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Fertigkeitenvorlagencode: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 141: Zeile 141:

*0 - (blank)
*0 - (blank)
*1 - [[Healing Signet]]
*1 - [[Siegel der Heilung]]
*2 - [[Resurrection Signet]]
*2 - [[Siegel der Wiederbelebung]]
*3 - [[Signet of Capture]]
*3 - [[Siegel der Erbeutung]]
*4 - [[BAMPH !]] (Locked Skill)
*4 - [[BAMPH !]] (Locked Skill)
*5 - [[Power Block]]
*5 - [[Kraftblock]]
*6 - [[Mantra of Earth]]
*6 - [[Mantra der Erde]]
*7 - [[Mantra of Flame]]
*7 - [[Mantra des Feuers]]
*8 - [[Mantra of Frost]]
*8 - [[Mantra des Frosts]]
*9 - [[Mantra of Lightning]]
*9 - [[Mantra des Blitzes]]
*10 - [[Hex Breaker]]
*10 - [[Gebrochene Verhexung]]
*11 - [[Distortion]]
*11 - [[Verzerrung]]
*12 - [[Mantra of Celerity]] (Locked Skill)
*12 - [[Mantra of Celerity]] (Locked Skill)
*13 - [[Mantra of Recovery]]
*13 - [[Mantra der Erholung]]
*14 - [[Mantra of Persistence]]
*14 - [[Mantra des Bestehens]]
*15 - [[Mantra of Inscriptions]]
*15 - [[Mantra der Inschriften]]
*16 - [[Mantra of Concentration]]
*16 - [[Mantra der Konzentration]]
*17 - [[Mantra of Resolve]]
*17 - [[Mantra des Abschlusses]]
*18 - [[Mantra of Signets]]
*18 - [[Mantra der Siegel]]
*19 - [[Fragility]]
*19 - [[Zerbrechlichkeit]]
*20 - [[Confusion]] (Locked Skill)
*20 - [[Confusion]] (Locked Skill)
*21 - [[Inspired Enchantment]]
*21 - [[Inspirierte Verzauberung]]
*22 - [[Inspired Hex]]
*22 - [[Inspired Hex]]
*23 - [[Power Spike]]
*23 - [[Power Spike]]

Version vom 27. Mai 2007, 11:08 Uhr


Overall Format

The skill template is a single line that is a base64 encoded bit stream as defined in rfc3548 using + and / as the 62nd and 63rd characters respectively.

Numbers of varying number of bits are placed into the bitstream, in the following sequence:

If generated before 4/5/2007 update:

  • 4 bits - always 0, assumed to indicate the version and that this is a Skill Template.

If generated after 4/5/2007 update:

  • 4 bits - always 14, indicates version and that this is a Skill Template
  • 4 bits - always 0, could be used for race in upcoming GW:EN

The rest is the same before and after the update:

  • 2 bits - always 0, perhaps reserved to indicate size of profession fields
  • 4 bits - Primary profession (see table below)
  • 4 bits - Secondary profession (see table below)
  • 4 bits - The number of attributes specified in the template
  • 4 bits - Size of attribute codes. All attribute codes are the same size, and the size (in bits) is equal to 4 plus this number. For example, if the size is 2, each of the attribute codes will be 6 bits.
  • Sequence of attribute codes and values
    • (4 + size) bits - attribute code (see table below)
    • 4 bits - value of attribute, this is 1 - 12, and does not take into account runes, headgear, etc.
  • 4 bits - Size of the skill codes. This works in the same way as the attribute size, except that each skill code is (8 + size) bits.
  • Sequence of exactly 8 skill codes
    • (8 + size) bits - skill code (see table below)

Octal to base 64

Windows Calculator can convert base 10 to octal (base 8) while in scientific calculator mode, and pairs of octal digits can be easily be converted to base 64 digits using this table.

00 A 10 I 20 Q 30 Y 40 g 50 o 60 w 70 4
01 B 11 J 21 R 31 Z 41 h 51 p 61 x 71 5
02 C 12 K 22 S 32 a 42 i 52 q 62 y 72 6
03 D 13 L 23 T 33 b 43 j 53 r 63 z 73 7
04 E 14 M 24 U 34 c 44 k 54 s 64 0 74 8
05 F 15 N 25 V 35 d 45 l 55 t 65 1 75 9
06 G 16 O 26 W 36 e 46 m 56 u 66 2 76 +
07 H 17 P 27 X 37 f 47 n 57 v 67 3 77 /


The following example shows how to decypher the skill template AxNREp8XH/CgJwEBBAAAXmAA which is a Warrior / Assassin build:

Base64 code A x N R E p etc.
Decimal 0 49 13 17 4 41 etc.
Binary 1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 16 32 etc.
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 etc.
Content Template
No. of
bit length
Attribute 1 Attribute 1
Attribute 2 etc.
Binary 1 2 4 8 16 32 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 16 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 16 etc.
Decimal 0 1 7 3 1 17 8 20 etc.
Meaning Skill template Warrior Assassin 3 attributes 1 + 4 = 5 bit Strength 8 Swordsmanship etc.




Skill codes



Locked Skills cannot be found in game without making special templates.

Invalid skills can be found in game, nevertheless, like Locked Skills, you cannot equip them (In most cases, they are monsters skills or skills left over from the prophecies alpha/beta versions of the game).

A lot of skill codes are missing. Please add them.

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