Verhexung zerschlagen
- Entfernt eine Verhexung vom Verbündeten (bzw. Euch selbst). Beim Entfernen einer Verhexung erleiden Gegner in dem Bereich 10...70 Punkte Schaden.
Smite Hex does holy damage, which is doubled against undead which is a lot of holy damage in a wide area.
Compared to Smite Hex, Shatter Hex costs significantly more, but does a larger amount of damage and can be used more often, as it recharges more quickly. Both Smite Hex and Shatter Hex do armor-ignoring damage, but some enemies are weak to Smite Hex's Holy damage. Generally, if the user has a large amount of energy or a reliable way to regain energy (be it Soul Reaping in a Necro primary, Energy Storage in an Elementalist primary, Inspiration Magic, Blood is Power, or any other source), Shatter Hex is the superior choice as it can remove more hexes and do more damage in a shorter amount of time, while Smite Hex works better for those who find energy to be a problem. Of course it's also preferrable for those who already use smiting prayers and cannot easily take domination magic.