Nahpuiviertel (Mission)

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Nahpuiviertel (Mission)
Nahpuiviertel (Mission).jpg
Typ Mission
Kampagne Factions
Region Stadt Kaineng
Wajjun-Basar, Senjis Ecke
Nahpuiviertel (Mission) Karte.jpg


Besiegt die himmlischen Kreaturen, um näher an die Sterne zu gelangen.

  • Besiegt Kaijun Don, den himmlischen Kirin.
  • Besiegt Kuonghsang, den himmlischen Schildkrötendrachen.
  • Besiegt Hai Jii, den himmlischen Phönix.
  • Besiegt Tahmu, den himmlischen Drachen.


Normaler Modus

  • Standard = > 30 Minuten
  • Experte = 25 - 30 Minuten
  • Meister = < 25 Minuten

Schwerer Modus

  • Standard = > 45 Minuten
  • Experte = 40-45 Minuten
  • Meister = < 40 Minuten


Man muss diese vier himmlische Wesen besiegen:

Das Kartenfenster zeigt die Position der vier himmlichen Wesen durch Sterne an. Man kann diese in jeder Reihenfolge angehen. Wenn man die Meister-Belohnung haben möchte, sollte man die Reihenfolge Kaijun Don → Kuonghsang → Tahmu → Hai Jii wählen.

Tip: Diese Mission ist z.B. als Elem/Mönch auch mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Gefolgsleuten unter folgenden Voraussetzungen relativ einfach zu schaffen, der Experten- und Meister-Modus allerdings damit fast nicht zu erreichen:

a) als Gefolgsleute sind auszuwählen: 2 Heiler, 2 Elem, 1 Bogenschütze, 1 Nekro. Keine Nahkämpfer auswählen, da diese immer die direkte Konfrontation suchen und nicht zu kontrollieren sind.

b) zuerst alle Tengu (Sternenklinge, Sternenwache, Sternenlicht) die auf dem direkten Weg zu den Himmlischen sind, aus dem Weg schaffen. Die Himmlischen (Hai Jii, Tahmu, Kuonghsang und Kaijun Don)hierbei aber erstmal links stehen lassen.

c) dann die Himmlischen in der Reihenfolge Kaijun Don -> Kuonghsang -> Tahmu -> Kai Jii zügig bekämpfen. Bei letzterem direkt alle Kräfte auf Kaijun Don bündeln, die gespawnten Essenzen einfach ignorieren. Nachdem der letzte Himmlische besiegt wurde, ist die Mission erfolgreich beendet.

Vorlage:Übersetzungs-Stub This mission is wickedly hard if it is your first time. Each Celestial is guarded by several Star Tengu; furthermore, when a Celestial is defeated, it spawns several Essences all over the area, both ahead of you and behind you. This severely limits your retreat. Slain Essences will respawn after a while. Depending on your team's makeup, you may want to plan on what you don't want to fight beforehand: Essence of Phoenix, Essence of Turtle, Essence of Dragon, or Essence of Kirin. Do note that these enemies do not leave corpses.

A common mistake made by new teams is to assume that the Kirin spawns will be healers, since they are Monks. This causes a lot of teams to leave Kaijun Don for last. Actually, the Kirin are Smiting Monks, and not very dangerous ones at that. One quick tip: don't be the first to charge into battle against a Kirin, for they will knock you down with Signet of Judgment. The most dangerous spawns to an average team are the Mesmer spawns of Hai Jii, who use Conjure Phantasm and Crippling Anguish and can quickly out-degen your healers.

Tips for Master's reward

  • This mission is considered by many to be one of the more difficult ones to obtain the Master's Reward.
  • It is recommended that one start with the Kirin (location 4) and work towards the Phoenix (location 1), although it is possible to work from the Phoenix to the Kirin.
  • A quick group should be able to defeat the first two bosses in under 8 minutes.
  • Since all of the bosses are casters an anti-caster Mesmer can be extremely useful.
  • If a Minion Master is present in the group, try to kill the turtle essences first because they will exploit the corpses that the MM needs.
  • Notable shortcuts are visible on the attached Map. Take note of the path between locations 3 and 2 as well as the sharp turn to the North at location 2, the dragon. With going north here, up to three minutes can be shaved off of the time as there are fewer monsters to deal with (29 instead of 50). Nevertheless most groups will take the obvious path instead.
  • At the last boss, it is not necessary to kill all those around him. Simply killing the last boss will complete the mission. It will take a while to kill all around the last boss because they will keep respawning.
  • 2 Searing Flames Elementalist work wonders.
  • A team of multiple Barrage Rangers, backed up a Minion Master along with one or two Fire Magic Elementalists may speed up the progress significantly.




Bosse (Elite-Fertigkeit)


Adept Nai

"The celestials and their guardians have been summoned. You must defeat them if you wish to become Weh no Su."
"Upon the destruction of a celestial, its essence will spread, creating countless smaller celestials that will endlessly return, much like the stars in the night sky."
"The difficulty of this task increases with each celestail you encounter, since you will face not only that celestail, but the essence of those you have already defeated, as well as the celestials' guardians."
"Pass through an orb to begin your trial. You will find yourself transported to a location near a celestial you must defeat."

(When spoken to)

"Your only hope to defeat Shiro is to become Closer to the Stars. Defeat the cardinal celestials and you will have proven to the Oracle that you are indeed ready to become Weh no Su. I must warn you, however, that this is a journey that only the bravest undertake and the most skilled survive."



  • This mission is analogous to Ascension from the Prophecies Campaign. Only upon becoming Weh no Su will you be given admission to the Realms of the Gods in Cantha. (There is no way to access the Realms of the Gods in Cantha without completing this mission.)
  • If you're not bothered with the completion time, a common tactic is to run through the mission killing the star lights, blades and sentinels first. Once these are all dead you can run back and kill the bosses. This will stop the essences spawning while you fight the normal mobs
  • After this mission, many new quests in the area become available.
  • The chance of getting Celestial items (such as Celestial Staff) from Canthan chests is greater during the mission than elsewhere so it may be a good idea to bring along some Canthan Keys during the mission. Most of the chests will be scattered along the path of mission anyhow.
  • In a popular Taoist / Chinese Creation Myth, Pangu is aided in the task of seperating the earth from the sky for eighteen thousand years by the four most prominent beasts, namely the Turtle, the Kirin, the Phoenix, and the Dragon.

Missionen Factions
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