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Hallen von Chokhin
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Hallen von Chokhin | |
Typ | Erforschbares Gebiet |
Kampagne | Nightfall |
Region | Vaabi |
Gegneranzahl | Nicht bezwingbar |
Nachbarn | |
Gemeinde Mihanu Vehjin-Minen | |
Karte | |
- Gemeinde Mihanu (Südosten)
Erforschbares Gebiet
- Vehjin-Minen (Südwesten)
Schreine und Segnungen
- Süden: Vaabi-Späher, Lyssaschrein
- Mittel-Norden: Vaabi-Späher, Lyssaschrein
- Sammler:
- 10 Olujime
- Kaufmänner und Handwerker:
- Sonstige:
20 Ahnduriz Bohim
10 Archivar Leiton
10 Archivar Mijir
18 Goren (während Gier und Reue)
10 Kachok
20 Hanbahd the Anchorite (during The Madness of Prophecy)
10 Bibliothekar Chitohn
10 Bibliothekar Ehrahtimos
10 Bibliothekar Kahlidahri
10 Bibliothekar Gahmir Lenon
10 Bibliothekar Kahnu
10 Bibliothekar Mularuk
10 Bibliothekar Nichi der Waldläufer
10 Meisterbibliothekar Antohneoss
20 Palast-Waches
20 Fürst Mehtu der Weise
10 Prinzessin Leifah
10 Sakutila
10 Gelehrter Aiki
10 Gelehrter Belzar
10 Gelehrter Dakkun
10 Gelehrter Gahesh
10 Gelehrte Kammab
10 Gelehrter Koben
10 Gelehrter Mehdok
10 Gelehrter Zelkun
20 Vaabi-Wächter
20 Vaabi-Hauptmann
10 Vaabi-Zigeuner
10 Vaabi
10 Vaabi-Priester
20 Vaabi-Späher
- Harpyien
24 Skree-Greif
24 Skree-Sänger
24 Skree Tracker
24 Skree Raider
- Insekten
20 Rock Beetle
20 Rain Beetle
24 Rain Beetle
28 Banor Grünzweig (Pflanze): Schild der Regeneration
28 Hanchor Prachtklinge (Harpyie): Versprechen des Fuchses
28 Tenezel der Flinke (Insekt): Flucht
28 Setikor Feuerblume (Pflanze): Blitzwelle
The NPC librarians found in the Halls of Chokhin are likely named after people who have contributed to the lore of Guild Wars. Specifically, the Lore Forum of GWO, a popular Guild Wars elite fansite. Each corresponding NPC parodies the personalities and works or research of the person he or she is named in honor of.
For instance, Master Librarian Antohneoss is likely named after the Loremaster of GWO Quintus Antonius, and talks about running the library in a style similar to Quintus's moderation. Other NPCs include:
- Librarian Ehrahtimos, who talks about the younger librarians being disrespectful (Eratimus-a former lore moderator of GWO)
- Librarian Mularuk, who speaks of the nature of the Titans (Mularc Templare-wrote a paper on the Titans which was later confirmed in Nightfall)
- Librarian Nichi the Ranger, who was nicknamed "Ranger" for fieldwork (Ranger Nietzsche-determined experimentally the relative sizes of the various continents)
- Librarian Kahlidahri, whos focuses on the natural world of Tyria (Kalidri-a GWO moderator, and GW wildlife researcher)
- Sakutila, who proposes strange battles between NPCs (Scutilla-runs "deathmatches" between various GW characters)
- Librarian Chitohn, who doubts the validity of the ancient texts (Cthon-believed the Manuscripts were propaganda)
- Librarian Gahmir Lenon, who speaks on Orr (Gmr Leon-Orrian historian).
- There is a tree that isn't placed on the ground in the Northeastern-most area of this map. (by the res shrine and body of water)
- Also, there are odd floating lights on the western half of the area, which may be a reference to the Moonflow of FFX and FFX-2 fame.
Englische Bezeichnung: Halls of Chokhin