Vorlage Diskussion:Infobox Gegenstand
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Hier eine neue Vorlage aus der offiziellen wiki. Sie soll als Multifunktionsvorlage alle Gegenstandsvorlagen ablösen. Nun guckt euch das mal an und sagt etwas dazu. z.b. Lieber das alte Design oder so wie es jetzt ist. usw...gruß --Flece 19:14, 4. Mai. 2007 (CEST)
Infobox Gegenstand | |
Datei:Infobox Gegenstand.jpg | |
Typ | Nicht angegeben |
Wert | Nicht verkaufbar |
Kampagne | Basis |
This template can be used for many items such as Trophäe, Handwerksmaterial, Rare crafting materials, Quest Gegenstand, Wiederverwertbarer Gegenstand, Kits, Scrolls, and Alkohol. The template can also be used for Bundle items. The template has been modified from the original Template:Item infobox to include salvage info if specified. This template auto-types and auto-categorises items dependent on the parameters supplied (see Parameters).
{{Infobox Gegenstand | name = | bild = | typ = | wert = | kampagne = | benutzungen = | sammler = | alclevel = | alcduration = | normal = | profi = | questitem = | bundle = }}
- name
- Defaults to the name of the article (
). - image
- The image should be .jpg format. This should be the inventory icon for the item. See also the image use policy. Defaults to the page name (
). - type
- Currently this will auto-type in the following order: Alcohol (alclevel is non-blank), Quest item (questitem is non-blank), Trophy (collector is non-blank), Salvage Item (commonsalvage or raresalvage is non-blank), Kit (uses is non-blank) and then Not Specified. Auto-typing is exclusive, meaning that an item can not be typed as two of the categories (e.g. Alcohol and Quest item). If an item fulfills two sets of criteria, only the first criteria will be used. This field can also be manually set.
- value
- How much you would get for this item if sold to a Merchant. Defaults to "Can't be sold" for Quest items, etc. Omit if the item is a Bundle.
- campaign
- The campaign this item is available in. Defaults to Core.
- benutzungen
- Optional. List the number of uses, sets Kategorie:Werkzeug and type to Werkzeug.
- collector
- Optional. List item collectors, sets Category:Trophies and type to Trophy (provided that alclevel and questitem are not specified).
- alclevel
- Optional. List the intoxication level, sets Category:Alcohol and type to Alcohol.
- alcduration
- Optional. List the intoxication duration, defaults to 1 minute.
- commonsalvage
- Optional. List common salvage materials, sets type to Salvage item and Category:Salvage items if another type has not already been set. This field autocategorises to Category:Contains (common salvage), for single terms only. If you list multiple salvage items, please manually adjust the resulting categories.
- raresalvage
- Optional. List rare salvage materials, sets type to Salvage item and Category:Salvage items if another type has not already been set. This field autocategorises to Category:Contains (rare salvage), for single terms only. If you list multiple salvage items, please manually adjust the resulting categories.
- questitem
- Optional. List quests item is involved in, sets Category:Quest items and type to Quest item (provided that alclevel is not specified)
- bundle
- Optional. Setting this removes the value field in the item infobox. For use with Bundle items.
{{Infobox Gegenstand | name = Spider Web | wert = 5 | kampagne = [[Nightfall]] | normal = [[Pile of Glittering Dust|Piles of Glittering Dust]] | profi = [[Bolt of Silk|Bolts of Silk]] | render= default }}