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Ein bescheidenes Geschenk

Aus GuildWiki
Version vom 11:38, 6. Feb. 2013 von TheChosen (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Ein bescheidenes Geschenk
Typ Eventquest
Kampagne Prophecies
Region Löwenstein
Schwierigkeitsgrad Normal
Questgeber Krunch




Krunch während des Wintertages in Löwenstein und Kamadan




Dialog mit Krunch

Between just you and me (and every person who can hear), the season of the Zephyr is the worst time of the year. The temperature starts rising and the veil of ice is torn, and into vile greenness, icky baby things are born. It's disgusting to invite the awful brightness while it's bleak, and it would be such a blessing if held off for just a week. The chill is quite important, as my awful mother said, for reflection, introspection, and bedecking of your head.
Dialog-ja.png I may not rhyme as well as you, but that sounds like something I can do.
Dialog-nein.png You're just...too absurd to be bothered with right now.
Dialog-nachfrage.png Candy canes, the broken kind. It's sad that I need to remind you of the purpose of this chore. Who do you think you're working for?}}

Schlussdialog mit Krunch

"You swear you earned this candy by performing in Grenth's name? Collecting shards for Dwayna has a certain kind of shame. Here is a token in exchange for your malicious work. Exchange it with my brother, Krisp, the haberdasher clerk. And when you get your horns or cap or whatever you're sold, wear it in tribute to the one who'll collect you once you're cold."


Englische Bezeichnung: A Humbling Gift