Einzigartige Mesmer-Gegenstände

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This is a quick reference to Mesmer unique items from all campaigns, sectioned by which attribute is enhanced by the item. For campaign-specific ones, see (Prophecies) oder (Factions).

Note: Unique items from Shing Jea Island do not have perfect stats, and thus are listed separatedly here.

Einzigartige Mesmer Gegenstände/Legende

Domination Magic

Vorlage:Top All items listed here require 9 Domination Magic.

Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Drops From ⇒ Area
Wingstorm HSR Dom (20%) HCT Dom (20%)     Drazach Thicket
Wayward Wand HSR Dom (20%) Energy +5 (HP>50%)     Divine Path
Korvald's Cane HSR Dom (20%) Energy +5 (HP>50%)     Sorrow's Furnace
Milefaun's Staff HSR Dom (20%) HCT Dom (20%) Energy +5 Dom +1 (20%) Arborstone (Mission),
Mourning Veil Falls
Kaolin Domination Staff HSR Dom (20%) HCT Dom (20%) HP +30 Dom +1 (20%) Sunjiang District
Willcrusher HSR Dom (20%) Reduce Dazed Energy +5 HP +30 Sorrow's Furnace
Hanaku's Focus HSR Dom (20%) HCT Dom (20%)     Rhea's Crater
Korvald's Chakram Dom +1 (20%) HP +30     Sorrow's Furnace
Straw Effigy HSR Dom (20%) HP +30     Divine Path

Fast Casting


Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Drops From ⇒ Area Req
Phi's Wisdom HSR FC (20%) HCT FC (20%)     Raisu Palace (Mission),
Raisu Palace (Explorable)
Swiftspell's Staff HCT (10%) HSR (10%) Energy +5 FC +1 (20%) Ferndale Illu

Illusion Magic

Vorlage:Top All items listed here require 9 Illusion Magic.

Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Drops From ⇒ Area
Vokur's Cane HSR Illu (20%) HCT Illu (20%)     Sorrow's Furnace
The Dream Haunter HSR Illu (20%) Energy +5 HP>50%     Mourning Veil Falls
Wayward Wand HSR Illu (20%) Energy +5 HP>50%     Divine Path
Talous' Staff HSR Illu (20%) HCT Illu (20%) Energy +5 Illu +1 (20%) Rhea's Crater
Kenrii's Sorrow HSR Illu (20%) HCT Illu (20%) Energy +5 HP +30 Silent Surf
Vokur's Staff HSR Illu (20%) HCT Illu (20%) Energy +5 AL +7 vs phy Sorrow's Furnace
Deeproot's Sorrow HSR Illu (20%) Illu +1 (20%)     The Eternal Grove (Explorable)
Mourning Veil Falls
Straw Effigy HSR Illu (20%) HP +30     Divine Path
The Rockmolder Illu +1 (20%) HSR (10%)     Grenth's Footprint

Inspiration Magic


Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade Drops From ⇒ Area Req
Garbok's Cane HSR Insp (20%) HCT Insp (20%)     Sorrow's Furnace Dom
Wayward Wand HSR Insp (20%) Energy +5 HP>50%     Divine Path Illu
Wayward Wand HSR Insp (20%) Energy +5 HP>50%     Divine Path Dom
Siska's Staff HSR Insp (20%) HCT Insp (20%) Energy +5 HP +30 Archipelagos Illu
Handsmasher HSR Insp (20%) HCT Insp (20%) Energy +5 HP +30 Sorrow's Furnace Dom
Garbok's Chalice HSR Insp (20%) Insp +1 (20%)     Sorrow's Furnace Insp
Straw Effigy HSR Insp (20%) HP +30     Divine Path Insp

All Attributes


Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade ⇒ Area Req
Gorrel's Cane HSR (10%) HCT (10%)     Grenth's Footprint Illu
Mina's Gaze HSR (10%) Energy +5 HP>50%     The Undercity Dom
Illyana's Staff HSR (10%) HCT (10%) Energy +5 HP +30 Ruins of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings Dom
Gorrel's Staff HCT (10%) Reduce Deep Wound HP +30 HP +30 Grenth's Footprint Illu
Vokur's Chakram HSR (10%) HCT (10%)     Sorrow's Furnace Insp
The Time Eater HSR (10%) HP +30     The Eternal Grove (Explorable) FC



Weapon Mod 1 Mod 2 Prefix Upgrade Suffix Upgrade ⇒ Area Req
Illyana's Mirror Reduce Deep Wound Health +30     Ruins of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings FC
The Purifier Reduce Dazed HP +60 (while hexed)     Bukdek Byway Insp
Mohby's Artifact Energy +15,
Energy Regen -1
Health +30     Gyala Hatchery (Explorable) FC
Forgotten Fan Health +30 Armor +5
Energy -5
    The Falls Illu