Seltenheit von Gegenständen

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Je seltener ein Gegenstand in Guild Wars ist, desto wertwoller und mächtiger kann er sein. Es gibt fünf Stufen von Seltenheit, hier in aufsteigender Reihenfolge:

  • Weiß: Gewöhnlicher Gegenstand ohne Verbesserung oder Modifikatoren.
  • Blau: Weniger gewöhnlicher Gegenstand.
  • Lila: Ungewöhnlicher Gegenstand.
  • Gold: Seltener Gegenstand.
  • Grün: Einzigartiger Gegenstand. Diese Farbe hat technisch gesehen aber nichts mit der Seltenheit zu tun.
Datei:Gegenstand weiß.jpg Datei:Gegenstand blau.jpg
Datei:Gegenstand lila.jpg Datei:Gegenstand gold.jpg
Datei:Gegenstand grün.jpg

On weapons, the quality of the modifier or upgrade on a dropped weapon increases with rarity. It is possible to increase the quality of upgrades on a weapon by applying an upgrade from another weapon. Collector and crafter weapons will typically have maximum quality modifiers. See weapon upgrade and weapon modifier for more details on possible values.

On salvage items, the quality of rune also increases with rarity. White salvage items will never have runes. Blue salvage items contain minor runes, purples contain majors, and golds contain superiors.

Miniatures also have different colors which generally show rarity. However, some miniatures, such as Kuunavang and the Gray Giant, are available to players who had purchased certain products, so their colors do not indicate rarity.

Despite their name and rarity, the names of rare crafting materials are white like common items. The names of dyes are also white regardless of rarity.


  • Waffe
    • Hat keine Modifikatoren oder Verbesserungen.
    • Fügt man Verbesserungen hinzu, so ändert sich die Farbe zu Blau.
  • Rüstung
    • Basisrüstung ohne Modifikatoren außer Basisrüstungswert und +Energie.
    • Wird blau, wenn man eine Rune, egal welcher Qualität, anwendet.
  • Wiederverwertbarer Gegenstand
    • Enthält keine Rune.
  • Handwerksmaterial
    • Gewöhnliche und Seltene Handwerksmaterialien.
  • Anderer Gegenstand
    • Alle Gegenstände, die nicht zu einer anderen Farbkategorie gehören sind weiß.


  • Weapons
    • Contain at least one modifier or upgrade.
    • Collector, crafter, PvP, promotion, and quest reward weapons with modifiers or upgrades are always blue (with the exception of Divine Path, Throne of Secrets and Domain of Anguish collectors). Collector and crafter weapons will typically have modifiers of perfect quality.
    • Modifier/upgrade quality will range from 0 to 50% of the maximum possible value, i.e. a Fortitude upgrade can be from +20 to +25. Occasionally this is not the case. A blue item can be observed with +28 or more after identification.
  • Runes
    • Minor runes.
    • Runes with older artwork will be blue, regardless of quality.
  • Armor
    • Have at least one modifier aside from basic armor and +energy.
    • Any armor piece with a rune of any quality.
  • Salvage items
  • Weapon upgrades
    • Any salvaged upgrade will be blue, regardless of the color of the weapon it was salvaged from.
  • Insight scrolls
    • Less powerful scrolls which can be bought from merchants.


Purple items have a 2x multiplier on their sell value to merchants compared to white items.

  • Weapons
    • Contain at least one modifier or upgrade.
    • Modifier/upgrade quality will range from 50 to 75% of the maximum possible value, i.e. a Fortitude upgrade can be from +25 to +28. The various +4...5 Armor upgrades and modifiers can have the maximum value on purple weapons due to their narrow range.
    • Adding upgrades to purple weapons does not change their color.
  • Runes
    • Major runes.
  • Salvage items
    • Contain major runes.


Gold items, except scrolls, have a 4x multiplier applied to their merchant sell price.

  • Weapons
    • Contain at least one modifier or upgrade.
    • Modifier/upgrade quality will range from 75 to 100% of the maximum possible value, i.e. a Fortitude upgrade can be from +28 to +30.
    • Max Vampiric and the Energy +5 modifier only occur on gold weapons.
    • Adding upgrades to gold weapons does not change their color.
  • Runes
    • Superior runes
  • Salvage items
    • Contain superior runes.
  • Weapon upgrades
    • A Priest of Balthazar will display perfect weapon upgrades as gold in his menu. Actual perfect weapon upgrade items will be blue.
  • Insight scrolls
    • More powerful scrolls which can be bought from a Rare Scroll Trader.


  • Waffen
    • Werden fast nur von Bossen gedroppt, mit ein paar Außnahmen (wie z.B. Totemaxt).
    • Haben immer die maximale Anzahl der Upgrades und Modifikationen, die für den Waffentyp möglich sind.
    • Die Upgrades und Modifikationen sind immer perfekt (außer die grünen Items der Bosse in Shing Jea und Istan).
    • Die grünen Waffen können weder durch Upgrades verändert, gefärbt, oder wiederverwertet werden (except for the Straw Effigy, which can be dyed). They are still able to be customized.