Grobschlächtiges Schwert

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Version vom 13:30, 22. Mai 2007 von Flece (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Grobschlächtiges Schwert
Grobschlächtiges Schwert.jpg
Waffenart Schwert Inventaricon
Erfordert Schwertkunst
Schadenstyp Hieb-Schaden
Kampagne Basis
Normal Eisenbarren

[[Kategorie:{{{pvp-gruppe}}}es Schwert]]


The Brute Sword, true to its name, is a sword with a broad, blackish blade, marked with dents and scratches. It is only slightly smaller than the Fellblade, but much less elegant-looking.


Prophecies campaign

Factions campaign

Nightfall campaign


Applying dye to a Brute Sword colors the wrapping on its hilt.


  • In the Prophecies Campaign, this sword was very rare. However, since drops are more common in Factions and Nightfall, the rarity of this item has dropped dramatically.
  • In the Nintendo classic Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ganondorf uses the same sword in his victory sequence, but it cannot be used in battle.