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Aus GuildWiki
Version vom 00:09, 24. Aug. 2007 von Redeemer (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Update - 23. August 2007

Territory and District UI Changes

  • Travel between European and American districts is now available through the District List and the map travel dialog panel.
  • The Change Territory button has been removed from the Edit Account panel in the Character Selection Screen.
  • The District List and the map travel district menu have been updated to include a "More Options" button. Selecting this button opens a new dialog panel for travel to districts divided by territory and language.
  • This panel also allows you to choose which numbered district to travel to, instead of automatically taking you to the active district.
  • Players will now log in to the territory and language of the last outpost they visited.

Bug Fixes


  • Added new ranks to the Kind of a Big Deal title track.
  • Re-enabled the reconnect after disconnect feature.
  • The Text Language drop-down list found in the Options [F11] panel now displays all language entries in both your current language choice as well as each entry's language.
  • The Party panel can once again be resized vertically. It still re-sizes automatically whenever members are added or removed.
  • To avoid players accidentally expanding or collapsing groups listed within the Party panel, players must now click on the [+] button to expand or collapse these groups.