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Echo (Fertigkeitstyp)

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Fertigkeit (Typ)

Echo: Ein Fertigkeits-Typ, welcher einem Verbündeten eine wohlwollende Wirkung beschert und mit einem Anfeuerungsruf oder Schrei zusammenwirkt.


Echos sind besondere Fertigkeiten für Paragone, welche dem Paragon erlauben seinen Anfeuerungsrufen oder Schreien Nebenwirkungen zu geben. They compliment the Chants and Shouts by providing additional bonuses and some are reapplied whenever a Chant or Shout ends on the target. More than one Echo can be applied to the same target, like Enchantments rather than Weapon Spells.

Echoes cannot be removed from their target unless their duration runs out. Echoes additionally tend to have very long durations, especially when coupled with the fact that some Echoes' durations are refreshed every time a Chant or Shout ends on the target. Currently, Echoes are limited to the Paragon's Leadership and Motivation attributes.

Refrains are very similar to Enchantments in that they always must target an ally and they always provide a benefit. However, while Enchantments are merely a subcategory of Spells, Echoes are an entirely different skill type and as such cannot be interupted by skills like Power Leak which will only affect Spells. Additionally, due to Refrains' very powerful renewing effect, their beneficial effects tend to be less than a Mönch enchantment of comparable Energie cost and Aktivierungszeit.

Echo types

Echoes are broken into three different types depending on their skill name:

  • Finales, give their bonus whenever a Chant or Shout ends on the target.
  • Harmonies, give their bonus directly to Chants and Shouts.
  • Refrains', effects are always active as long as the Echo itself is active on the target. They refresh their durations whenever a Chant or Shout ends on the target.

Additionally, there is one anomalous echo, Soldier's Fury, which provides a benefit while under the effect of a chant or shout.

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