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Forum-Hochland | |
Typ | Erforschbares Gebiet |
Kampagne | Nightfall |
Region | Vaabi |
Gegneranzahl | Nicht bezwingbar |
Nachbarn | |
Seborhin-Garten, Jennurs Horde, Obstgarten von Tihark, Der Kodash-Basar, Vehtendi-Tal | |
Karte | |
Städte & Außenposten
- Norden: Obstgarten von Tihark
- Nordwesten: Jennurs Horde
- Nordosten: Der Kodash-Basar
Ausgänge / Nachbar-Gebiete
- Norden: Seborhin-garten (Mit Tahlkora in your party or after completing the game.)
- Südosten: Vehtendi-Tal
Schreine und Segnungen
- Südosten: Lyssa shrine, Heket Hunt, exit to Vehtendi Valley
- Nordosten: Lyssa Shrine, Heket Hunt, exit to Kodash Bazaar
- Nordwesten: Grenth shrine, Heket Hunt, exit to Jennur's Horde
- Westen: Balthazar shrine, Harpy Hunt
- Mitte: Dwayna shrine, Elemental Hunt (Whispers Informant)
- Süden: Grenth shrine, Elemental Hunt (Whispers Informant)
- Norden: Melandru shrine, Harpy Hunt
Kaufmänner und Handwerker
- Butoh the Bold
- Dehvit Notigunahm
- Jahmeh Bahkmasitur
- Kahlin Idehjir
- Karistend Behrisfahr
- Kamveh
- Kehanni
- Priestess Haila
- Seborhin Protector Zuor
- Vabbian Guard
- Vabbian Noble
24 Ruby Djinn (only during Attack at the Kodash)
- "Abaddon" (only during Norgu's Nightfall)
- "Hero" (only during Norgu's Nightfall)
- "Kormir" (only during Norgu's Nightfall)
- "Norgu" (only during Norgu's Nightfall)
- "Varesh" (only during Norgu's Nightfall)
- Narrator (only during Norgu's Nightfall)
28 Djinn Overseer (only during quest One Man's Dream)
24 Rubin-Dschinn
24 Diamant-Dschinn
24 Saphir-Dschinn
Skree Harpies
24 Skree-Plünderer
28 Elder Skree-Fährtensucher
24 Skree-Fährtensucher
24 Skree-Greif
28 Elder Skree-Sänger
24 Skree-Sänger
20 Kourna-Wächter
20 Kourna-Unterdrücker
20 Kourna-Seher
20 Kourna-Schreiber
20 Kourna-Eiferer
24 Steinaxt-Heket
24 Bestien-Heket
24 Blauzungen-Heket
24 Blutkutten-Heket
Datei:20 Forum Highlands Bosses.jpg
Spawn Location
28 Grabthar der Anmaßende (Margoniter): Magiejägerschmetterer
28 Geisterkrieger Churahm: Geistesstärker
28 Bolten Rundbauch (Heket): Wilder Schlag
24 Kommandeur Sadi-Belai: Eifrige Segnung
28 Korshek der Geopferte: Versengende Flammen
28 Fetz: "Schon unterwegs!" - nur während der Quest Verzweifelte Maßnahmen
28 Harrk Facestab: Contagion - nur während der Quest Verzweifelte Maßnahmen
- At the southern edge in the middle of this area, directly north of Chantry of Secrets and near Commander Sadi-Belai, is a broken door and a secret passageway that does not allow entry. A sign exists that says Do Not Touch. If you touch it, a rare item will drop, and several angry Djinn appear.
- A Dusty Urn can be found close to Korshek and Churahm. This item is relevant to the One Man's Dream quest, but will be present whether you have the quest active or not.