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Zeichen des Schmerzes

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Wie erlangt man diese Fertigkeit?


hysischen Schaden:

Hinweise zur Benutzung

  • Zeichen des Schmerzes can potentially deal a great deal of damage to a clustered group of enemies.
  • Zeichen des Schmerzes works well with henchmen because they will focus fire if you call a target. For best effect, choose henchmen that do physical damage, such as Little Thom, Stefan or Devona.
  • The longer the target lives, the more damage Zeichen des Schmerzes does. Cast Zeichen des Schmerzes on the strongest foe and allow the AoE to kill everything around it.
  • Wands and staffs don't trigger Zeichen des Schmerzes. To trigger Zeichen des Schmerzes, use a bow or melee weapon. Nekromant with Waldläufer or Krieger sub-classes may find this curse particularly useful.
  • Using Zeichen des Schmerzes with other players instead of henchmen can be a little more challenging. Warriors and rangers must know to focus on your target. Players doing damage that is not physical may wish to choose a different target in order to spread their damage around and allow the curse to do it's full job. Be aware of nature rituals and other ranger skills that change physical damage into elemental damage. Make sure that rangers and warriors are not using weapon upgrades that change their damage into elemental damage.
  • Monsters sometimes flee from Zeichen des Schmerzes, as if it were Area of Effect spell if you attack in succession. Since the curse is located on a target foe and not a location you can follow the target and still do damage.
  • Zeichen des Schmerzes is very effective against so called Healing Balls in PvP. Using it in a Ranger spike build makes opponents go down with ease.
  • The ranger skill Wirbelverteidigung will trigger Zeichen des Schmerzes, making it a very dangerous spell to have if player is getting overwhelmed with Nahkampf enemies.