Schrein der Heiligen Anjeka

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Schrein der Heiligen Anjeka
Schrein der Heiligen Anjeka.jpg
Typ Außenposten
Kampagne Factions
Region Echowald
Gruppengröße Unbekannt
Farntal, Drazachdickicht



Considered sacred ground to the Kurzicks, this shrine marks the spot where Saint Anjeka was struck down by raiding Luxons. Witnesses to the event that day claimed that Anjeka tried to dissuade the invaders from bloodshed by speaking the glory of the gods, but when a Luxon spear pierced her heart in the middle of her sermon, all hope of peace was shattered.


From Haus zu Heltzer, head south across Farntal along the western edge. Or, if coming from Brauer-Akademie, head northwest.

The quest A New Escort will lead you here.
