Missionsübersicht (Factions)
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This is a listing of Missionen in the Factions campaign.
Plot Missions
All plot missions are Cooperative Missions.
Characters from other campaigns will join the plot at the third mission, Vizunahplatz. Note: Foreign characters cannot earn skill points on the Insel Shing Jea missions, although they can access them.
Insel Shing Jea
- → When you create your character in Cantha, you can either do Mantid Hatchlings quest given by Instructor Ng (you'll get basic information how to play the game and you'll explore Klosteraussichtspunkt a bit), or you can go directly to Kloster von Shing Jea (go with Meister Togo). Finish your Seek Out Headmaster ... quest and your profession quests (both primary and secondary). Sometimes, you'll have to talk to Meister Togo (two Eine Audienz mit Meister Togo quests). Finally, finish A Formal Introduction.
- 1. Minister Chos Anwesen (Mission) (Tutorial)
- → Finish a primary quest arc started in Ran Musu-Gärten to eventually end up unlocking Saoshangweg, which leads to Hafen von Seitung. From this location, follow primary quests taking you through Jaya-Klippen and later Haiju-Lagune to finally end up in Zen Daijun.
- 2. Zen Daijun
- → Travel by boat from Hafen von Seitung to Der Marktplatz, which eventually leads you to Vizunahplatz via Chaos am Markt.
Stadt Kaineng
- 3. Vizunahplatz (2 Party Mission)
- → Travel to Nahpuiviertel via the quests Finding The Oracle and Näher an den Sternen.
- → Travel to Tahnnakai-Tempel via the quest Zum Tahnnakai-Tempel.
- → Do primary quests Ein Treffen mit dem Kaiser and Die Tochter des Grafen to gain access to Arborstein.
- 6. Arborstein
- → Primary quests The Convocation takes you to Boreas-Meeresgrund.
- → Do Angriff auf die Stadt which leads to Raisu Pavilion, there take and complete Schlacht in der Kanalisation which leads to Sunjiang Bezirk.
Stadt Kaineng
- Note: After completing Sunjiang District you need to travel to Cavalon as a Luxon, or to Haus zu Heltzer as a Kurzick, and complete the missions in the corresponding area. To get to either, you must get the quest from Jamei in Maatu Keep. The two paths meet again in Kaineng City for the Raisu Palast mission.
- → The primary quest Reise zum Haus zu Heltzer takes you to Haus zu Heltzer, the Kurzick capital. Here, after Freundschaft mit den Kurzick (collecting 10,000 Kurzick Belohnungspunkte), gather Die Verteidiger des Waldes, which will eventually take you to Der ewige Hain.
- 9. Der ewige Hain
- → Primary quest In den Strudel takes you from the Vasburg-Zeughaus to the Verschlafene Gewässer.
- 10. Verschlafene Gewässer (2 Party Mission)
- → The primary quest Reise nach Cavalon takes you to Cavalon, the Luxon capital. Here, after Freundschaft mit den Luxon (collecting 10,000 Luxon Faction), retrieve the Gestohlene Eier, which will eventually take you to Gyala-Brutstätte.
- → Primary quest Journey to the Whirlpool takes you from the Leviathangruben to Verschlafene Gewässer.
- 10. Verschlafene Gewässer (2 Party Mission)
Stadt Kaineng
- → Primary quest Wiedereinnahme des Palastes will lead you back to Zentrum von Kaineng and further to Raisu-Palast.
- 11. Raisu-Palast
- 12. Kaiserliches Refugium
- Note: Mission numbering here represents the missions' order in the plot. Notice that there are two different missions under the number 9, which are both needed for completing the 13 Canthan missions, in order to get the Beschützer von Cantha title. Verschlafene Gewässer and Vizunahplatz, on the other hand, which have two different starting outposts, are actually single missions and must only be done once each.