura of the Lich does not simply reduce your max health by half as the description says; it actually also causes your current health to decrease by half your max health (but no lower than 1). As such, be careful when activating this skill as you may be reduced to just 1 health if you have taken quite a bit of damage.
  • The amount of health sacrificed is actually divided by four relative to the amount sacrificed when without Aura of the Lich. The actual amount sacrifice is also halved, even though sacrifice is not normally treated as "damage".
    • This is best illustrated with an example: With 455 max health, casting Blood Renewal (which requires a 25% sacrifice) normally results in a 114 health sacrifice. If Aura of the Lich is cast first, casting Blood Renewal only sacrifices 28 health instead. This is equal to 455 / 2 / 4 / 2, rounded (1/2 due to change in max health, 1/4 due to 25% sacrifice, and the final 1/2 due to 1/2 damage prevention).
  • Aura of the Lich is often combined with Dark Aura and other sacrifice skills that deal damage. Dark Aura will deal significant extra damage while Aura of the Lich will help counteract the extra health lost. Touch of Agony particularly suits Dark Aura for this.
  • The downside of Aura of the Lich is that health degeneration will kill twice as quickly, since maximum health is halved but degeneration is not affected. It is therefore advisable to bring a way to provide health regeneration, like Blood Renewal, Life Siphon, Well of Blood or, for monk secondaries, Healing Breeze in order to counteract degenerative hexes and conditions.
  • Aura of the Lich also does not reduce life loss due to life stealing, such as from Vampiric Gaze or a vampiric weapon upgrade.
  • The best way to counter health degeneration is to end Aura of the Lich prematurely by using spells like Contemplation of Purity.
  • It is no longer possible to recast this enchantment before it wears off and immediately obtain the healing from the previous Aura of the Lich "ending". However, all previous castings will heal you at the time they would naturally end from the passage of time (whether or not you have since recast Aura of the Lich), or when they are removed. If Aura of the Lich is removed, you are healed for each unexpired "copy" you have cast -- potentially 700+ or even 900+ life with faster recharge equipment.

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