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Tiefland von Diessa

Aus GuildWiki
Version vom 12:59, 9. Mai 2007 von Hraun (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Tiefland von Diessa
Tiefland von Diessa.jpg
Typ Region
Kampagne Prophecies
Gerichtsgebäude in Grendich, Die Bresche,
Ascalon-Vorgebirge, Nolani-Akademie,
Tiefland von Diessa Karte.jpg

Generelle Informationen

Region: Ascalon

General Description:
Being north of the Great Northern Wall, gargoyles and charr have overrun most of this region. Only small strongholds at the old Grendich Courthouse and Nolani Academy provide safety for those attempting to travel through to the Shiverpeaks. At the center of the area, the Charr have fortified their position and thus should be avoided by all but the strongest and swiftest. Rock golems await those entering from the southeastern pass, while gargoyles mingle with charr along the west. A large tar pit infested with devourers can be found in the northeast and slows passage to anyone planning on exploring the Flame Temple Corridor. In spite of the danger, many choose to run or fight through this zone towards the Ascalon Foothills to reach the Shiverpeaks. Others may choose to help defend the besieged Academy to bypass this zone altogether.

Ausgänge / Nachbargebiete


Points / Objects of Interest



Erbeutung von Fertigkeiten


Krieger-icon-klein.png Waldläufer-icon-klein.png Mönch-icon-klein.png Nekromant-icon-klein.png Mesmer-icon-klein.png Elementarmagier-icon-klein.png
Charr-Klingenkrieger Lv 6
Charr-Axtkrieger Lv 6
Charr-Klingensturm Lv 8
Charr Axe Fiend Lv 8
Charr-Pirscher Lv 6
Charr-Jäger Lv 8
Charr-Märtyrer Lv 5
Charr-Schamane Lv 7
Charr-Aschenläufer Lv 6
Charr Ashen Claw Lv 8
Charr-Geistesfunken Lv 6
Charr-Chaot Lv 8
Charr-Feuerrufer Lv 6
Charr-Flammenschwinger Lv 8



To receive credit for the Vanquisher title track in Diessa Lowlands you must defeat 375-381 monsters in Hard Mode. Some enemies may walk into the Flame Temple Corridor, making them impossible to reach.