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Update - 8. August 2008

Messagebox info.png Hinweis: Dieses Update wird noch übersetzt.

Aktualisierte Zaishen-Belohnungen

GuildWiki-Anmerkung: Der neue Trank ist der Falltürtrank, mit dem man sich zu einer Spinne verwandeln kann.

Automatisierte Turniere

  • Die Kartenfolge für das automatisierte Turnier wurde aktualisiert.

Änderungen bei der Gildenkämpfen


For more information on these changes, please see the Developer Updates page.

PvE und PvP

  • Elite-Haltung (Factions). 5...25...30 Sekunden lang habt Ihr eine 75%ige Chance, Angriffe zu blocken, während Ihr selbst angreift. Wenn Ihr einen Angriff auf diese Weise blockt, erleidet Euer Angreifer 5...17...20 Punkte Schaden.
    Attribut: Dolchbeherrschung (Assassine)
    Blitzende Klingen.jpg
     Blitzende Klingen
    : functionality changed to: "(5..30 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block while attacking. Block effect: 5..20 damage to your attacker."
  • Elite-Begleithandangriff (Nightfall). Wenn Ihr mit einer Verzauberung belegt seid und dieser Angriff trifft, leidet der Gegner 1...4...5 Sekunden lang an Benommenheit.
    Attribut: Dolchbeherrschung (Assassine)
    Goldener Schädel-Stoß.jpg
     Goldener Schädel-Stoß
    : this skill no longer requires a lead attack; reduced Dazed duration to 1..5 seconds.
  • Elite-Verhexung (Nightfall). Eure Nicht-Assassinen-Fertigkeiten sind 10 Sekunden lang deaktiviert. 1...8...10 Sekunden lang bewegt sich der Gegner um 50% langsamer. Wenn diese Verhexung endet, ist der Gegner 1...12...15 Sekunden lang verkrüppelt.
    Attribut: Schattenkünste (Assassine)
    Versteckte Trittnägel.jpg
     Versteckte Trittnägel
    : increased recharge to 12 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(10 seconds.) Causes 50% slower movement. End effect: inflicts Crippled condition (3..15 seconds)."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). 5...18...21 Sekunden lang könnt Ihr nicht zum Ziel von feindlichen Zaubern werden, und Ihr erhaltet eine Schadensreduzierung von 5 Lebenspunkten für jede Assassinen-Verzauberung, die auf Euch liegt. Mit einem einzigen Angriff bzw. einer einzigen Fertigkeit könnt Ihr nicht mehr als 5...21...25 Punkte Schaden anrichten.
    Attribut: Schattenkünste (Assassine)
     Schattenform [PvP]
    : reduced the damage penalty to 33%.
  • Elite-Haltung (Nightfall). Während Ihr Dolche verwendet, sinkt 20 Sekunden lang der Abstand zwischen Euren Angriffen um 5...17...20% und Ihr habt bei der Benutzung von Dolchen eine +5...29...35%ige Chance, einen kritischen Treffer zu erzielen.
    Attribut: Kritische Stöße (Assassine)
    Weg des Assassinen.jpg
     Weg des Assassinen
    : functionality changed to: "(20 seconds.) You attack 5..35% faster and have +5..35% chance to land a critical hit."
  • Elite-Blitzverzauberung (Nightfall). 3...13...15 Sekunden lang erfolgen Eure Angriffe, Bewegungen und Euer Adrenalingewinn um 25% schneller.
    Attribut: Windgebete (Derwisch)
     Attacke [PvP]
    : increased Energy cost to 10. Functionality changed to: "(5..20 seconds.) You attack and move 25% faster."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 15 Sekunden lang fügt Ihr allen Euch umstehenden Gegnern 10...22...25 Punkte Hiebschaden zu, wenn Ihr einen Gegner mit Eurer Sense angreift.
    Attribut: Erdgebete (Derwisch)
    Gelübde der Stärke.jpg
     Gelübde der Stärke
    : functionality changed to: "(20 seconds.) Adds +5..35% damage to your attacks against foes not suffering from any conditions."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 20 Sekunden lang beträgt Eure Energieregeneration -3 und Ihr bekommt jedes Mal, wenn einer Eurer Angriffe trifft, 1...5...6 Energiepunkte.
    Attribut: Windgebete (Derwisch)
    Eifriges Gelübde.jpg
     Eifriges Gelübde
    : increased Energy gained per hit to 1..7; decreased to -3 Energy degeneration.
  • Elite-Verhexung (Prophecies). 10 Sekunden lang wird der Gegner mit Schimmerndes Zeichen verhext. Er und alle umstehenden Feinde erleiden pro Sekunde 5...21...25 Punkte Schaden. Feinde, die sich in der Wirk- oder Nachwirkzeit von einer Angriffsfertigkeit befinden, während sie von Schimmerndes Zeichen Schaden erleiden, werden 3 Sekunden lang geblendet. Diese Verhexung endet, wenn Ihr eine Fertigkeit mit diesem Gegner als Ziel verwendet.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    Schimmerndes Zeichen.jpg
     Schimmerndes Zeichen
    : decreased casting time to 1 second; increased recharge time to 10 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(10 seconds.) Deals 5..25 lightning damage per second. Ends if you cast a spell that targets this foe."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Nightfall). 1...49...61 Sekunden lang betragen alle Eure Elementarattribute 8...13...14 und Eure Elementarzauber geben Euch 30% ihrer Energiekosten zurück.
    Attribut: Energiespeicherung (Elementarmagier)
    Meister der Magie.jpg
     Meister der Magie
    : decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased recharge to 20 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(1..61 seconds.) Your elemental attributes are set to 12 and you gain +0..2 Energy regeneration."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Factions). Zerbrecht einen Eisspiegel. Alle Feinde in Eurer Nähe und in der Nähe des verbündeten Ziels (bzw. Euch selbst) erleiden 15...59...70 Punkte Kälteschaden und bewegen sich 2...5...6 Sekunden lang um 66% langsamer. Wenn Ihr einen Gegner trefft, der mit Wassermagie verhext ist, beträgt die Wiederaufladezeit unveränderlich 6 Sekunden.
    Attribut: Wassermagie (Elementarmagier)
    : increased casting time to 1 second; increased recharge to 30 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(60 seconds.) You deal 5..35 cold damage whenever you cast a Water Magic hex."
  • Elite-Zauber (Prophecies). An der Position des Gegners wird eine gewaltige Stoßwelle erzeugt. Richtet beim Gegner und umstehenden Feinden 10...42...50 Punkte Blitzschaden an. Getroffene Feinde werden unterbrochen und leiden 5...17...20 Sekunden lang an Beschädigter Rüstung und Schwäche. Dieser Zauber hat eine Rüstungsdurchdringung von 25%.
    Attribut: Luftmagie (Elementarmagier)
    : decreased casting time to 1 second; increased recharge to 20 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Deals 15..75 damage. After 3 seconds, inflicts Dazed condition (1..10 seconds) to target and adjacent foes. 25% armor penetration."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Nightfall). Entfernt eine Verzauberung vom Gegner und allen Feinden in der Nähe. 5...17...20 Sekunden lang enden Verzauberungen auf diesen Feinden mit 150...270...300%iger Geschwindigkeit.
    Attribut: Illusionsmagie (Mesmer)
    Flair der Entzauberung.jpg
     Flair der Entzauberung
    : functionality changed to: "Also hexes foes near your target (5..20 seconds). Remove one enchantment from target and nearby foes. Enchantments expire 150..300% faster on those foes."
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Verteilt alle Zustände vom Gegner auf alle Feinde in der Nähe Eures Gegners. Die Dauer dieser Zustände ist um 5...81...100% verlängert (maximal 30 Sekunden).
    Attribut: Inspirationsmagie (Mesmer)
    Zustände ausweiten.jpg
     Zustände ausweiten
    : functionality changed to: "Spread all conditions from target foe to all foes near your target. The durations of those conditions are increased by 5..100% (maximum 30 seconds)."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). 10 Sekunden lang habt Ihr +0...4...5 Energieregeneration. Diese Verzauberung wird jedes Mal, wenn Ihr einen Zauber auf einen Feind wirkt, neu aufgetragen.
    Attribut: Inspirationsmagie (Mesmer)
    Lyssas Aura.jpg
     Lyssas Aura
    : increased recharge to 30 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(10 seconds.) You have 0..4 Energy regeneration. Renewal: every time you cast a spell on an enemy."
  • Elite-Siegel (Prophecies). Ihr werdet gemeinsam mit dem berührten Gegner 15 Sekunden lang geblendet.
    Ohne Attribut (Mesmer)
    Siegel der Mitternacht.jpg
     Siegel der Mitternacht
    : increased casting time to 2 seconds.
  • Reizen
    Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Falls der Gegner eine Fertigkeit verwendet, werden er selbst sowie alle Gegner im Bereich unterbrochen und Ihr entzieht allen Gegnern im Bereich 0...4...5 Energiepunkte.
    Attribut: Inspirationsmagie (Mesmer)
    : decreased casting time to .25 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Interrupts a skill. Interruption effect: also interrupts all foes in the area and you steal 0..5 Energy from each interrupted foe."
  • Elite-Verhexung (Nightfall). 10 Sekunden lang erleiden der Gegner und umstehende Feinde jedes Mal, wenn sie eine Fertigkeit verwenden, 15...39...45 Punkte Schaden und 5...41...50 Schaden, sofern sie unter keiner weiteren Mesmer-Verhexung leiden.
    Attribut: Beherrschungsmagie (Mesmer)
    Visionen des Bedauerns.jpg
     Visionen des Bedauerns [PvP]
    : functionality changed to: "Also hexes foes adjacent to target (10 seconds). These foes take 15..90 damage whenever they use a skill."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Prophecies). 3 Sekunden lang erhält der Verbündete (bzw. Ihr selbst) bei seiner Heilung 50...90...100% mehr Lebenspunkte und erleidet 5...41...50% weniger Schaden.
    Attribut: Schutzgebete (Mönch)
    : this skill is now in the Protection Prayers attribute line; decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased casting time to .25; decreased recharge time to 8 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(3 seconds.) Target ally gains 50..100% more Health when healed and takes 5..50% less damage."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Ihr und der Verbündete verlieren 1 Zustand und 1 Verhexung und werden um 50 Lebenspunkte geheilt.
    Ohne Attribut (Mönch)
    Ausdrückliche Entfernung.jpg
     Ausdrückliche Entfernung
    : functionality changed to: "Removes one condition and hex from target ally and yourself, and heals for 50. Cannot self-target."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Der Verbündete (bzw. Ihr selbst) wird um 10...130...160 Lebenspunkte geheilt. Alle Gruppenmitglieder in Hörweite Eures Ziels erhalten Lebenspunkte entsprechend des mit diesem Zauber verbundenen Gunst-der-Götter-Bonus. Eure Peinigungsgebete werden 20 Sekunden lang deaktiviert.
    Attribut: Heilgebete (Mönch)
    : decreased recharge time to 4 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Heals for 5..130. Also heals party members for 5..20 in area of your target."
  • Siegel (Factions). Der Gegner erleidet 5...41...50 Punkte heiligen Schaden und +5...9...10 Punkte heiligen Schaden für jede Adrenalinfertigkeit des Gegners.
    Attribut: Peinigungsgebete (Mönch)
    Siegel der Wut.jpg
     Siegel der Wut
    : increased non-conditional damage to 5..50; decreased conditional damage to 5..10.
  • Elite-Verhexung (Prophecies). 6...11...12 Sekunden lang unterliegen der Gegner und ihn umstehende Feinde einer Lebenspunktdegeneration von -3...7...8, die Euch als Lebenspunktregeneration zugute kommt.
    Attribut: Blutmagie (Nekromant)
    : decreased recharge to 20 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Also hexes foes adjacent to target (6..12 second). Causes -3..8 Health degeneration. You have +3..8 Health regeneration."
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). 5 Sekunden lang richten Eure Diener +3...13...16 Punkte Schaden an, Ihr verliert jedoch jedes Mal, wenn einer Eurer Diener einen erfolgreichen Angriff durchführt, 2% Eurer maximalen Lebenspunkte.
    Attribut: Todesmagie (Nekromant)
    Orden der Untoten.jpg
     Orden der Untoten
    : increased recharge to 15; decreased Energy cost to 5. Functionality changed to: "All but one of your minions die. If that minion is non-Elite, it deals +5..30 more damage, has +5..20 Health regeneration, and attacks 33% faster (20 seconds)."
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Der Gegner verliert 1...3...3 Verzauberungen. Wenn mindestens eine Verzauberung auf diese Weise entfernt wird, verlieren der Gegner und alle umstehenden Feinde 10...82...100 Lebenspunkte.
    Attribut: Flüche (Nekromant)
    Schmerz der Entzauberung.jpg
     Schmerz der Entzauberung
    : decreased casting time to 1 second; increased recharge time to 15 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Target foe loses 1..3 enchantments. Removal effect: that foe and all adjacent foes lose 10..100 Health."
  • Elite-Verzauberung (Factions). Entzieht dem Gegner bis zu 5...41...50 Lebenspunkte. 10 Sekunden lang habt Ihr +5...9...10 Lebenspunktregeneration.
    Attribut: Blutmagie (Nekromant)
    : functionality changed to: "Steal 5..50 Health from target foe. You have +5..10 Health regeneration (10 seconds)."
  • Datei:Gewandheit des Profis.jpg Gewandheit des Profis: this skill is now a stance; decreased activation time to 0; increased recharge time to 20 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(5..20 seconds.) You attack 33% faster and you gain +2 to your Marksmanship attribute."
  • Elite-Bogenangriff (Prophecies). Schießt Pfeile auf den Gegner und bis zu 2 Feinde in seiner Nähe. Diese Feinde werden 1...3...3 Sekunden lang in Brand gesetzt.
    Attribut: Überleben in der Wildnis (Waldläufer)
    : changed skill to an attack skill; removed activation time; decreased recharge time to 3 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Hits 2 foes near your target and inflicts Burning (1..3 seconds)."
  • Elite-Bogenangriff (Factions). Wenn Melandrus Schuss trifft, leidet Euer Gegner 5...21...25 Sekunden lang an einer Blutung. Wenn er einen Gegner trifft, der sich bewegt oder zu Boden geworfen wurde, erleidet dieser +10...22...25 Punkte Schaden und leidet 5...13...15 Sekunden lang an Verkrüppelung.
    Attribut: Treffsicherheit (Waldläufer)
    Melandrus Schuss.jpg
     Melandrus Schuss
    : decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased activation time to 1 second; increased recharge time to 10 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Deals +10..25 damage. Inflicts Bleeding (5..25 seconds) and Crippled (3..15 seconds) if target foe was moving or knocked down."
  • Elite-Fertigkeit (Nightfall). 10 Sekunden lang erhaltet Ihr jedes Mal, wenn Ihr einen Feind trefft, der an einem Zustand leidet, 3...10...12 Energiepunkte.
    Attribut: Überleben in der Wildnis (Waldläufer)
    Fokus des Plünderers.jpg
     Fokus des Plünderers
    : this skill is no longer a preparation; decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased activation time to 0; increased recharge time to 20 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(10 seconds.) You gain 3..12 Energy if you strike a foe who has condition."
  • Datei:Scavenger's Strike.jpg Scavenger's Strike: decreased Energy cost to 5; increased recharge time to 10 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Deals 10..25 damage. You gain 3..15 Energy if target foe has a condition."
  • Elite-Zauber (Factions). Ihr entzieht dem Gegner 5...49...60 Lebenspunkte. Alle feindlichen herbeigerufenen Kreaturen in dem Bereich erleiden 25...105...125 Punkte Schaden.
    Attribut: Macht des Herbeirufens (Ritualist)
    Seele verzehren.jpg
     Seele verzehren
    : increased casting time to 1 second; increased recharge time to 5 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Steal 5..60 Health. If target foe was a summoned creature, you steal all of that foe's life."
  • Datei:Defiant was Xinrae.jpg Defiant was Xinrae: this skill is now in the Restoration Magic attribute line; decreased Energy cost to 5; increased casting time to 1 second; increased recharge time to 20 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(15..60 seconds.) You cannot lose more than 20% of your max Health from a single hit. Drop effect: steal 30..90 Health from nearby foes."
  • Elite-Zauber (Nightfall). Alle Eure Geister sterben. Ihr erhaltet 5...17...20 Energiepunkte und all Eure Binderituale werden wieder aufgeladen, wenn ein Geist auf diese Weise stirbt.
    Attribut: Macht des Herbeirufens (Ritualist)
    Essenz zurückfordern.jpg
     Essenz zurückfordern
    : functionality changed to: "All your Spirits die. If a Spirit dies in this way, you gain 5..20 Energy and all of your Binding Rituals are recharged."
  • Elite-Waffenzauber (Nightfall). Wenn der Verbündete (bzw. Ihr selbst) innerhalb der nächsten 8 Sekunden das nächste Mal Schaden durch einen Feind erleidet, ist dieser Schaden auf 5% der maximalen Lebenspunkte des Verbündeten begrenzt und er entzieht dem Gegner bis zu 20...68...80 Lebenspunkte.
    Attribut: Wiederherstellungsmagie (Ritualist)
    Xinraes Waffe.jpg
     Xinraes Waffe
    : this skill is now in the Restoration Magic attribute line; decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased recharge time to 3 seconds. Functionality changed to: "(8 seconds.) The next time target ally takes damage from a foe, that damage is limited to 5% of target ally's max Health and that ally steals up to 20..80 Health from that foe."
  • Elite-Haltung (Basis). 5...17...20 Sekunden lang bewegt Ihr Euch um 33% schneller und Ihr erhaltet die doppelte Menge Adrenalin aus Angriffen. Kampfwut endet, wenn Ihr eine Nicht-Adrenalinfertigkeit verwendet.
    Attribut: Stärke (Krieger)
    : functionality changed to: "(5..20 seconds.) You move 33% faster and gain double adrenaline from your attacks. End if you use any non-adrenal skills."
  • Elite-Fertigkeit (Prophecies). 20 Sekunden lang habt Ihr zusätzlich 90...258...300 Lebenspunkte, zusätzliche 20 Punkte Rüstung und Ihr erleidet 1...8...10 Punkte weniger Schaden.
    Attribut: Stärke (Krieger)
    Schmerz trotzen.jpg
     Schmerz trotzen [PvP]
    : decreased adrenaline cost to 5 strikes. Functionality changed to: "(20 seconds.) You have +90..300 maximum Health, +20 armor, and take -1..10 damage."
  • Elite-Schwertangriff (Factions). Wenn Zitternde Klinge erfolgreich ist, fügt Ihr +10...34...40 Punkte Schaden zu. Wenn dieser Angriff einen sich bewegenden Feind trifft, leidet dieser 5 Sekunden lang an Benommenheit.
    Attribut: Schwertkunst (Krieger)
    Zitternde Klinge.jpg
     Zitternde Klinge
    : increased adrenaline cost to 5 strikes. Functionality changed to: "Deals +10..40 damage. Inflicts Dazed condition (5 seconds) if target foe was moving."
  • Elite-Fertigkeit (Prophecies). 5...29...35 Sekunden lang erhaltet Ihr 3 Energiepunkte für jeden Treffer [sic] den Ihr mit einem Nahkampfangriff erzielt. Ausdauer des Kriegers kann Eure Energiepunkte höchstens auf 10...22...25 erhöhen.
    Attribut: Stärke (Krieger)
    Ausdauer des Kriegers.jpg
     Ausdauer des Kriegers [PvP]
    : this skill is no longer a stance.


  • Spirit Bond: increased recharge time to 5 seconds.
  • Weapon of Warding: increased recharge time to 8 seconds.


  • Unyielding Aura: decreased casting time to .25 seconds; decreased recharge time 10 seconds. Functionality changed to: "Your Monk spells heal for +15..60% End effect: a random other party member is resurrected and teleported to your location."
  • Air of Superiority: increased duration to 20..30 seconds.
  • Asuran Scan: increased duration to 9..12 seconds; increased damage bonus to 45..75%; decreased casting time to 0.
  • Mental Block: increased duration to 5..11 seconds.
  • Mindbender: increased duration to 10..16 seconds.
  • Pain Inverter: increased damage bonus to 100..140%.
  • Radiation Field: increased duration to 4..6 seconds; increased Disease duration to 12..20 seconds.
  • Smooth Criminal: increased duration to 14..20 seconds; increased Energy gained to 7..10.
  • Summon Ice Imp: increased level to 14..20; increased duration to 40..60 seconds.
  • Summon Mursaat: increased level to 14..20; increased duration to 40..60 seconds.
  • Summon Naga Shaman: increased level to 14..20; increased duration to 40..60 seconds.
  • Summon Ruby Djinn: increased level to 14..20; increased duration to 40..60 seconds.
  • Technobabble: decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased recharge to 10; decreased Dazed duration to 3..5 seconds.
  • "By Ural's Hammer!": functionality changed to: "(7..10 seconds.) You have +2 Health regeneration and do +25% damage. Lasts 7..10 more seconds for each ally in earshot under 50% Health."
  • "Don't Trip!": decreased Energy cost 5.
  • Alkar's Alchemical Acid: increased damage to 40..50; increased conditional damage to 45..70; increased conditional duration to 14..20 seconds.
  • Black Powder Mine: increased damage to 20..30; increased Blind and Bleeding duration to 7..10 seconds.
  • Brawling Headbutt: increased damage to 45..70.
  • Breath of the Great Dwarf: increased Health gained to 50..60.
  • Drunken Master: increased duration to 72..90.
  • Dwarven Stability: increased duration to 24..30; increased Health gained to 55..100.
  • Ear Bite: functionality changed to: "Deals 50..70 piercing damage and inflicts Bleeding condition (10..25 seconds)."
  • Great Dwarf Armor: increased duration to 22..40.
  • Great Dwarf Weapon: increased damage to 15..20; increased knockdown chance to 28..40%.
  • Light of Deldrimor: increased damage to 55..80.
  • Low Blow: increased damage to 45..70.
  • Snow Storm: decreased Energy cost to 10; increased damage to 30..40.
  • Deft Strike: increased damage to 18..30; increased Bleeding duration to 18..30 seconds.
  • Ebon Battle Standard of Courage: increased duration to 14..20 seconds.
  • Ebon Battle Standard of Honor: increased duration to 14..20 seconds; increased damage to 8..15; increased damage against Charr to 7..10.
  • Ebon Battle Standard of Wisdom: increased duration to 14..20 seconds; increased recharge reduction to 44..60%.
  • Ebon Escape: increased Health healed to 70..110.
  • Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support: increased level to 14..20; increased conditional duration to 24..30 increased non-conditional duration to 12..15.
  • Ebon Vanguard Sniper Support: functionality changed to: "Deals 54..90 piercing damage and inflicts Bleeding condition (25 seconds). 10% chance of +540..900 piercing damage. 25% chance of +540..900 piercing damage if target foe is a Charr."
  • Signet of Infection: increased Disease duration to 13..20.
  • Sneak Attack: increased Blind duration to 5..8.
  • Tryptophan Signet: increased duration to 14..20; increased movement speed reduction to 23..40%.
  • Weakness Trap: increased Weakness duration to 10..20 seconds; increased lightning damage to 24..50.
  • Winds: increased Spirit level to 4..10; increased duration to 54..90 seconds.
  • Lightbringer Signet: this is no longer elite. Functionality changed to: "You gain 3..5 strikes of adrenaline and 16..24 Energy if you are within the area of a demonic servant of Abaddon."
  • "Save Yourselves!": increased duration to 4..6 seconds.
  • Aura of Holy Might: increased holy damage to 40..50.
  • Elemental Lord: increased duration to 40..60 seconds.
  • Ether Nightmare: increased Energy lost to 5..8.
  • Selfless Spirit: increased duration to 15..20 seconds.
  • Shadow Sanctuary: increased Health regeneration to 7..10.
  • Signet of Corruption: increased damage to 20..30.
  • Spear of Fury: increased damage to 30..40; increased adrenaline gained to 3..6.
  • Summon Spirit: increased Health gained to 60..100.
  • Triple Shot: decreased damage reduction to 40..25%.
  • "Dodge This!": increased duration to 16..20 seconds; increased damage to 14..20.
  • "Finish Him!": increased damage to 44..80; increased duration to 12..20.
  • "I am the Strongest!": increased number of attacks to 5..8; increased damage to 14..20.
  • "I am Unstoppable!": increased duration to 16..20 seconds.
  • "You are All Weaklings!": increased Weakness duration to 8..12 seconds; decreased Energy cost to 5.
  • "You Move Like a Dwarf!": increased damage to 44..80; increased duration to 8..15 seconds.
  • A Touch of Guile: increased damage to 44..80; increased duration to 5..8 seconds.
  • Club of a Thousand Bears: increased damage to 6..9.
  • Feel No Pain: increased duration to 30 seconds; decreased Health regeneration to 1..3; increased recharge time to 20 seconds.
  • Raven Blessing: functionality changed to: "You lose all effects and take on the aspect of the raven (60 seconds). All your attributes are set to 0 and raven attacks replace your skills, and you have 80 armor, 660..700 Health, and a 20..30% block chance."
  • Raven Talons: functionality changed to: "Deals 20..35 piercing damage. Inflicts Bleeding and Cripple conditions (4..10 seconds)."
  • Ursan Blessing: functionality changed to: "You lose all effects and take on the aspect of the bear (60 seconds). All your attributes are set to 0 and bear attacks replace your skills, and you have 100 armor and 750..800 Health."
  • Ursan Strike: functionality changed to: "Deals 40..75 damage and 40..75 slashing damage."
  • Ursan Rage: this skill is now touch range.
  • Volfen Blessing: functionality changed to: "You lose all effects and take on the aspect of the wolf (60 seconds). All your attributes are set to 0 and wolf attacks replace your skills, and you have 80 armor, 660..700 Health, and 2..4 Health regeneration."
  • Volfen Bloodlust: this skill now affects all nearby allies.
  • Volfen Pounce: this skill is now a stance.
  • "There's Nothing to Fear!": increased damage reduction to 20..35%.
  • Critical Agility: increased armor to 15..25.
  • Cry of Pain: increased damage to 65..100.
  • Eternal Aura: increased holy damage to 65..100.
  • Necrosis: increased damage to 60..90.
  • Never Rampage Alone: decreased Energy cost to 15; increased duration to 18..25 seconds.
  • Seed of Life: increased duration to 2..5 seconds.
  • Vampirism: increased level to 4..10; increased duration to 75..150 seconds.
  • Whirlwind Attack: increased damage to 13..20.


  • Updated the skill sets of the bosses Edibbo Pekpek and Alana Pekpek to work with the new Glimmering Mark. They now have Conjure Lightning and Whirlwind instead of Lightning Strike and Lightning Javelin.
  • Skeleton Monks in Hard Mode will now use Vengeance instead of Unyielding Aura.
  • Kisai will now use Blinding Surge instead of Glimmering Mark when encountered in the Norn Tournament.
  • Reduced the armor of the following bosses: Demetrios the Enduring, Coventina the Matron, and Willa the Unpleasant.

Underworld changes

  • Reapers now become invulnerable once all quests have been completed in the Underworld.
  • Replaced Cursed Dream Riders with Banished Dream Riders.
  • Shortened the distance Banished Dream Riders will follow a player.
  • Banished Dream Riders now stand stationary and overlook a small complement of added Wailing Lords.
  • Mindblade Spectres' base attack is now ranged.
  • Increased the Health of Mindblade Spectres by 500.
  • Reduced the run speed of Mindblade Spectres.

AI Updates

The following AI updates apply to Heroes, henchmen, and Hard Mode NPCs.


  • Heroes now use Dark Escape less frequently when about to engage in combat.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Signet of Shadows on a non-Blinded target.


  • Heroes are less likely to use Chilling Victory on a target when the target's Health is greater than theirs.
  • Heroes will be less likely to use Lyssa's Assault without an enchantment active.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Crippling Victory when a target has more Health then them or is already Crippled.


  • Heroes are less likely to use Lightning Bolt on stationary foes.
  • Heroes use Shock Arrow more efficiently.
  • Heroes use Glowstone more efficiently.
  • Heroes use Glowing Gaze more efficiently.
  • Heroes are more likely to use Glowing Ice on targets suffering from a water hex.
  • Heroes no longer use Blinding Flash on casters or Blinded targets.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Blinding Surge if only a single target will be affected.
  • Heroes use Mind Blast more effectively.
  • Heroes will use of Flare on targets regardless of their remaining Health.
  • Heroes use Invoke Lightning more efficiently.
  • Heroes use Chain Lightning more efficiently.


  • Heroes are less likely to use Lightning Bolt on stationary foes.
  • Heroes use Shock Arrow more efficiently.
  • Heroes use Glowstone more efficiently.
  • Heroes use Glowing Gaze more efficiently.
  • Heroes are more likely to use Glowing Ice on targets suffering from a water hex.
  • Heroes no longer use Blinding Flash on casters or Blinded targets.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Blinding Surge if only a single target will be affected.
  • Heroes use Mind Blast more effectively.
  • Heroes will use of Flare on targets regardless of their remaining Health.
  • Heroes use Invoke Lightning more efficiently.
  • Heroes use Chain Lightning more efficiently.


  • Heroes will be more likely to use Signet of Devotion in useful situations.
  • Heroes will be more selective when using Supportive Spirit.
  • Heroes will use Balthazar's Pendulum on targets that are under attack and have been knocked down.
  • Heroes will no longer spam Vital Blessing on pets.
  • Heroes use Zealous Benediction less frequently when a target's Health is above 50%.
  • Heroes use Mending Touch more effectively.
  • Heroes will no longer use Martyr when they are the only character suffering from a condition.
  • Heroes maintain Smiter's Boon whether in combat or not.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Bane Signet and Castigation Signet against targets that aren't attacking.
  • Heroes will now use Blessed Light less frequently if the character is only suffering from a condition or hex.
  • Heroes use Healing Breeze and Watchful Spirit more effectively.
  • Heroes will now use Purifying Veil as a condition removal.
  • Heroes will now maintain Healer's Covenant during combat and remove it after combat has ended.
  • Heroes will maintain Vigorous Spirit more frequently on themselves and allies.
  • Heroes now cast Defender's Zeal on any attacking target.
  • Heroes will now cast Patient Spirit on themselves when manually ordered to use the skill with an enemy targeted.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Pensive Guardian on allies who aren't under attack.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Divine Healing and Heaven's Delight with allies outside of earshot range.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Extinguish if only one ally is suffering from a condition.
  • Heroes are less likely to cast protective enchantments that trigger on attack unless the party is in combat.
  • Heroes will no longer become confused when Dismiss Condition is queued without a viable target.


  • Heroes are less likely to use Enfeeble on foes that are already suffering from Weakness and are more likely to use Enfeeble on melee or ranged enemies before targeting casters.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Reckless Haste on enemies that don't use physical attacks.
  • Heroes will no longer use Weaken Armor on foes who are already suffering from Cracked Armor.
  • Heroes now use Soul Bind on any target that is low on Health.
  • Heroes will always attempt to maintain Dark Bond on themselves.
  • Heroes will always attempt to maintain Infuse Condition on themselves.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Angorodon's Gaze unless they are suffering from a condition.


  • Heroes will only use Disrupting Throw on targets suffering from a condition.
  • Heroes will no longer use "Brace Yourself!" on an ally when they are already under the effect of this skill.
  • Heroes only use Maiming Spear on foes that are suffering from Bleeding and aren't suffering from Deep Wound.
  • Heroes will no longer use Merciless Spear on foes that have more than 50% Health or are already suffering from Deep Wound.
  • Heroes will now use "Make Haste!" on allies when targeting an enemy.
  • Heroes will now use Bladeturn Refrain, "Lead the Way!" and Blazing Finale skills on allies.
  • Heroes will now use Burning Refrain and Enduring Harmony on allies when appropriate.
  • Heroes will no longer use Natural Temper when they're enchanted.
  • Heroes will now use "Fall Back!" as a speed boost.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Godspeed while stationary.


  • Heroes are more likely to use preparations outside of combat.
  • Heroes now use Barrage more frequently against single targets.
  • Heroes now maintain Muddy Terrain during combat.
  • Heroes are more likely to use Bestial Mauling when their target is knocked down.
  • Heroes are more likely to use Punishing Shot and Magebane Shot as an interrupt.
  • Heroes will now use Poison Tip Signet out of combat and will no longer re-apply the skill while it's still active.
  • Heroes are less likely to use Throw Dirt against enemies that don't use physical attacks.
  • Heroes use Antidote Signet when suffering from any condition.


  • Heroes are more likely to use Xiko's ashes for Health regeneration.
  • Heroes are more likely to use and maintain Ritual Lord outside of combat.
  • Heroes will now use Resilient was Xiko outside of combat if they are suffering from hexes or conditions.
  • Heroes will now prioritize targets more effectively when casting Weapon of Warding.
  • Heroes will now assign a higher priority to allies under attack for Weapon of Remedy and Vengeful Weapon.
  • Heroes will now use Gaze of Fury on enemy Spirits before selecting allied Spirits.
  • Heroes will now prioritize the recipient of Weapon of Shadow to be allies under melee or physical ranged attack.


Messagebox info.png Hinweis: Die Krieger-Änderungen sind angeblich mit den Ritualisten-Änderungen identisch.


  • Heroes are less influenced by the weapon they have equipped when determining the range at which they'll engage an enemy.
  • Heroes with ranged weapons equipped will no longer move into melee range when a point-blank area-of-effect skill is equipped but disabled.
  • Heroes will now give up on targets that exit their combat range instead of staying locked in pursuit.
  • Heroes are less likely to use shouts, echoes, and chants if another ally has just used the same skill.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused Air of Superiority to trigger on enemies that didn't award experience.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from canceling their Heroes' maintained enchantments while the player was dead.
  • Fixed the warning text displayed when mousing over an attribute that the player didn't have enough points to increase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Charrslayer Weapons to do less damage then intended.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Rebel Yell to not correctly award adrenaline.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Mark of Instability to incorrectly cause knockdown for target other ally's dual attacks.


  • The Xunlai Tournament House NPC now offers prizes for the July tournament and can be found in the Great Temple of Balthazar, Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center, and Kamadan.
  • Based on feedback from the last Dragon Festival, Emperor Kisu will no longer trade you a festival hat if you already have a hat of that kind in your inventory for all future Dragon Festivals.
  • Decreased the Elonian Elite Skill Hunter title to 140.
  • Added the Master of the Isle to the Great Temple of Balthazar. This NPC allows players to enter a PvP version of the Isle of the Nameless.=