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Vorlage:Übersetzungs-stub Balthazar faction points are awarded to players in PvP battles. Faction is spent at a Priest of Balthazar who unlocks skills, weapon upgrades and runes to be used by PvP characters on the account. Once a player has unlocked every skill, rune, insignia and weapon upgrade, the only thing left to use Balthazar Faction on is Tournament Tokens.

Faction is recorded per account and can only be kept up to a limited cap, initially 10,000 faction. Once the cap is met the account stops earning faction. The cap may be increased by gaining ranks in the Gladiator, Hero, Champion or Commander title tracks.

Maximum faction cap is 235,000. 10,000(Starting Point) + 60,000(Max Gladiator) + 60,000(Max Hero) + 60,000(Max Champion) + 45,000(Max Commander) = 235,000.

You can see how much faction you have towards your cap by pressing the 'H' key in game. By hovering the mouse pointer over the faction bar you can see how much faction you have earned - this total does not include any faction you may have earned while at the faction cap.

Earning faction

Each of the different PvP types offered in Guild Wars has different faction rewards for unique kill and victory. There is also bonus faction awarded for flawless victory and in some cases consecutive victories.

PvP Arena Unique kill Victory Flawless victory 5 consecutive Notes
Ascalon Arena 10 10 10 10
Shiverpeak Arena 20 20 20 20
Team/Random Arenas 40 50 50 50
Tournament 40 200 to 800 200 - Reward depends on the map, early maps award 200 faction, later maps 400. The Hall of Heroes awards 800 faction for victory.
Guild versus Guild 40 1,000 to 4,000 200 to 800 - Actual reward depends on guild rating, the minimum given at rating 1000, the maximum at rating 1600.
Faction gain is restricted for two weeks after joining a guild. Faction earned increases by 1/14 of the full reward each day until full faction reward is given.
Hero Battle 20 0 to 100 - - Faction given for each kill or for holding a shrine
Faction for victory is awarded at 10 faction for every 2 morale points you have
Competitive Mission 6 - - - Faction is given per kill not unique kill
Alliance Battle 10 - - - Faction is given per kill not unique kill
Training Arenas 40 50 50 50 This covers Training Arenas, Zaishen Challenge and Zaishen Elite. The faction earned from these arenas is capped, only 2000 faction may be earned from these training arenas each 24 hours.


There are also two tradeable items that award Balthazar faction when used:


Faction was not in the original Guild Wars on release. It was added to the game in June 2005 after player feedback about not wanting to play PvE to unlock skills for PvP. The rate at which faction is awarded has been increased several times since its introduction.

It used to be true that the only way to get perfect weapons was from PVE play. Also added is an option to unlock all skills (as a purchase). These changes make it easier to be a PVP specialist, and reduce any need to be an all around PVE/PVP player.

Due to increasing ease in obtaining skills, weapons, and armor, some players now specialize in PVP. Players with limited play time may find it increasingly difficult to compete at competitive levels of play as a PVE/PVP player.


  • Once you have reached your faction cap, instead of a normal message informing you that you may receive an award, you receive a message that says you have reached perfection in the eyes of Balthazar. This message simply indicates that you cannot receive anymore faction points for Balthazar and has no other effect.

Englische Bezeichnung: Balthazar faction