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Gilden, die ein monatliches automatisiertes Turnier (mAT) gewinnen, erhalten ein sogenanntes Goldcape.
Folgende Gilden tragen ein Goldcape:
Gilde | Kürzel | # der Goldcapes | Land |
Rebel Rising | [rawr] | 10 | USA |
The Last Pride | [EvIL] | 3 | Korea |
Whats Going On | [sup] | 2 | Deutschland |
Straight Outta Kamadan | [KMD] | 2 | Europa |
History Repeats Itself | [Cry] | 2 | Frankreich |
Heart Of Ashes And Dust | [HAnD] | 2 | Japan |
Virtual Dragons | [vD] | 2 | Deutschland |
Idiot Savants | [iQ] | 2 | USA |
Stealing Society | [StS] | 1 | Deutschland |
Esoteric Warriors | [EW] | 1 | Deutschland |
Peace And Harmony | [PnH] | 1 | Deutschland |
Mistral Edge | [Me] | 1 | Japan |
Dark Alley | [dR] | 1 | USA |
Delta Formation | [DF] | 1 | USA |
The Benecia Renovatio | [RenO] | 1 | Korea |
War Machine | [WM] | 1 | Korea |
Clan Union | [Uni] | 1 | Deutschland |
Team Everfrost | [eF] | 1 | Finnland |
We Want Cookies | [NOW] | 1 | Deutschland |
Rebel Rising Extended Edition | [rawr] | 1 | USA |
Rebel Rising Directors Cut | [rawr] | 1 | USA |
Inadequately Equipped | [GeAr] | 1 | USA |
Rebel Rising And Friends]] | [rawr] | 1 | USA |
Anonymous Amateurs]] | [AA] | 1 | Europa |
Serious Gamers | [srs] | 1 | Deutschland |
Young Money Merger | [YM] | 1 | USA |
Edible Granite Pencil | [yumy] | 1 | USA |