Rüstung (Mönch)

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Version vom 13:08, 15. Mai 2006 von Flece (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Mönch-icon.png Mönch Rüstung

Standard Monk Armor provides +10 energy, +2 energy regen, and up to 60 AL.

Monk Armor Function Types

Name Headgear? Difference from Standard Variants
Monk's Armor Yes None Roughspun, Vassal's
Wanderer's Armor No +10 AL vs Elemental Sacred, Saintly
Ascetic's Armor Yes (Energy +1) 7 more +Energy than Standard (before headgear)
Judge's Armor No +10 AL vs Physical Censor's
Acolyte's Armor No Armor +10 (while enchanted)
Disciple's Armor No Armor +15 (while suffering from a condition)
Shepherd's Armor No +35 Health (total)
Monk Headgears (scalp designs) - +1 Attribute

Monk Armor Art

Name Campaign Used by
Ascalon Core Standard (Starter armor)
Krytan Core Standard
Tyrian Core Standard
Dragon Design Prophecies Ascetic's
Star Design Prophecies Ascetic's
Water Design (15k) Prophecies Ascetic's
Wanderer's Prophecies Wanderer's
Wanderer's (15k) Prophecies Wanderer's
Sacred Prophecies Wanderer's
Saintly (15k) Prophecies Wanderer's
Censor's Prophecies Judge's
Judge's (15k) Prophecies Judge's
Obsidian (15k) Prophecies All
Shing Jea Factions All
Canthan Factions All
Canthan (15k) Factions All
Luxon Factions All
Luxon (15k) Factions All
Kurzick Factions All
Kurzick (15k) Factions All

See also: Monk armor crafting quick reference