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Version vom 22:46, 8. Jun. 2007 von Tobias Xy (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Spezies Mensch Krieger-icon-blass.png
Klasse Krieger
Stufe 3...20
Kampagne Unbekannt

Stephan, Kämpfer-Gefolgsmann

Stephan ist von Ascalon bis zur Feste Donnerkopf verfügbar, wo er von Devona ersetzt wird.


Verwendete Fertigkeiten

Ab der Drachenhöhle und im Schweren Modus:


As with all henchmen, Stefan will attack whatever the party leader is currently attacking. Keep this in mind if you're using effect-on-hit skills (such as Mark of Pain) to maximize your body counts. Be aware that if not already fighting, Stefan immediately engages any enemy that attacks a party member, be it by ranged attacks, spells, or melee. This, of course, means that he will rush right into the middle of an enemy mob, drawing the attention of more enemies. If he is your only frontliner, keep him alive at all costs, as he's the one who'll be trying to soak up all the physical damage.


  • Has a fair survival rate in combat.


  • Has sub-par offensive power; attacks are weaker than Little Thom.
  • Has pathing issues around corners when enemies are in the way (similar to melee enemies trying to attack spell casters in the party). If trying to reach an enemy around a corner/bend and there is another foe in the way, he will often be stuck in that foe and do nothing. The problem with this is that while stuck he will not heal himself or use stances, so he becomes a softer target.
  • Although he gets "Charge!" later in the campaign, he does not use it often.


"Are you here to just talk, or is there some real bravery in that gut of yours? My sword is sharp, my shield is strong, and I'm itching for a good fight. Are you going to stand there all day, or are we going to go find some trouble?"


Idle quotes in the Shiverpeak Mountains:

  • "What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath? Me? I'd say three weeks."
  • "You see that over there? Is that...? Yes, I think it is. That's Gryphon Droppings."  [sic]

Idle quotes in Kryta:

  • "How much do you think my sword weighs?"

Idle quotes in the Maguuma Jungle:

  • "I get the feeling even the plants here are eyeing us as potential meat."

While idle in the Crystal Desert:

  • "Do you think the heat could actually turn your brain into a loaf of bread?"

Battle Quotes:

  • "Ascalon forever!"
  • "By Balthazar's mighty blade, I will hear your squeals of anguish."
  • "Come to papa."
  • "I love a good battle."
  • "I'm going to beat you until you're bright blue."
  • "I'm going to pound you into a new dimension of pain."
  • "Line them up. I will knock them down."
  • "Prepare to meet Grenth, vermin!"
  • "Taste cold steel."
  • "Try this on for size."


  • He used to be named Stefan Baruch.
Krieger-icon-klein.png Devona Krieger-icon-klein.png Kleiner Thom Krieger-icon-klein.png Stephan Waldläufer-icon-klein.png Aidan Waldläufer-icon-klein.png Reyna Mönch-icon-klein.png Alesia Mönch-icon-klein.png Lina Mönch-icon-klein.png Mhenlo Nekromant-icon-klein.png Claude Nekromant-icon-klein.png Eve Mesmer-icon-klein.png Dunham Elementarmagier-icon-klein.png Cynn Elementarmagier-icon-klein.png Orion