Einzigartige Mesmer-Gegenstände (Prophecies)

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Version vom 02:20, 4. Okt. 2006 von Flece (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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This is a quick reference to Mesmer unique items from all campaigns, sectioned by which attribute is enhanced by the item. See Mesmer unique items for all campaigns.

Mesmer-icon.png Mesmer unique items (Prophecies)

Mesmer unique items quick reference/Legend

Domination Magic

Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Location
Korvald's Cane HSR Dom (20%) Energy +5 (HP>50%)     Sorrow's Furnace
Willcrusher Reduce Dazed HSR Dom (20%) Energy +5 HP +30 Sorrow's Furnace
Korvald's Chakram Dom +1 (20%) HP +30     Sorrow's Furnace

Illusion Magic

Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Location
Vokur's Cane HSR Illu (20%) HCT Illu (20%)     Sorrow's Furnace
Vokur's Staff HSR Illu (20%) HCT Illu (20%) Energy +5 AL +7 vs phy Sorrow's Furnace
The Rockmolder Illu +1 (20%) HSR (10%)     Grenth's Footprint

Inspiration Magic

Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Location Req
Garbok's Cane HSR Insp (20%) HCT Insp (20%)     Sorrow's Furnace 9 Dom
Handsmasher HSR Insp (20%) HCT Insp (20%) Energy +5 HP +30 Sorrow's Furnace 9 Dom
Garbok's Chalice HSR Insp (20%) Insp +1 (20%)     Sorrow's Furnace 9 Insp

All Attributes

Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Location Req
Gorrel's Cane HSR (10%) HCT (10%)     Grenth's Footprint 9 Illu
Illyana's Staff HSR (10%) HCT (10%) Energy +5 HP +30 Ruins of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings 9 Dom
Gorrel's Staff HCT (10%) Reduce Deep Wound HP +30 HP +30 Grenth's Footprint 9 Illu
Vokur's Chakram HSR (10%) HCT (10%)     Sorrow's Furnace 9 Insp


Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Location Req
Forgotten Fan Health +30 Armor +5
Energy -5
    The Falls 9 Illu
Illyana's Mirror Reduce Deep Wound Health +30     Ruins of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings 9 FC