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Spezies Mensch Assassine-icon-blass.png
Klasse Assassine
Stufe 10, 20
Kampagne Unbekannt

Panaku, NPC

Herkunft: Cantha

Panaku ist ein Trainer am Kloster von Shing Jea und steht später als Assassinen-Gefolgsmann zur Verfügung. Offenbar genießt er seine Arbeit.


Ist Teil folgender Quests


Panaku, Mörder-Gefolgsmann

Klasse: Assassine
Waffe: Dolche
Rüstung: Assassinen-Cantha-Rüstung

Panaku ist ein canthanischer Gefolgsmann, der ab Zen Daijun und später auf dem Jademeer zur Verfügung steht.






  • Viper's Defense kann Probleme machen, da der zufällige Teleport manchmal größere Gegnerscharen anzieht
  • Hat Pfadprobleme wie die anderen Nahkampf-Gefolgsleute
  • Wie bei den meisten Nahkampf-Gefolgsleuten kriegt man auch ihn nur schwer überredet, sich zurückzuziehen, weshalb er durch sein geringes Leben und seine Rüstung schnell stirbt
  • Kann nicht soviel wegstecken wie Nika


On Shing Jea Island:

"There is only one way that I know of to contain a plague. Quarantine those who are sick and kill them all. If only Master Togo would listen to me I'd be happy to do the dirty work for him. What do you want?"

In Kaineng City:

"I find I take little pleasure out of killing these creatures of the plague. They do not scream for help or even look surprised when my daggers slice them open. They come to me expecting death. It would seem they are more intelligent than some think.
What do you want?"

In the Jade Sea:

"Would you like some help stalking your prey, my friend? Just say the word; my daggers are always ready when there's important work to be done.
What do you want?"


Idle quotes on Shing Jea Island:

  • "If I don't kill something soon, there is going to be trouble."
  • "The life of an Assassin is one of isolation and loneliness. Don't let those other fools who speak of the job as necessary and part of the balance, people will hate you and fear you when they realize what you truely are." [SIC]

When idle in Kaineng City:

  • "I didn't come along to stand around, there is killing to be done."
  • "If we don't kill something soon, I may have to go find something to kill on my own."
  • "When you kill, look into the eyes of those you finish. You will remember them forever."

Battle quotes:

  • "Come back, I want to watch you bleed!"
  • "Come closer, little lamb. The wolf is hungry."
  • "It's a rare opportunity to see an artist at work. Cherish it, while you can!"
  • "Let's open you up and see what makes you tick!"
  • "Ooh. That one gave me chills."
  • "Scream like you mean it!"
  • "This is my favorite part!"
  • "When you hear my footsteps, it's already too late."
  • "Why must they always die so quickly?"
  • "Your life is forfeit!"


Panaku hat dieselbe Skillbar wie Emi, er hat jedoch noch zusätzlich Siegel der Bosheit.