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Fort Espenwald ist eine "Invasions-Arena" in der die Luxon die Kurzick angreifen. Die Teams bestehen aus Zufallsgruppen mit je 8 Spielern, man kann also in den Außenposten keine Teams bilden und die Mission dann betreten. Die Kurzick (blaues Team) müssen das Fort vor den Angriffen der Luxon verteidigen. Zur Hilfe haben sie dabei einige NSCs die den Weg ins innere des Forts verteidigen. Die Luxon hingegen versuchen das Fort zu stürmen, auch sie haben NSC-Truppen die sich aktiv an der Invasion beteiligen.

Die Kurzick starten in ihrem Fort das durch 5 Tore verteidigt wird. Die Tore sind das "äußere lilane Tor" das "innere lilane Tor" auf der linken Seite, das "äußere Orange Tor" das "innere Orange Tor" auf der rechten Seite. Im Zentrum gibt es das "grüne Tor" welches die letzte Barriere zu Meisterarchitekt Gunther darstellt. Neben ihm befinden sich auch 2 Wachen, welche zerstörte Tore reparieren wenn man ihn Rohbernstein-Klumpen bringt. Sie reparieren dann die Tore mit Priorität von Innen nach Außen zu reparieren. Meister Gunther repariert zwar keine Tore, jedoch gibt es zusätzliche Prozente auf die Fertigstellung der Rache der Götter, eine Superwaffe, wenn man ihm Bernsteinklumpen bringt.

Die Luxon starten mit 2 Kommandoposten und 3 Bernsteinminen ausserhalb des Forts. An jedem der Kommandoposten kann man Belagerungs-Schildkröten, die von Luxon-Krieger bewacht werden, zur Front befehlen, in dem man den jeweilige Befehlshaber anspricht. Die Schildkröten teilen enormen Flächenschaden aus und helfen somit die Tore zu durchbrechen, die geschieht, wenn die NSCs die es bewachen beseitigt wurden.

Alles in Allem starten beide Seiten also mit 5 Kontrollpunkten.

Kontrollpunkte einnehmen

Sowohl die 3 Bernsteinminen als auch die beiden Kommandoposten, können von jeder Fraktion kontrolliert werden. Am Anfang befinden sich diese 5 Kontrollpunkte in der Hand der Luxon. Um einen Kontrollpunkt einzunehmen müssen die NSCs die ihn bewachen beseitigt werden, ist das geschehen, erscheinen neue NSCs die den Punkt nun für die andere Seite verteidigen. Die Tore können nur von den Kurzick eingenommen werden, indem sie repariert werden.

Während die Luxon eine Bernsteinmine halten hat sie die Zusätzliche Funktion eines Wiederbelebungspunktes für sie. Halten sie keine Mine werden sie in der Basis der Luxon wiederbelebt.

Während die Kurzick eine Bernsteinmine halten, können sie dort Bernsteinklumpen holen, sie werden als Bündel getragen und können entweder zur Reperatur von zerstörten Toren oder zum Vorantreiben der Fertigstellung der Rache der Götter verwendet werden. Wenn man sie fallen lässt oder stirbt, verschwinden sie nach kurzer Zeit wenn sie nicht wieder aufgehoben werden. Wenn sich Gunther oder die Wachen neben ihm im Kampf befinden nehmen sie keine Bernsteinklumpen an.

Die Kurzick gewinnen wenn die Rache der Götter fertiggestellt ist, also der Balken 100% erreicht. Die Luxon gewinnen sobalb Meisterarchitekt Gunther getötet wird. Der Balken schreitet alle 8 Sekunden um 1% vorran. Durch das abgeben von Rohbernstein-Klumpen werden 2% addiert, durch das abgeben von Veredelten Bernstein-Klumpen sogar 4%



Ihr müsst auf Stufe 20 sein um diese Mission zu betreten.



Tötet den Meisterarchitekten der Kurzick.

  • Befehlt den Tor-Befehlshabern der Luxon, Truppen zu schicken, um die Kurzik [sic] und ihre Torwächter zu besiegen.
  • Helft dabei, die Fertigstellung der Waffe der Kurzick, der Rache der Götter, zu verhindern, indem Ihr sie daran hindert, an Bernstein zu gelangen.
  • Das Grüne Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Innere Orange Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Innere Violette Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Äußere Orange Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Äußere Violette Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Die Rache der Götter ist zu xx% fertig gestellt.


Verteidigt Euch gegen den Angriff der Luxon und erhaltet Meisterarchitekt Gunther am Leben, damit er seine Waffe, die Rache der Götter, fertig stellen kann. Sammelt Roh- und Edelbernstein, um die Rache der Götter antreiben zu können. Bringt die Steine zu Meisterarchitekt Gunther.

  • übernehmt die Kontrolle über die Kommandopunkte der Luxon.
  • Das Grüne Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Innere Orange Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Innere Violette Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Äußere Orange Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Das Äußere Violette Tor ist momentan verstärkt/durchbrochen.
  • Die Rache der Götter ist zu xx% fertig gestellt.


  • Kurzick-Spieler erhalten Bündnisbelohnungspunkte in Höhe der zweifachen Fertigstellungsprozentzahl der Rache der Götter am Ende des Spiels.
  • Luxon-Spieler erhalten 40 Bündnisbelohnungspunkte für jedes Tor das erstmalig zerstört wird.
  • Spieler des Gewinner-Teams erhalten einen Bonus von 600 Bündnisbelohnungspunkten.
  • Wenn die Luxon nur Gunther töten erhalten sie 400 Bündnispunkte, töten sie jedoch auch beide Wachen und haben alle Tore zerstört erhalten sie 800 Bündnisbelohnungspunkte.


See the objectives above.


  • This is an offensive map for the Luxon side. There are two conflicting views regarding strategy.
  1. If you are not attacking within the Kurzick base, you are not likely helping your team win.
  2. The speed at which a mine is captured will influence your team's ability to win. A mine under Kurzick control allows amber carriers to repair gates, so be sure to have it under your control as often as possible. As revised, by holding mines, you ensure that your allies will resurrect closer to the front lines, than they would be if they resurrected in the Luxon base. Some player builds are very ineffective at taking a mine. Builds which use AoE are more effective than single target builds. If your build can't take a mine let someone else do it, you aren't helpful if you die without killing the mine NPC.
  • If a turtle has been sent in, it is best to attack with it to ensure that the turtle progresses forward quickly. The turtle will attack any foes within it's aggro range, and will not move until that foe leaves its range, or is killed. If it is left alone, it is more likely to be killed, leaving your team at a disadvantage.
  • Don't always wait for the turtles to break down gates and kill NPCs - they are intentionally programmed to move slowly and are not effective at advancing. Attacking the gate NPCs, especially the Green Gate, will help increase chances of winning. Try to not rely on the turtle to do this.
  • Should a command point fall to the Kurzicks, ensure that the currently advancing siege turtle survives for as long as possible. Ideally, you should only recapture the command point if the advancing turtle has been killed. By following this procedure, a Siege Turtle will spawn immediately once the command point has been recaptured.
  • Once a Gatekeeper is killed, gates of his color cannot be repaired again. A dead Gatekeeper is also incapable of healing Master Architect Gunther. The deaths of both Gatekeepers will improve your ability to kill Gunther.
  • Counter bonders by attacking them directly to force them away from their charge, or bring counter-enchantment skills such as Well of Profane.
  • Waiting for the turtle to advance is usually a guaranteed way to lose. Succeeding in this mission requires you to push forward yourself. It is possible for Kurzick players to run into aggro range of the turtle and stall it indefinitely. When this happens players will need to move on without the turtle, as they should do normally.
  • Snare skills are very effective in this, as it reduces the mobility of the other team, giving you more time to take down gates. Wards also give your team a much needed defense bonus, which will increase survivability on a massive scale.
  • Do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself. The death gives nothing but faction to the other team, and the six second respawn in many cases is worth the few seconds you stall them.
  • Running amber is vital to Kurzick success as it is the only way to replenish NPC allies, so capturing Amber Mines should be a priority. It is good to have two or three team members running amber constantly to ensure the gates are fortified.
  • If a gate needs repairing, you should always give amber to its gatekeeper. The extra time this buys you is more beneficial than the few percentage points of progress Gunther rewards you with.
  • The green gate can be repaired by giving amber to either of the Gatekeepers. The green gate has priority as the first gate to be repaired if it is breached, with the two outer gates repaired last.
  • Preventing the Siege Turtle from using Siege Turtle Attack by means of interruption will keep your allies from taking the large amount of damage that it deals. Note however that the Siege Turtle is immune to all knockdown effects other than the Juggernauts
  • Your last line of defense is keeping Master Architect Gunther alive. The gatekeepers are also important to keep alive as they assist in healing Gunther as well.
  • The gates are not very wide making them perfect places to set Traps. It's not recommended running a trap build though because it's very common for a single NPC or minion to set them all off.
  • Capturing the Command Posts early in the game may give you an edge for a minute or less. It is recommended to ignore these targets unless later in the game both mines are under Kurzick control and the brunt of Luxon troops are not within the Kurzick base.
  • Turtle bonders can be tricky to deal with, often being masters of kiting. Disabling spells usually work best.
  • Killing the Luxon NPC Warriors is a great deal, because they can kill a dervish or assassin who comes too close within no-time. They won't easily spread off and are mostly attacking the same target. Because they won't spread off, you could use AoE skills to kill them quickly before they harm somebody.

Skill recommendations

  • In Fort Aspenwood, resurrection occurs approximately every 6 seconds. It is advised not to bring a resurrection skill because of this.
  • The large number of corpses that you will encounter makes minion masters particularly effective.
  • Both the Luxons (getting from their resurrection point to the fort) and the Kurzicks (running amber to the gatekeepers) require them to run significant distances. Bringing speed-boosts such as Sprint or Flame Djinn's Haste is beneficial.
  • Bring an enchantment removal skill. The Kurzick Elementalist NPCs use enchantments such as Sliver Armor, and if a bonder is present on the Kurzick side, it can be nearly impossible to kill crucial NPCs such as the Kurzick Juggernaut. Common enchantment removal skills include Well of the Profane, Expunge Enchantments and Gaze of Contempt. Well of profane, while costing more, is one of the best ways of dealing with bonders/protection Monks especially if there is more than one as it prevents them from casting enchantments on the target for a short period of time. Expunge Enchantments also works well for removing Spell Breaker.
  • Area of effect spells can be useful for taking out the gate NPCs as they usually won't move out of the area. A fire Elementalist with burning can solo every npc easily with 2-3 spells.
  • Bringing a Monk or Ritualist with healing skills can keep a turtle alive for a long time. Protection monks are less effective as the turtle already has excellent defense due to Turtle Shell - the main threats to it are various forms of degen and life stealing skills. Standing next to the turtle itself will protect you from melee attackers, who will be teleported away by the turtle's Carrier's Defense skill.
  • Setting traps on the teleporter pads can help slow down the Kurzick's amber runners.
  • Speed reduction skills will prevent the amber runners from escaping.
  • A build made specifically for tanking is very effective if you run very far into their base, as many players are too greedy and will take the time to kill one player, thus stalling the entire enemy team for a long period of time, allowing your teammates to take out the gate NPCs and ultimately, Gunther.
  • Siege Turtles have a skill which decreases the damage they take dramatically. It is therefore necessary to use degen skills such as Burning Arrow or life stealing to kill them.
  • The Siege Turtle Attack is a skill (not a spell or signet) - consider this when deciding which interrupts to bring. Even if you do not have the correct attributes for the skill's additional effect (e.g. Expertise for Distracting Shot) it may be worthwhile bringing the interrupt anyway
  • It is possible to take out the raw amber mines on the ledge accessible from the stairs between the outer and inner gates if you use a Longbow/Flatbow as its long range ensures the NPCs aren't able to fire back at you. Also you can attack the Turtle from either side at these points when it approaches the gates.

Player abuse

  • Because teams are formed by random individuals of eight, it is possible that you will enter a match with a leecher. Because they do not contribute to the game's efforts, they can put you at a disavantage for winning. Leeching players can be reported using the /report "Player Name", and receive two Dishonor Points for each person that reports them. When a player receives 10 dishonor points, they become unable to enter PvP arenas for 1 min for each point they accumulated within the last hour.
  • Players often leave the match prematurely, this can place your team at a disadvantage if it happens.
  • Rarely some players will enter and sabotage their own side to help out the opposition. This can be done in many ways including; opening gates allowing players through or healing enemy players and NPCs.


Kurzicks (Blue)

Behind the green gate

In front of the green gate

Behind the inner orange and purple gates

In front of the inner orange and purple gates

Between the orange gates

Between the purple gates

In front of the outer orange and purple gates

Kurzick-controlled amber mines

Kurzick-controlled command points

Luxons (Red)

Orange and purple squads

Luxon-controlled command points

Luxon-controlled amber mines

  1. These NPCs do not respawn.


  • There is a rumour that there is a hard cap on the number of Fort Aspenwood matches which can occur simultaneously. This is false, new matches will start as long as each side has enough players in the queue to form a full team. [1]
Nuvola-Käfer.png Achtung Bug! Sometimes a gatekeeper will follow Kurzick players outside the green room when an injured Kurzick opens the gate and runs away. If the gate closes the Gatekeeper often becomes trapped outside the green room becoming vulnerable to attack.
Nuvola-Käfer.png Achtung Bug! Sometimes 8 Luxon Warriors, instead of the usual 4, will respawn at a command post when a squad is destroyed.
Nuvola-Käfer.png Achtung Bug! When a gate is repaired while a Siege Turtle is on top of it, sometimes the turtle will become stuck at that location, not moving further into the base and preventing a new squad from respawning.
Nuvola-Käfer.png Achtung Bug! Sometimes the Luxon Warriors that are advancing with a Siege Turtle will not move into the Green gate when it is breached.
Nuvola-Käfer.png Achtung Bug! Sometimes Luxon Warriors get stuck outside gates and will not move. Leaving them alone will prevent Siege Turtle from respawning.
