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7 gww:Warrior's Isle Insel des Kriegers
8 gww:Hunter's Isle Insel des Jägers
9 gww:Wizard's Isle Insel des Zauberers
13 gww:Diessa Lowlands Tiefland von Diessa
17 gww:Talmark Wilderness Talmark-Wildnis
18 gww:The Black Curtain Der Schwarze Vorhang
26 gww:Talus Chute Talusschnelle
27 gww:Griffon's Mouth Greifenmaul
31 gww:Xaquang Skyway Xaquang-Himmelsweg
33 gww:Old Ascalon Alt-Ascalon
34 gww:The Fissure of Woe Riss des Kummers
41 gww:Sage Lands Land der Weisen
42 gww:Mamnoon Lagoon Mamnoon-Lagune
43 gww:Silverwood Silberholz
44 gww:Ettin's Back Ettinbuckel
45 gww:Reed Bog Schilfmoor
46 gww:The Falls Die Wasserfälle
47 gww:Dry Top Trockenkuppe
48 gww:Tangle Root Wildwurzel
53 gww:Tears of the Fallen Tränen der Gefallenen
54 gww:Scoundrel's Rise Schurkenhügel
56 gww:Cursed Lands Verfluchtes Land
58 gww:North Kryta Province Provinz Nordkryta
59 gww:Nebo Terrace Nebo-Terrasse
60 gww:Majesty's Rest Königsruh
61 gww:Twin Serpent Lakes Zwillingsschlangenseen
62 gww:Watchtower Coast Wachturmküste
63 gww:Stingray Strand Stachelrochenstrand
64 gww:Kessex Peak Kessex-Gipfel
67 gww:Burning Isle Brennende Insel
68 gww:Frozen Isle Vereiste Insel
69 gww:Nomad's Isle Nomadeninsel
70 gww:Druid's Isle Druideninsel
71 gww:Isle of the Dead (guild hall) Insel der Toten
72 gww:The Underworld Die Unterwelt
87 gww:Icedome Eisdom
88 gww:Iron Horse Mine Eisenrossmine
89 gww:Anvil Rock Ambossstein
90 gww:Lornar's Pass Lornarpass
91 gww:Snake Dance Schlangentanz
92 gww:Tasca's Demise Tascas Ableben
93 gww:Spearhead Peak Speerspitzengipfel
94 gww:Ice Floe Eisscholle
95 gww:Witman's Folly Witmans Torheit
96 gww:Mineral Springs Mineralquellen
97 gww:Dreadnought's Drift Schreckensdrift
98 gww:Frozen Forest Frostwald
99 gww:Traveler's Vale Tal des Reisenden
100 gww:Deldrimor Bowl Deldrimor-Becken
101 gww:Regent Valley Regentental
102 gww:The Breach Die Bresche
103 gww:Ascalon Foothills Ascalon-Vorgebirge
104 gww:Pockmark Flats Pockennarbenebene
105 gww:Dragon's Gullet Drachenschlund
106 gww:Flame Temple Corridor Flammentempel-Gang
107 gww:Eastern Frontier Ostgrenze
108 gww:The Scar Die Narbe
110 gww:Diviner's Ascent Wahrsagerhöhe
111 gww:Vulture Drifts Geierdünen
112 gww:The Arid Sea Das Trockene Meer
113 gww:Prophet's Path Pfad des Propheten
114 gww:Salt Flats Salzebenen
115 gww:Skyward Reach Himmelsspitze
121 gww:Perdition Rock Fels der Verdammnis
127 gww:Scarred Earth Vernarbte Erde (Erforschbar)
128 gww:The Eternal Grove (explorable area) Der Ewige Hain (Erforschbar)
144 gww:Gyala Hatchery (explorable area) Gyala-Brutstätte (Erforschbar)
145 gww:The Catacombs Die Katakomben
146 gww:Lakeside County Flussuferprovinz
147 gww:The Northlands Nordländer
149 gww:Ascalon Academy Ascalon-Akademie
151 gww:Ascalon Academy (explorable area) Ascalon-Akademie#Lösung des PvE-Teils
160 gww:Green Hills County Grünhügel-Grafschaft
161 gww:Wizard's Folly Torheit des Zauberers
162 gww:Regent Valley (pre-Searing) Regentental (Tutorial)
190 gww:Sorrow's Furnace Hochofen der Betrübnis
191 gww:Grenth's Footprint Grenths Fußabdruck
195 gww:Drazach Thicket Drazachdickicht
196 gww:Jaya Bluffs Jaya-Klippen
197 gww:Shenzun Tunnels Shenzun-Tunnel
198 gww:Archipelagos Archipel
199 gww:Maishang Hills Maishang-Hügel
200 gww:Mount Qinkai Qinkai
201 gww:Melandru's Hope Melandrus Hoffnung
202 gww:Rhea's Crater Rheas Krater
203 gww:Silent Surf Stumme Brandung
205 gww:Morostav Trail Morostovweg
209 gww:Mourning Veil Falls Trauerflorfälle
210 gww:Ferndale Farntal
211 gww:Pongmei Valley Pongmei-Tal
212 gww:Monastery Overlook Kloster-Aussichtspunkt
227 gww:Unwaking Waters (explorable area) Verschlafene Gewässer (Erforschbar)
232 gww:Shadow's Passage Schattenpassage
233 gww:Raisu Palace (explorable area) Raisu-Palast (Erforschbar)
235 gww:Panjiang Peninsula Panjiang-Halbinsel
236 gww:Kinya Province Provinz Kinya
237 gww:Haiju Lagoon Haiju-Lagune
238 gww:Sunqua Vale Sunqua-Tal
239 gww:Wajjun Bazaar Wajjun-Basar
240 gww:Bukdek Byway Bukdek-Seitenweg
241 gww:The Undercity Die Unterstadt
244 gww:Arborstone (explorable area) Arborstein (Erforschbar)
245 gww:Minister Cho's Estate (explorable area) Minister Chos Anwesen (Erforschbar)
246 gww:Zen Daijun (explorable area) Zen Daijun (Erforschbar)
247 gww:Boreas Seabed (explorable area) Boreas-Meeresgrund (Erforschbar)
252 gww:Linnok Courtyard Linnok-Hof
256 gww:Sunjiang District (explorable area) Sunjiang-Bezirk (Erforschbar)
265 gww:Nahpui Quarter (explorable area) Nahpuiviertel (Erforschbar)
269 gww:Tahnnakai Temple (explorable area) Tahnnakai-Tempel (Erforschbar)
280 gww:Isle of the Nameless Insel der Namenlosen
285 gww:Monastery Overlook Kloster-Aussichtspunkt
290 gww:Bejunkan Pier Bejunkan-Pier
301 gww:Raisu Pavilion Raisu-Pavillion
302 gww:Kaineng Docks Docks von Kaineng
313 gww:Saoshang Trail Saoshangweg
344 gww:The Hall of Heroes (explorable area) Die Halle der Helden (Erforschbar)
345 gww:The Courtyard (explorable area) Der Hof (Erforschbar)
346 gww:Scarred Earth Vernarbte Erde (Erforschbar)
347 gww:The Underworld (explorable area) Die Unterwelt (Erforschbar)
351 gww:Divine Path Göttlicher Pfad
361 gww:Isle of Weeping Stone Insel des trauernden Steins
362 gww:Isle of Jade Jadeinsel
363 gww:Imperial Isle Kaiserinsel
364 gww:Isle of Meditation Insel der Meditation
369 gww:Jahai Bluffs Jahai-Klippen
371 gww:Marga Coast Marga-Küste
373 gww:Sunward Marches Sonnenwärtige Sümpfe
375 gww:Barbarous Shore Barbarenküste
377 gww:Bahdok Caverns Bahdok-Höhlen
379 gww:Dejarin Estate Dejarin-Anwesen
380 gww:Arkjok Ward Arkjok-Bastei
382 gww:Gandara, the Moon Fortress Gandara, die Mondfestung
384 gww:The Floodplain of Mahnkelon Die Schwemmebene von Mahnkelon
385 gww:Lion's Arch (explorable area) Löwenstein (Erforschbar)
386 gww:Turai's Procession Turais Weg
392 gww:Yatendi Canyons Yahtendi-Schluchten
394 gww:Garden of Seborhin Seborhin-Garten
395 gww:Holdings of Chokhin Güter von Chokhin
397 gww:Vehjin Mines Vehjin-Minen
399 gww:Forum Highlands Forum-Hochland
400 gww:Kaineng Center (explorable area) Zentrum von Kaineng (Erforschbar)
402 gww:Resplendent Makuun Makuun die Leuchtende
404 gww:Wilderness of Bahdza Wildnis von Bahdza
406 gww:Vehtendi Valley Vehtendi-Tal
413 gww:The Hidden City of Ahdashim Verborgene Stadt von Ahdashim
415 gww:Lion's Gate Löwentor
419 gww:The Mirror of Lyss Der Spiegel von Lyss
422 gww:Kamadan, Jewel of Istan (explorable area) Kamadan, Juwel von Istan (Erforschbar)
423 gww:The Tribunal Das Tribunal
429 gww:Consulate Konsulat
430 gww:Plains of Jarin Flachland von Jarin
432 gww:Cliffs of Dohjok Felsen von Dohjok
436 gww:Command Post Kommandostelle
437 gww:Joko's Domain Jokos Domäne
439 gww:The Ruptured Heart Das Zerrissene Herz
441 gww:The Shattered Ravines Die Zerklüfteten Schluchten
443 gww:Poisoned Outcrops Giftige Auswüchse
444 gww:The Sulfurous Wastes Die Schwefel-Einöde
446 gww:The Alkali Pan Das Alkalibecken
447 gww:Cliffs of Dohjok Felsen von Dohjok
448 gww:Crystal Overlook Kristallspitze
455 gww:Nightfallen Garden Garten in Finsternis
456 gww:Churrhir Fields Churrhir-Felder
461 gww:The Underworld Die Unterwelt
462 gww:Heart of Abaddon Abaddons Herz
463 gww:The Underworld Die Unterwelt
465 gww:Nightfallen Jahai Jahai in Finsternis
466 gww:Depths of Madness Abgründe des Wahnsinns
468 gww:Domain of Fear Domäne der Angst
470 gww:Domain of Pain Domäne der Schmerzen
472 gww:Domain of Secrets Domäne der Geheimnisse
474 gww:Domain of Anguish Domäne der Pein
481 gww:Fahranur, The First City Fahranur, die Erste Stadt
482 gww:Bjora Marches Bjora-Sümpfe
483 gww:Zehlon Reach Zehlon-Bucht
484 gww:Lahtenda Bog Lahtenda-Sumpf
485 gww:Arbor Bay Arborbucht
486 gww:Issnur Isles Issnur-Inseln
488 gww:Mehtani Keys Mehtani-Archipel
490 gww:Island of Shehkah Insel Shehkah
499 gww:Ice Cliff Chasms Eisklippen-Abgründe
500 gww:Bokka Amphitheatre Amphitheater von Bokka
501 gww:Riven Earth Zerrissene Erde
503 gww:Throne of Secrets Thron der Geheimnisse
505 gww:Shing Jea Monastery (mission) Kloster von Shing Jea (Mission)
506 gww:Haiju Lagoon (mission) Haiju-Lagune (Mission)
507 gww:Jaya Bluffs (mission) Jaya-Klippen (Mission)
508 gww:Seitung Harbor (mission) Hafen von Seitung (Mission)
509 gww:Tsumei Village (mission) Dorf Tsumei (Mission)
510 gww:Seitung Harbor (mission 2) Hafen von Seitung (Mission 2)
511 gww:Tsumei Village (mission 2) Dorf Tsumei (Mission 2)
513 gww:Drakkar Lake Drakkar-See
531 gww:Uncharted Isle Unbekannte Insel
532 gww:Isle of Wurms Insel der Würmer
539 gww:Corrupted Isle Verdorbene Insel
540 gww:Isle of Solitude Insel der Einsamkeit
543 gww:Sun Docks Sonnenhafen
546 gww:Jaga Moraine Jaga-Moräne
548 gww:Norrhart Domains Norrhart-Gebiete
553 gww:Varajar Fells Varajar-Moor
558 gww:Sparkfly Swamp Funkenschwärmersumpf
561 gww:The Troubled Keeper Hüterin in Not
566 gww:Verdant Cascades Grüne Kaskaden
569 gww:Magus Stones Magussteine
572 gww:Alcazia Tangle Alcazia-Dickicht
625 gww:Battledepths Schlachttiefen
646 gww:Hall of Monuments Halle der Monumente
647 gww:Dalada Uplands Dalada-Hochland
649 gww:Grothmar Wardowns Grothmar-Kriegshügel
651 gww:Sacnoth Valley Sacnoth-Tal
653 gww:Curse of the Nornbear Der Fluch des Nornbären
654 gww:Blood Washes Blood Blut wäscht Blut
664 gww:Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation Geführter Operand Lebender Entfesselter Magie
665 gww:Against the Charr Gegen die Charr
669 gww:Assault on the Stronghold Der Angriff auf die Festung
673 gww:A Time for Heroes Eine Zeit für Helden
674 gww:Warband Training Trupp-Übungen
678 gww:Attack of the Nornbear Dem Nornbären auf der Spur
686 gww:Polymock Coliseum Polymock-Kolosseum
687 gww:Polymock Glacier Polymock-Gletscher
688 gww:Polymock Crossing Polymock-Kreuzung
690 gww:Cold as Ice Eiskalt erwischt
691 gww:Beneath Lion's Arch Unter Löwenstein
692 gww:Tunnels Below Cantha Tunnel unter Cantha
693 gww:Caverns Below Kamadan Höhlen unter Kamadan
695 gww:Service: In Defense of the Eye Dienst: Die Verteidigung des Auges
696 gww:Mano a Norn-o Mensch gegen Norn
697 gww:Service: Practice, Dummy Dienst: Kampfübung
698 gww:Hero Tutorial Helden-Tutorial
700 gww:The Norn Fighting Tournament Die Kampf-Meisterschaft der Norn
702 gww:Norn Brawling Championship Die Rauferei-Meisterschaft der Norn
703 gww:Kilroy's Punchout Training Kilroys Training der Fliegenden Fäuste
705 gww:The Justiciar's End Das Ende des Justiziars
707 gww:The Great Norn Alemoot Der Große Bierrat der Norn
708 gww:Varajar Fells Varajar-Moor
710 gww:Epilogue Epilog
711 gww:Insidious Remnants Heimtückische Überreste
717 gww:Attack on Jalis's Camp Angriff auf Jalis' Lager
726 gww:Kilroy's Punchout Tournament Kilroys Turnier der Fliegenden Fäuste
727 gww:Special Ops: Flame Temple Corridor Spezialeinsatz: Flammentempel-Gang
728 gww:Special Ops: Dragon's Gullet Spezialeinsatz: Drachenschlund
729 gww:Special Ops: Grendich Courthouse Spezialeinsatz: Gerichtsgebäude in Grendich
770 gww:The Tengu Accords Das Friedensabkommen mit den Tengu
771 gww:The Battle of Jahai Die Schlacht von Jahai
772 gww:The Flight North Die Flucht nach Norden
773 gww:The Rise of the White Mantle Der Aufstieg des Weißen Mantels
781 gww:Secret Lair of the Snowmen Der geheime Unterschlupf der Schneemänner
782 gww:Secret Lair of the Snowmen Der geheime Unterschlupf der Schneemänner
783 gww:Droknar's Forge (explorable area) Droknars Schmiede (Epilog)
788 gww:Temple of the Ages (explorable area) Tempel der Zeitalter (Erforschbar)
791 gww:Secret Underground Lair Geheimes unterirdisches Versteck
792 gww:Golem Tutorial Simulation Golem-Tutoriumssimulation
793 gww:Ice Cliff Chasms (snowball) Eisklippen-Abgründe (Schneeball-Dominanz)


10 gww:Bloodstone Fen Blutsteinsumpf (Mission)
11 gww:The Wilds Die Wildnis (Mission)
12 gww:Aurora Glade Auroralichtung (Mission)
14 gww:Gates of Kryta Tore von Kryta (Mission)
15 gww:D'Alessio Seaboard D'Alessio-Küste (Mission)
16 gww:Divinity Coast Küste der Göttlichkeit (Mission)
19 gww:Sanctum Cay Riff der Stille (Mission)
21 gww:The Frost Gate Das Frosttor (Mission)
22 gww:Ice Caves of Sorrow Eishöhlen der Betrübnis (Mission)
23 gww:Thunderhead Keep Feste Donnerkopf (Mission)
24 gww:Iron Mines of Moladune Eisenminen von Moladune (Mission)
25 gww:Borlis Pass Borlispass (Mission)
28 gww:The Great Northern Wall Der Große Nordwall (Mission)
29 gww:Fort Ranik Fort Ranik (Mission)
30 gww:Ruins of Surmia Ruinen von Surmia (Mission)
32 gww:Nolani Academy Nolani-Akademie (Mission)
37 gww:Glint's Challenge Glints Herausforderung
65 gww:D'Alessio Arena D'Alessio-Arena (Mission)
73 gww:Riverside Province Flussuferprovinz (Mission)
75 gww:The Hall of Heroes (arena) Die Halle der Helden
76 gww:Broken Tower Zerfallener Turm
78 gww:The Courtyard (arena) Der Hof
79 gww:Unholy Temples Unheilige Tempel
80 gww:Burial Mounds Grabhügel
82 gww:Tomb of the Primeval Kings Grab der altehrwürdigen Könige
83 gww:The Vault Die Gruft
84 gww:The Underworld (arena) Die Unterwelt (Turnier-Karte)
85 gww:Ascalon Arena Ascalon-Arena (Mission)
86 gww:Sacred Temples Geheiligte Tempel
116 gww:Dunes of Despair Dünen der Verzweiflung (Mission)
117 gww:Thirsty River Durstiger Fluss (Mission)
118 gww:Elona Reach Elonaspitze (Mission)
119 gww:Augury Rock Fels der Weissagung (Mission)
120 gww:The Dragon's Lair Die Drachenhöhle (Mission)
122 gww:Ring of Fire Feuerring (Mission)
123 gww:Abaddon's Mouth Abaddons Maul (Mission)
124 gww:Hell's Precipice Vorhof der Hölle (Mission)
126 gww:Golden Gates Goldene Tore
150 gww:Ascalon Academy (PvP Battle) Ascalon-Akademie#Lösung zum PvP-Teil
167 gww:Burning Isle Brennende Insel
168 gww:Druid's Isle Druideninsel
170 gww:Frozen Isle Vereiste Insel
171 gww:Warrior's Isle Insel des Kriegers
172 gww:Hunter's Isle Insel des Jägers
173 gww:Wizard's Isle Insel des Zauberers
174 gww:Nomad's Isle Nomadeninsel
175 gww:Isle of the Dead (guild hall) Insel der Toten
180 gww:Fort Koga Fort Koga (Mission)
181 gww:Shiverpeak Arena Zittergipfel-Arena (Mission)
182 gww:Amnoon Arena Amnoon-Arena (Mission)
183 gww:Deldrimor Arena Deldrimor-Arena (Mission)
184 gww:The Crag Die Felsspitze (Mission)
204 gww:Unwaking Waters Verschlafene Gewässer (Mission)
208 gww:Heroes' Crypt Gruft der Helden
213 gww:Zen Daijun Zen Daijun (Mission)
214 gww:Minister Cho's Estate Minister Chos Anwesen (Mission)
215 gww:Vizunah Square Vizunahplatz (Mission)
216 gww:Nahpui Quarter Nahpuiviertel (Mission)
217 gww:Tahnnakai Temple Tahnnakai-Tempel (Mission)
218 gww:Arborstone Arborstein (Mission)
219 gww:Boreas Seabed Boreas-Meeresgrund (Mission)
220 gww:Sunjiang District Sunjiang-Bezirk (Mission)
221 gww:Fort Aspenwood Fort Espenwald (Mission)
222 gww:The Eternal Grove Der Ewige Hain (Mission)
223 gww:The Jade Quarry Der Jadesteinbruch (Mission)
224 gww:Gyala Hatchery Gyala-Brutstätte (Mission)
225 gww:Raisu Palace Raisu-Palast (Mission)
226 gww:Imperial Sanctum Kaiserliches Refugium (Mission)
228 gww:Grenz Frontier Grenzland (Mission)
230 gww:Amatz Basin Amatzbecken (Mission)
234 gww:The Aurios Mines Die Auriosminen (Mission)
243 gww:Shing Jea Arena Shing Jea-Arena (Mission)
253 gww:Dwayna Vs Grenth Dwayna gg. Grenth (Mission)
266 gww:Urgoz's Warren Urgoz' Bau (Mission)
272 gww:Altrumm Ruins Altrumm-Ruinen (Mission)
273 gww:Zos Shivros Channel Zos Shivros-Kanal (Mission)
274 gww:Dragon's Throat Drachenhals (Mission)
300 gww:Etnaran Keys Etnaran-Inseln (Mission)
307 gww:The Deep Die Tiefe (Mission)
308 gww:Ascalon Arena Ascalon-Arena (Mission)
309 gww:Annihilation Vernichtung
310 gww:Kill Count Training Kill-Count-Training
311 gww:Annihilation Vernichtung
312 gww:Obelisk Annihilation Training Obeliskenvernichtungstraining
314 gww:Shiverpeak Arena Zittergipfel-Arena (Mission)
318 gww:D'Alessio Arena D'Alessio-Arena
319 gww:Amnoon Arena Amnoon-Arena (Mission)
320 gww:Fort Koga Fort Koga (Mission)
321 gww:Heroes' Crypt Gruft der Helden
322 gww:Shiverpeak Arena Zittergipfel-Arena (Mission)
330 gww:The Elite Zaishen Battle Aufstieg der Helden (Mission)
339 gww:D'Alessio Arena D'Alessio-Arena
340 gww:Amnoon Arena Amnoon-Arena (Mission)
341 gww:Fort Koga Fort Koga (Mission)
342 gww:Heroes' Crypt Gruft der Helden
343 gww:Shiverpeak Arena Zittergipfel-Arena (Mission)
352 gww:Brawler's Pit Schlägergrube
353 gww:Petrified Arena Versteinerte Arena
354 gww:Seabed Arena Meeresboden-Arena
355 gww:Isle of Weeping Stone Insel des trauernden Steins
356 gww:Isle of Jade Jadeinsel
357 gww:Imperial Isle Kaiserinsel
358 gww:Isle of Meditation Insel der Meditation
366 gww:Shing Jea Arena Shing Jea-Arena (Mission)
368 gww:Dragon Arena Drachenarena (Mission)
421 gww:Venta Cemetery Totenanger von Venta (Mission)
424 gww:Kodonur Crossroads Kodonur-Kreuzung (Mission)
425 gww:Rilohn Refuge Rilohn-Refugium (Mission)
426 gww:Pogahn Passage Passage von Pogahn (Mission)
427 gww:Moddok Crevice Moddok-Spalte (Mission)
428 gww:Tihark Orchard Obstgarten von Tihark (Mission)
433 gww:Dzagonur Bastion Bastion von Dzagonur (Mission)
434 gww:Dasha Vestibule Vorhof von Dasha (Mission)
435 gww:Grand Court of Sebelkeh Großer Hof von Sebelkeh (Mission)
445 gww:The Ebony Citadel of Mallyx Die Ebon-Zitadelle des Mallyx
467 gww:Rollerbeetle Racing Rollkäfer-Rennen (Mission)
474 gww:Domain of Anguish Domäne der Pein
476 gww:Jennur's Horde Jennurs Horde (Mission)
477 gww:Nundu Bay Nundu-Bucht (Mission)
478 gww:Gate of Desolation Ödland-Tor (Mission)
480 gww:Ruins of Morah Ruinen von Morah (Mission)
491 gww:Jokanur Diggings Ausgrabungsstätte von Jokanur (Mission)
492 gww:Blacktide Den Schwarzwasserloch (Mission)
493 gww:Consulate Docks Konsulatshafen (Mission)
494 gww:Gate of Pain Tor des Schmerzes (Mission)
495 gww:Gate of Madness Tor des Wahnsinns (Mission)
496 gww:Abaddon's Gate Abaddons Tor (Mission)
497 gww:Sunspear Arena Sonnenspeer-Arena (Mission)
504 gww:Churranu Island Arena Churranu-Insel-Arena
533 gww:Uncharted Isle Unbekannte Insel
534 gww:Isle of Wurms Insel der Würmer
536 gww:Sunspear Arena Sonnenspeer-Arena (Mission)
541 gww:Corrupted Isle Verdorbene Insel
542 gww:Isle of Solitude Insel der Einsamkeit
544 gww:Chahbek Village Chahbek (Mission)
545 gww:Remains of Sahlahja Überreste Sahlahjars (Mission)
547 gww:Bombardment Bombadierung
550 gww:Hero Battles (arena) Heldenkämpfe (Arena)
551 gww:The Crossing Die Vierung
552 gww:Desert Sands Wüstensand
554 gww:Dajkah Inlet Dajkah-Zulauf (Mission)
555 gww:The Shadow Nexus Der Nexus der Schatten (Mission)
560 gww:Cathedral of Flames Kathedrale der Flammen
567 gww:Cathedral_of_Flames Kathedrale der Flammen
568 gww:Cathedral of Flames Kathedrale der Flammen
570 gww:Catacombs of Kathandrax Katakomben von Kathandrax
571 gww:Catacombs of Kathandrax Katakomben von Kathandrax
573 gww:Rragar's_Menagerie Rragars Menagerie
574 gww:Rragar's Menagerie Rragars Menagerie
575 gww:Rragar's Menagerie Rragars Menagerie
576 gww:Ooze Pit Schleimgrube
577 gww:Slavers' Exile Das Exil des Sklavenhändlers
578 gww:Oola's Lab Oolas Labor
579 gww:Oola's Lab Oolas Labor
580 gww:Oola's Lab Oolas Labor
581 gww:Shards of Orr Scherben von Orr
582 gww:Shards of Orr Scherben von Orr
583 gww:Shards of Orr Scherben von Orr
584 gww:Arachni's Haunt Arachnis Schlupfwinkel
585 gww:Arachni's Haunt Arachnis Schlupfwinkel
593 gww:Fetid River Stinkender Fluss
596 gww:Forgotten Shrines Vergessene Schreine
598 gww:Antechamber Die Vorkammer
604 gww:Vloxen Excavations Vlox-Ausgrabungen
605 gww:Vloxen Excavations Vlox-Ausgrabungen
606 gww:Vloxen Excavations Vlox-Ausgrabungen
607 gww:Heart of the Shiverpeaks Herz der Zittergipfel
608 gww:Heart of the Shiverpeaks Herz der Zittergipfel
609 gww:Heart of the Shiverpeaks Herz der Zittergipfel
612 gww:Bloodstone Caves Blutstein-Höhlen
613 gww:Bloodstone Caves Blutstein-Höhlen
614 gww:Bloodstone Caves Blutstein-Höhlen
615 gww:Bogroot Growths Sumpfwurzel-Gewirr
616 gww:Bogroot Growths Sumpfwurzel-Gewirr
617 gww:Raven's Point Rabenthron
618 gww:Raven's Point Rabenthron
619 gww:Raven's Point Rabenthron
620 gww:Slavers' Exile Das Exil des Sklavenhändlers
621 gww:Slavers' Exile Das Exil des Sklavenhändlers
622 gww:Slavers' Exile Das Exil des Sklavenhändlers
623 gww:Slavers' Exile Das Exil des Sklavenhändlers
628 gww:Sepulchre of Dragrimmar Grabkammer des Dragrimmar
629 gww:Sepulchre of Dragrimmar Grabkammer des Dragrimmar
630 gww:Frostmaw's Burrows Frostrachens Hort
631 gww:Frostmaw's Burrows Frostrachens Hort
632 gww:Frostmaw's Burrows Frostrachens Hort
633 gww:Frostmaw's Burrows Frostrachens Hort
634 gww:Frostmaw's Burrows Frostrachens Hort
635 gww:Darkrime Delves Düsterfels-Höhlen
636 gww:Darkrime Delves Düsterfels-Höhlen
637 gww:Darkrime Delves Düsterfels-Höhlen
655 gww:A Gate Too Far Ein Portal zu weit
656 gww:A Gate Too Far Ein Portal zu weit
657 gww:A Gate Too Far Ein Portal zu weit
658 gww:The Elusive Golemancer Die scheue Golemantin
659 gww:The Elusive Golemancer Die scheue Golemantin
660 gww:The Elusive Golemancer Die scheue Golemantin
661 gww:Finding the Bloodstone Auf der Suche nach dem Blutstein
662 gww:Finding the Bloodstone Auf der Suche nach dem Blutstein
663 gww:Finding the Bloodstone Auf der Suche nach dem Blutstein
666 gww:Warband of Brothers Brudertrupp
667 gww:Warband of Brothers Brudertrupp
668 gww:Warband of Brothers Brudertrupp
670 gww:Destruction's Depths Tiefen der Zerstörung
671 gww:Destruction's Depths Tiefen der Zerstörung
672 gww:Destruction's Depths Tiefen der Zerstörung
676 gww:Catacombs of Kathandrax Katakomben von Kathandrax
701 gww:Secret Lair of the Snowmen Der geheime Unterschlupf der Schneemänner
704 gww:Fronis Irontoe's Lair Fronis Eisenzehes Lager
722 gww:Whitefury Rapids Wildwasser-Stromschnellen
723 gww:Kysten Shore Kysten-Küste
725 gww:Plikkup Works Plikkup-Werke
784 gww:Isle of the Nameless (PvP) Insel der Namenlosen (PvP)


4 gww:Warrior's Isle
5 gww:Hunter's Isle
6 gww:Wizard's Isle
10 gww:Bloodstone Fen (outpost)
11 gww:The Wilds (outpost)
12 gww:Aurora Glade (outpost)
14 gww:Gates of Kryta (outpost)
15 gww:D'Alessio Seaboard (outpost)
16 gww:Divinity Coast (outpost)
19 gww:Sanctum Cay (outpost)
20 gww:Droknar's Forge
21 gww:The Frost Gate (outpost)
22 gww:Ice Caves of Sorrow (outpost)
23 gww:Thunderhead Keep (outpost)
24 gww:Iron Mines of Moladune (outpost)
25 gww:Borlis Pass (outpost)
28 gww:The Great Northern Wall (outpost)
29 gww:Fort Ranik (outpost)
30 gww:Ruins of Surmia (outpost)
32 gww:Nolani Academy (outpost)
35 gww:Ember Light Camp
36 gww:Grendich Courthouse
38 gww:Augury Rock (outpost)
39 gww:Sardelac Sanitarium
40 gww:Piken Square
49 gww:Henge of Denravi
51 gww:Senji's Corner
52 gww:Burning Isle
55 gww:Lion's Arch
57 gww:Bergen Hot Springs
73 gww:Riverside Province (outpost)
77 gww:House zu Heltzer
81 gww:Ascalon City
82 gww:Tomb of the Primeval Kings
85 gww:Ascalon Arena (outpost)
109 gww:The Amnoon Oasis
116 gww:Dunes of Despair (outpost)
117 gww:Thirsty River (outpost)
118 gww:Elona Reach (outpost)
119 gww:Augury Rock (outpost)
120 gww:The Dragon's Lair (outpost)
122 gww:Ring of Fire (outpost)
123 gww:Abaddon's Mouth (outpost)
124 gww:Hell's Precipice (outpost)
129 gww:Lutgardis Conservatory
130 gww:Vasburg Armory
131 gww:Serenity Temple
132 gww:Ice Tooth Cave
133 gww:Beacon's Perch
134 gww:Yak's Bend
135 gww:Frontier Gate
136 gww:Beetletun
137 gww:Fishermen's Haven
138 gww:Temple of the Ages
139 gww:Ventari's Refuge
140 gww:Druid's Overlook
141 gww:Maguuma Stade
142 gww:Quarrel Falls
148 gww:Ascalon City (outpost)
152 gww:Heroes' Audience
153 gww:Seeker's Passage
154 gww:Destiny's Gorge
155 gww:Camp Rankor
156 gww:The Granite Citadel
157 gww:Marhan's Grotto
158 gww:Port Sledge
159 gww:Copperhammer Mines
163 gww:The Barradin Estate
164 gww:Ashford Abbey
165 gww:Foible's Fair
166 gww:Fort Ranik (pre-Searing)
176 gww:Frozen Isle
177 gww:Nomad's Isle
178 gww:Druid's Isle
179 gww:Isle of the Dead (guild hall)
181 gww:Shiverpeak Arena (outpost)
188 gww:Random Arenas (outpost)
189 gww:Team Arenas (outpost)
193 gww:Cavalon
194 gww:Kaineng Center
204 gww:Unwaking Waters (Kurzick)
206 gww:Deldrimor War Camp
213 gww:Zen Daijun (outpost)
214 gww:Minister Cho's Estate (outpost)
216 gww:Nahpui Quarter (outpost)
217 gww:Tahnnakai Temple (outpost)
218 gww:Arborstone (outpost)
219 gww:Boreas Seabed (outpost)
220 gww:Sunjiang District (outpost)
222 gww:The Eternal Grove (outpost)
224 gww:Gyala Hatchery (outpost)
225 gww:Raisu Palace (outpost)
226 gww:Imperial Sanctum (outpost)
227 gww:Unwaking Waters (Luxon)
230 gww:Amatz Basin (outpost)
233 gww:Raisu Palace (outpost)
234 gww:The Aurios Mines (outpost)
242 gww:Shing Jea Monastery
243 gww:Shing Jea Arena (outpost)
248 gww:Great Temple of Balthazar
249 gww:Tsumei Village
250 gww:Seitung Harbor
251 gww:Ran Musu Gardens
253 gww:Dwayna Vs Grenth (outpost)
266 gww:Urgoz's Warren (outpost)
272 gww:Altrumm Ruins (outpost)
273 gww:Zos Shivros Channel (outpost)
274 gww:Dragon's Throat (outpost)
275 gww:Isle of Weeping Stone
276 gww:Isle of Jade
277 gww:Harvest Temple
278 gww:Breaker Hollow
279 gww:Leviathan Pits
281 gww:Zaishen Challenge (outpost)
282 gww:Zaishen Elite (outpost)
283 gww:Maatu Keep
284 gww:Zin Ku Corridor
286 gww:Brauer Academy
287 gww:Durheim Archives
288 gww:Bai Paasu Reach
289 gww:Seafarer's Rest
291 gww:Vizunah Square (Local Quarter)
292 gww:Vizunah Square (Foreign Quarter)
293 gww:Fort Aspenwood (Luxon)
294 gww:Fort Aspenwood (Kurzick)
295 gww:The Jade Quarry (Luxon)
296 gww:The Jade Quarry (Kurzick)
297 gww:Unwaking Waters (Luxon)
298 gww:Unwaking Waters (Kurzick)
303 gww:The Marketplace
307 gww:The Deep (outpost)
328 gww:Saltspray Beach (Luxon)
329 gww:Saltspray Beach (Kurzick)
330 gww:Heroes' Ascent (outpost)
331 gww:Grenz Frontier (Luxon)
332 gww:Grenz Frontier (Kurzick)
333 gww:The Ancestral Lands (Luxon)
334 gww:The Ancestral Lands (Kurzick)
335 gww:Etnaran Keys (Luxon)
336 gww:Etnaran Keys (Kurzick)
337 gww:Kaanai Canyon (Luxon)
338 gww:Kaanai Canyon (Kurzick)
348 gww:Tanglewood Copse
349 gww:Saint Anjeka's Shrine
350 gww:Eredon Terrace
359 gww:Imperial Isle
360 gww:Isle of Meditation
368 gww:Dragon Arena (outpost)
376 gww:Camp Hojanu
378 gww:Wehhan Terraces
381 gww:Yohlon Haven
387 gww:Sunspear Sanctuary
388 gww:Aspenwood Gate (Kurzick)
389 gww:Aspenwood Gate (Luxon)
390 gww:Jade Flats (Kurzick)
391 gww:Jade Flats (Luxon)
393 gww:Chantry of Secrets
396 gww:Mihanu Township
398 gww:Basalt Grotto
403 gww:Honur Hill
407 gww:Yahnur Market
414 gww:The Kodash Bazaar
421 gww:Venta Cemetery (outpost)
424 gww:Kodonur Crossroads (outpost)
425 gww:Rilohn Refuge (outpost)
426 gww:Pogahn Passage (outpost)
427 gww:Moddok Crevice (outpost)
428 gww:Tihark Orchard (outpost)
431 gww:Sunspear Great Hall
433 gww:Dzagonur Bastion (outpost)
434 gww:Dasha Vestibule (outpost)
435 gww:Grand Court of Sebelkeh (outpost)
438 gww:Bone Palace
440 gww:The Mouth of Torment
442 gww:Lair of the Forgotten
449 gww:Kamadan, Jewel of Istan
450 gww:Gate of Torment
457 gww:Beknur Harbor
467 gww:Rollerbeetle Racing (outpost)
469 gww:Gate of Fear
473 gww:Gate of Secrets
474 gww:Gate of Anguish
476 gww:Jennur's Horde (outpost)
477 gww:Nundu Bay (outpost)
478 gww:Gate of Desolation (outpost)
479 gww:Champion's Dawn
480 gww:Ruins of Morah (outpost)
487 gww:Beknur Harbor
489 gww:Kodlonu Hamlet
491 gww:Jokanur Diggings (outpost)
492 gww:Blacktide Den (outpost)
493 gww:Consulate Docks (outpost)
494 gww:Gate of Pain (outpost)
495 gww:Gate of Madness (outpost)
496 gww:Abaddon's Gate (outpost)
497 gww:Sunspear Arena (outpost)
502 gww:The Astralarium
529 gww:Uncharted Isle
530 gww:Isle of Wurms
537 gww:Corrupted Isle
538 gww:Isle of Solitude
544 gww:Chahbek Village (outpost)
545 gww:Remains of Sahlahja (outpost)
549 gww:Hero Battles (outpost)
554 gww:Dajkah Inlet (outpost)
555 gww:The Shadow Nexus (outpost)
559 gww:Gate of the Nightfallen Lands
624 gww:Vlox's Falls
638 gww:Gadd's Encampment
639 gww:Umbral Grotto
640 gww:Rata Sum
641 gww:Tarnished Haven
642 gww:Eye of the North (outpost)
643 gww:Sifhalla
644 gww:Gunnar's Hold
645 gww:Olafstead
648 gww:Doomlore Shrine
650 gww:Longeye's Ledge
652 gww:Central Transfer Chamber
675 gww:Boreal Station
721 gww:Costume Brawl (outpost)


0 gww:The Ascalon Settlement
1 gww:The Villainy of Galrath
2 gww:Bandit Trouble
3 gww:A Gift for Jalis Ironhammer
4 gww:To Kryta: Journey's End
5 gww:Graven Images
6 gww:The Hot Springs Murders
7 gww:The Last Hog
8 gww:The Lost Princess
9 gww:Duties of a Lionguard
10 gww:The Royal Papers
11 gww:A Journey of Redemption
12 gww:Blankets for the Settlers
13 gww:Orrian Excavation
14 gww:Malaquire's Test
15 gww:Reversing the Skales
16 gww:The Undead Hordes
17 gww:Lagaan's Ordeal
18 gww:Lagaan's Gratitude
19 gww:Report to the White Mantle
20 gww:Merchant's Plea
21 gww:A Belated Betrothal
22 gww:Ancient Secrets
23 gww:The Forgotten Ones
24 gww:Forgotten Wisdom
25 gww:Ghostly Vengeance
26 gww:Into the Unknown
27 gww:The Misplaced Sword
28 gww:Sands Of Souls
29 gww:The Mesmer's Path
30 gww:The Necromancer's Path
31 gww:The Elementalist's Path
32 gww:The Monk's Path
33 gww:The Warrior's Path
34 gww:The Ranger's Path
35 gww:War Preparations
36 gww:The Hunter's Horn
37 gww:The Supremacy of Air
38 gww:Rites of Remembrance
39 gww:Little Thom's Big Cloak
40 gww:The Vineyard Problem
41 gww:Bandit Raid
42 gww:A Test of Marksmanship
43 gww:The Power of Blood
44 gww:The Rogue's Replacement
45 gww:Charr in the Catacombs
46 gww:Charr at the Gate
47 gww:The Accursed Path
48 gww:The Poison Devourer
49 gww:Domination Magic (quest)
50 gww:The True King
51 gww:The Egg Hunter
52 gww:The Worm Problem
53 gww:The Prize Moa Bird
54 gww:Further Adventures
55 gww:The Wayward Wizard
56 gww:Adventure with an Ally
57 gww:The Orchard
58 gww:A Gift for Althea
59 gww:Gwen's Flute (quest)
60 gww:Warrior's Challenge
61 gww:Tithe for Ashford Abbey
62 gww:Unsettling Rumors
63 gww:A New Mesmer Trainer
64 gww:A New Necromancer Trainer
65 gww:A New Elementalist Trainer
66 gww:A New Monk Trainer
67 gww:A New Warrior Trainer
68 gww:A New Ranger Trainer
69 gww:Across the Wall
70 gww:Poor Tenant
71 gww:A Mesmer's Burden
72 gww:The Necromancer's Novice
73 gww:The Elementalist Experiment
74 gww:A Monk's Mission
75 gww:Grawl Invasion
76 gww:The Ranger's Companion
77 gww:Protection Prayers (quest)
78 gww:Opposition to the King
79 gww:A Second Profession
80 gww:Message from a Friend
81 gww:Mesmer Test
82 gww:Necromancer Test
83 gww:Elementalist Test
84 gww:Monk Test
85 gww:Warrior Test
86 gww:Ranger Test
87 gww:The Blessings of Balthazar
88 gww:Unnatural Growths
89 gww:The Path to Glory
90 gww:Trouble in the Woods
91 gww:White Mantle Wrath: A Helping Hand
92 gww:Urgent Warning
93 gww:Blood And Smoke
94 gww:Dropping Eaves
95 gww:A Brother's Fury
96 gww:Eye For Profit
97 gww:Mysterious Message (Prophecies quest)
98 gww:The Price of Steel
99 gww:White Mantle Wrath: Demagogue's Vanguard
100 gww:Passage Through The Dark River
101 gww:Clear the Chamber
102 gww:Servants of Grenth
103 gww:Unwanted Guests
104 gww:Demon Assassin
105 gww:Imprisoned Spirits
106 gww:The Four Horsemen
107 gww:Terrorweb Queen (quest)
108 gww:Escort of Souls
109 gww:Restoring Grenth's Monuments
110 gww:Wrathful Spirits
111 gww:Charr Reinforcements
112 gww:Symon's History of Ascalon
113 gww:Experimental Elixir
114 gww:Trying Times
115 gww:Unnatural Creatures
116 gww:The Charr Patrol
117 gww:The Charr Staging Area
118 gww:A Cure for Ralena
119 gww:Casualty Report
120 gww:Death in the Ruins
121 gww:Fallen Soldiers
122 gww:Oberan's Rage
123 gww:Althea's Ashes
124 gww:Hammer and Anvil
125 gww:The Geomancer's Test
126 gww:The Way of the Geomancer
127 gww:Shalev's Task
128 gww:Elemental Knowledge
129 gww:The Duke's Daughter
130 gww:Barradin's Advance
131 gww:Fires in the East
132 gww:Fires in the North
133 gww:Frontier Gate Fugitives
134 gww:Bounty for Chieftain Murg
135 gww:Helping the People of Ascalon
136 gww:Cities of Ascalon
137 gww:Counting the Fallen
138 gww:Scavengers in Old Ascalon
139 gww:Garfazz Bloodfang (quest)
140 gww:The King's Message
141 gww:In Memory of Paulus
142 gww:Protecting Ascalon
143 gww:The Lost Master
144 gww:The Ambassador's Quandary
145 gww:Rastin's Ritual
146 gww:A Mission of Peace
147 gww:The Troublesome Artifact
148 gww:Barradin's Stand
149 gww:Army Life
150 gww:Into the Breach
151 gww:Military Matters
152 gww:The Red-Cloaked Deserter
153 gww:The Siege of Piken Square
154 gww:Replacement Healers
155 gww:Rogenn's Duel
156 gww:Regent Valley Defense
157 gww:Mesmerizing the Enemy
158 gww:The Stolen Artifact
159 gww:Scorched Earth (Prophecies quest)
160 gww:Sowing Seeds
161 gww:Gargoyle Trouble
162 gww:Endangered Species
163 gww:The Missing Melandru Relic
164 gww:Supplies for the Duke
165 gww:Ruins of Surmia (quest)
166 gww:Vanguard Equipment
167 gww:Deliver a Message to My Wife
168 gww:Recruits for Hollis
169 gww:The Krytan Ambassador
170 gww:Collect Charr Armor Set
171 gww:Defend the Wall
172 gww:Slay Rotscale
173 gww:Slay Stank Reekfoul
174 gww:Repel Charr
175 gww:Scout Charr
176 gww:Collect Gargoyle Fangs
177 gww:Defend Droknar's Forge
178 gww:The Road to Borlis Pass
179 gww:To Kryta: The Ice Cave
180 gww:The Stone Summit Champion
181 gww:Renegade Necromancer
182 gww:The Deserters
183 gww:A Heart of Ice
184 gww:The Missing Artisan
185 gww:Helping the Dwarves
186 gww:Hungry Devourer
187 gww:Oswalt's Epitaph
188 gww:Securing the Vale
189 gww:Minaar's Trouble
190 gww:Iron Horse War Machine
191 gww:Minaar's Worry
192 gww:Stone Summit Beastmasters
193 gww:Slay Frostbite
194 gww:The Hero's Journey
195 gww:The Hero's Challenge
196 gww:Seeking The Seer
197 gww:Shiverpeak Stragglers
198 gww:The Way is Blocked
199 gww:To Kryta: Refugees
200 gww:The Wayward Monk
201 gww:Into the Breach
202 gww:Defend the Temple of War
203 gww:Army of Darkness
204 gww:The Wailing Lord
205 gww:A Gift of Griffons
206 gww:Slaves of Menzies
207 gww:Restore the Temple of War
208 gww:The Hunt
209 gww:The Eternal Forgemaster
210 gww:Champions of Orr
211 gww:Tower of Strength
212 gww:Tower of Courage
213 gww:Final Blow
214 gww:Wisdom of the Druids
215 gww:Family Ties (Prophecies quest)
216 gww:The Weaver of Nebo
217 gww:War Preparations
218 gww:War Preparations
219 gww:War Preparations
220 gww:War Preparations
221 gww:War Preparations
222 gww:War Preparations
223 gww:The False Gods
224 gww:Khobay the Betrayer
225 gww:Caravan in Trouble
226 gww:Defend North Kryta Province
227 gww:Defend Denravi
228 gww:The Last Day Dawns
229 gww:The Titan Source
230 gww:Cold One (quest)
231 gww:The Forge Heart
232 gww:Wrenches In The Gears
233 gww:Unspeakable, Unknowable
234 gww:To Sorrow's Furnace
235 gww:Noble Intentions
236 gww:Noble Intentions Plan B
237 gww:Kilroy Stonekin (quest)
238 gww:Summit Slaves
239 gww:Gathering Resources
240 gww:Unruly Slaves
241 gww:Fire in the Hole
242 gww:Tasca's Reprise
243 gww:Subversive Ideas
244 gww:Political Ramifications
245 gww:The Final Assault
246 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Lee
247 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Kaa
248 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Kuju
249 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Vhang
250 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Zhan
251 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Amara
252 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Greico
253 gww:Seek Out Headmaster Quin
254 gww:Locate Jinzo
255 gww:Locate Mei Ling
256 gww:Locate Reng Ku
257 gww:Locate Ronsu
258 gww:Locate Sister Tai
259 gww:Locate Talon Silverwing
260 gww:Locate Sujun
261 gww:Locate Professor Gai
262 gww:Track Down Panaku
263 gww:Track Down Lo Sha
264 gww:Track Down Su
265 gww:Track Down Kai Ying
266 gww:Track Down Brother Pe Wan
267 gww:Track Down Weng Gha
268 gww:Track Down Zho
269 gww:Track Down Ang the Ephemeral
270 gww:Opening Strike
271 gww:Cleansing the Shrine
272 gww:Little Creatures
273 gww:Spark of Interest
274 gww:Stale Mate
275 gww:Talon's Duel
276 gww:Free the Fur
277 gww:Minions Gone Wild
278 gww:Dual Strike
279 gww:Lo Sha's Gift
280 gww:Reaping the Naga
281 gww:Sparring Elements
282 gww:Seeking a Cure
283 gww:The Crop Thieves
284 gww:The Yeti Hunt
285 gww:Shackled Spirits
286 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
287 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
288 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
289 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
290 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
291 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
292 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
293 gww:An Audience with Master Togo
294 gww:Speak with Headmaster Lee (Assassin)
295 gww:Speak with Headmaster Kaa (Mesmer)
296 gww:Speak with Headmaster Kuju (Necromancer)
297 gww:Speak with Headmaster Vhang (Elementalist)
298 gww:Speak with Headmaster Amara (Monk)
299 gww:Speak with Headmaster Zhan (Warrior)
300 gww:Speak with Headmaster Greico (Ranger)
301 gww:Speak with Headmaster Quin (Ritualist)
302 gww:Defense Against Hexes
303 gww:Disruption
304 gww:Skill Chaining
305 gww:Snaring Course
306 gww:Disenchantment Course
307 gww:Condition Removal
308 gww:Advanced Defense Techniques
309 gww:Elementalist Insignia
310 gww:Warrior Insignia
311 gww:Mesmer Insignia
312 gww:Monk Insignia
313 gww:Necromancer Insignia
314 gww:Ranger Insignia
315 gww:Ritualist Insignia
316 gww:Assassin Insignia
317 gww:Choose Your Secondary Profession (Factions quest)
318 gww:A Formal Introduction
319 gww:The Sickened Village
320 gww:The Red Frog
321 gww:The Kaguchi Brothers
322 gww:The Box of Illusions
323 gww:Old Friends, Dark Times
324 gww:Power Surge
325 gww:Cleansing the Steel
326 gww:The Stone of the Elements
327 gww:Assassination Attempt
328 gww:Little Lost Bear
329 gww:Imperial Assistance
330 gww:Medical Emergency
331 gww:Red Tape
332 gww:Assist the Guards
333 gww:Straight to the Top
334 gww:Drink from the Chalice of Corruption
335 gww:Refuse to Drink
336 gww:The Search for a Cure
337 gww:Seek out Brother Tosai
338 gww:An End to Suffering
339 gww:Warning the Tengu
340 gww:The Threat Grows
341 gww:Journey to the Master
342 gww:The Road Less Traveled
343 gww:Looking For Trouble
344 gww:To the Rescue (Factions quest)
345 gww:To Zen Daijun
346 gww:Lost Treasure
347 gww:Mantid Hatchlings
348 gww:An Unwelcome Guest
349 gww:A Master's Burden
350 gww:To Tahnnakai Temple
351 gww:Into the Whirlpool
352 gww:Journey to House zu Heltzer
353 gww:Journey to Cavalon
354 gww:Naga Oil
355 gww:Street Justice
356 gww:Finding The Oracle
357 gww:Closer to the Stars
358 gww:Appearance of the Naga
359 gww:The Rite of Valor
360 gww:Death with Honor
361 gww:The Nameless Masters
362 gww:The Path of the Zaishen Elite
363 gww:The Team Trials
364 gww:Kurzick Supply Lines
365 gww:Scouting Ferndale
366 gww:Scout the Coast
367 gww:Securing Echovald Forest
368 gww:Duel of the Houses
369 gww:The Jade Arena
370 gww:In the Army (Luxon)
371 gww:Scouting Maishang Hills
372 gww:Luxon Supply Lines
373 gww:In the Army Now (Kurzick)
374 gww:Befriending the Kurzicks
375 gww:Befriending the Luxons
376 gww:Mayhem in the Market
377 gww:Welcome to Cantha
378 gww:The Defenders of the Forest
379 gww:A Meeting With the Emperor
380 gww:The Count's Daughter
381 gww:Stolen Eggs
382 gww:The Convocation
383 gww:Journey to the Whirlpool
384 gww:Taking Back the Palace
385 gww:Quimang's Last Stand
386 gww:The Siege at Tsumei Village
387 gww:Togo's Ultimatum
388 gww:Revenge of the Yeti
389 gww:The Agriculturist
390 gww:The Captured Son
391 gww:The Naga Source
392 gww:Sentimental Treasures
393 gww:Skin the Snake
394 gww:Pest Control
395 gww:The Thieving Nanny
396 gww:City Under Attack
397 gww:Battle in the Sewers
398 gww:The Ancient Forest
399 gww:Wicked Wardens
400 gww:Song and Stone
401 gww:A New Escort
402 gww:The Experimental Weaponsmith
403 gww:Melodic Gaki Flute
404 gww:Discord Wallow Lyre
405 gww:Rhythm Drinker Drum
406 gww:Envoy of the Dredge
407 gww:Temple of the Dredge
408 gww:Revolt of the Dredge
409 gww:The Halcyon Job
410 gww:Attack the Kurzicks!
411 gww:Protect the Halcyon
412 gww:Outcasts in the Quarry
413 gww:Challenge of Strength
414 gww:Artistic Endeavors
415 gww:The Beak of Darkness
416 gww:Wardens On the March
417 gww:Invoking the Saints
418 gww:If It Weren't for Bad Luck....
419 gww:Night Raiders
420 gww:Message on a Dragon Scale
421 gww:Messages, Messages Everywhere
422 gww:The Zenos Squad
423 gww:The Impossible Sea Monster
424 gww:Minister's Test
425 gww:Capturing the Orrian Tome
426 gww:A Tasty Morsel
427 gww:Wayward Guide
428 gww:A New Guide
429 gww:Getting Even
430 gww:Sticks and Stones
431 gww:Forgotten Retribution
432 gww:Defend Fort Aspenwood
433 gww:The Jade Quarry (Kurzick quest)
434 gww:Fort Aspenwood (quest)
435 gww:The Jade Quarry (Luxon quest)
436 gww:Mhenlo's Request
437 gww:The Bog Beast of Bokku
438 gww:A Belt Pouch
439 gww:Cash Crops
440 gww:Forming a Party
441 gww:Study Buddy
442 gww:The Dragon Hunter
443 gww:More Cowbell
444 gww:A Letter Home
445 gww:Return of the Yeti
446 gww:The Challenge
447 gww:Captured
448 gww:The Emperor in Peril
449 gww:The Plot Thickens
450 gww:It Ends Here
451 gww:Masters of Corruption
452 gww:The Drunken Master
453 gww:Eliminate the Am Fah
454 gww:Eliminate the Jade Brotherhood
455 gww:Problem Salving
456 gww:Going Home
457 gww:Missing Daughter
458 gww:Too High a Price
459 gww:The Xunlai Agent
460 gww:Luxury Goods
461 gww:Charting the Forests
462 gww:Charting the Jade Sea
463 gww:Stemming the Tide
464 gww:The Missing Corpses
465 gww:The Missing Link
466 gww:The Afflicted Guard
467 gww:Seeking Shelter
468 gww:Housing for Refugees
469 gww:A Monstrous Revelation
470 gww:The Shadow Blades
471 gww:Lambs to the Slaughter
473 gww:Feed the Hungry
474 gww:Passing the Buck
475 gww:Raze the Roost
476 gww:Last of the Breed
477 gww:Refuse the King
478 gww:The Growing Threat
479 gww:Chaos in Kryta
480 gww:Vanishing Spirits
481 gww:Pilgrimage
482 gww:Requiem for a Brain
483 gww:Under New Management
484 gww:Destroy the Ungrateful Slaves
485 gww:A Show of Force
486 gww:Temple of the Monoliths
487 gww:Return of the Undead King
488 gww:Strange Bedfellows
489 gww:She Hungers
490 gww:The Council is Called
491 gww:Desperate Measures
492 gww:The Search for Survivors
493 gww:A Sound of Ancient Horns
494 gww:Garden Chores
495 gww:Which Way Did He Go?
496 gww:One Man's Dream
497 gww:Puzzling Parchment
498 gww:A Brief Introduction
499 gww:Plague of Frogs
500 gww:Between a Rock...
501 gww:Botanical Research
502 gww:Rally The Princes
503 gww:All's Well That Ends Well
504 gww:Warning Kehanni
505 gww:Calling the Order
506 gww:Greed and Regret
507 gww:Pledge of the Merchant Princes
508 gww:An Old Man's Past
509 gww:An Old Man's Shame
510 gww:To the Rescue (Nightfall quest)
511 gww:Coffer of Joko
512 gww:Data Mining
513 gww:The Madness of Prophecy
514 gww:Protect the Learned
515 gww:Reclaiming the Temple
516 gww:The Search for Enlightenment
517 gww:Summertime for Bokka
518 gww:In Defense of Theatre
519 gww:Worst. Performance. Ever.
520 gww:The Show Must Go On
521 gww:Valley of the Rifts
522 gww:Population Control
523 gww:Destroy the Harpies
524 gww:Guard Rescue
525 gww:Gift of the Djinn
526 gww:Interception
527 gww:Old Friends
528 gww:For Your Ears Only
529 gww:The Scourge of Vabbi
530 gww:The Hanging Gardener
531 gww:Scorched Earth (Nightfall quest)
532 gww:Extinction
533 gww:Insatiable Appetite
534 gww:Building the Base: Prisoners of War
535 gww:Building the Base: The Interrogation
536 gww:Building the Base: The Meeting
537 gww:The Tools of War
538 gww:Feeding Frenzy
539 gww:You Can Run...
540 gww:Centaur Concerns
541 gww:Mirza's Last Stand
542 gww:Battle of Turai's Procession
543 gww:A Question of Morality
544 gww:A Bushel of Trouble
545 gww:The Great Zehtuka (quest)
546 gww:Eavesdropping
547 gww:A Little Recon
548 gww:Hunted!
549 gww:The Great Escape
550 gww:And a Hero Shall Lead Them
551 gww:To Vabbi!
552 gww:Centaur Blackmail
553 gww:Mysterious Message (Nightfall quest)
554 gww:Secrets in the Shadow
555 gww:To Kill a Demon
556 gww:For a Price
557 gww:No Me, No Kormir
558 gww:A Thorn in Varesh's Side
559 gww:Tendering an Offer
560 gww:Estate Planning
561 gww:Family Ties (Nightfall quest)
562 gww:A Message for Janeera
563 gww:Strange Allies
564 gww:The Foolhardy Father
565 gww:The Young Lady Vanishes
566 gww:Old Woman River
567 gww:A Fool's Luck
568 gww:Herds to the Slaughter
569 gww:Koss's Elixir
570 gww:Drake in a Cage
571 gww:Troubled Lands
572 gww:Ancestral Anguish
573 gww:Total Corruption
574 gww:Fish in a Barrel
575 gww:Melonni's Meditations
576 gww:Weird Waters
577 gww:A Prescription for Conscription
578 gww:Undead Defenders
579 gww:The Cold Touch of the Past
580 gww:Raising an Army
581 gww:Heart or Mind: Garden in Danger
582 gww:The Hallowed Point
583 gww:A Deal's a Deal
584 gww:Horde of Darkness
585 gww:Family Soul
586 gww:Heart or Mind: Ronjok in Danger
587 gww:Assault on Beknur Harbor
588 gww:Moa'vu'Kaal, Awakened
589 gww:The Cyclone Palace
590 gww:Down on the Bayou
591 gww:Double Dog Dare
592 gww:A Message Home
593 gww:One Good Turn Deserves Another
594 gww:What Do You Do with a Drunken Shauben?
595 gww:Secret Passage
596 gww:Choose Your Secondary Profession (Nightfall quest)
597 gww:Corsair Vengeance
598 gww:Defender's Choice
599 gww:The Lone Raider
600 gww:Primary Training
601 gww:Secondary Training
602 gww:A Hidden Threat
603 gww:Wandered Off Again
604 gww:Anger of the Stone Face
605 gww:The Cult of the Stone Face
606 gww:Stone-Faced Orders
607 gww:Armored Transport
608 gww:Quality Steel
609 gww:Material Girl
610 gww:Suwash the Pirate
611 gww:Catch of the Day
612 gww:Flamingo-ing... going... gone.
613 gww:A Leap of Faith
614 gww:Zaishen Elite (quest)
615 gww:Student Jin
616 gww:Student Sousuke
617 gww:Feast of Bokka
618 gww:A Ghostly Request
619 gww:Ghosts in the Graveyard
620 gww:Skree Hatchling Season
621 gww:A Friend in Need
622 gww:A Father's Fate
623 gww:Second Born
624 gww:First Born
625 gww:Third Born
626 gww:Identity Theft
627 gww:Need More Stuff
628 gww:To Dye For
629 gww:Missing Shipment
630 gww:Blow Out Sale!
631 gww:Scholarly Affairs
632 gww:Leaving a Legacy
633 gww:The Honorable General
634 gww:Signs and Portents
635 gww:Isle of the Dead (quest)
636 gww:Bad Tide Rising
637 gww:Special Delivery
638 gww:Big News, Small Package
639 gww:Following the Trail
640 gww:The Iron Truth
641 gww:Trial by Fire
642 gww:War Preparations (Recruit Training)
643 gww:War Preparations (Wind and Water)
644 gww:War Preparations (Ghost Reconnaissance)
645 gww:The Time is Nigh
646 gww:A Loose Cannon
647 gww:Diamond in the Rough
648 gww:Map-Travel Inventor
649 gww:Honing your Skills
650 gww:Voices in the Night
651 gww:Corsair Invasion
652 gww:A Peaceful Solution
653 gww:Hog Hunt
654 gww:A Delayed Delivery
655 gww:A Troubling Theory
656 gww:A Mysterious Missive
657 gww:A Perplexing Plague
658 gww:A Stolen Spore
659 gww:Proof of Courage
660 gww:Quarry Quandry
661 gww:Queen of the Quarry
662 gww:A Sticky Operation
663 gww:Rising Suns
664 gww:Re-enlist Rojis
665 gww:Skale and Magic Compass
666 gww:To See the Sights
667 gww:To Ask For More
668 gww:Money on the Side
669 gww:Fury of a Grieving Heart
670 gww:Crypt-ology
671 gww:Stolen Supplies
672 gww:Loyal 'til the End
673 gww:A Personal Vault
674 gww:Trade Relations
675 gww:Rally the Recruits (Tutorial)
676 gww:Into Chahbek Village
677 gww:Take the Shortcut (Skip Tutorial)
678 gww:A Decayed Monument
679 gww:Goren's Stuff: Part 1
680 gww:Attack at the Kodash
681 gww:Crossing the Desolation
682 gww:Melonni Goes Recruiting
683 gww:Securing Champion's Dawn
684 gww:Crossing the Desolation
685 gww:The Apostate
686 gww:Breaking the Broken
687 gww:A Flickering Flame
688 gww:Dismember the Titans
689 gww:Cover Your Tracks
690 gww:Dark Gateway
691 gww:They Only Come Out at Night
692 gww:Invasion From Within
693 gww:Drink of the Gods
694 gww:The Troubled Keeper
695 gww:Open Season
696 gww:Good Demon Hunting
697 gww:Holding the Line
698 gww:A Fleshy Operation
699 gww:Bad Fortune
700 gww:Know Thine Enemy
701 gww:Uncharted Territory
702 gww:Kormir's Crusade
703 gww:All Alone in the Darkness
704 gww:Passing the Luck
705 gww:Blueprint of the Fall
706 gww:Escape from the Torment
707 gww:Faded Memory
708 gww:A History of Violence
709 gww:Quiz the Recruits
710 gww:Koss Goes Recruiting
711 gww:Never Fight Alone
712 gww:Command Training
713 gww:Goren's Stuff: Part 2
714 gww:The Toy's Story
715 gww:Rising in the Ranks: Master Sergeant
716 gww:Rising in the Ranks: First Spear
717 gww:Misela, the Middle Child
718 gww:Mutu, the Oldest Child
719 gww:Jedur, the Youngest Child
720 gww:Norgu's Nightfall
721 gww:The Role of a Lifetime
722 gww:Brains or Brawn
723 gww:Sunspears in Kryta
724 gww:Sunspears in Cantha
725 gww:Terror in Tyria
726 gww:Plague in Cantha
727 gww:The Command Post
728 gww:The Dejarin Estate
729 gww:Gain Norgu
730 gww:Gain Goren
731 gww:Gain Margrid
732 gww:Gain Master of Whispers
733 gww:Gain Jin
734 gww:Gain Sousuke
735 gww:Gain Olias
736 gww:Gain Zenmai
737 gww:Battle Preparations
738 gww:The Time is Nigh
739 gww:Drakes on the Plain
740 gww:Capturing the Signet of Capture
741 gww:A Land of Heroes
742 gww:Breaching the Stygian Veil
743 gww:Foundry Breakout
744 gww:The Foundry of Failed Creations (quest)
745 gww:The Oddbodies (quest)
746 gww:The Last Patrol
747 gww:The Missing Patrol
748 gww:Into the Fire
749 gww:Deathbringer Company
750 gww:Finding a Purpose
751 gww:The City of Torc'qua
752 gww:The Rifts Between Us
753 gww:To the Rescue!
754 gww:Mallyx the Unyielding (quest)
755 gww:Brood Wars
756 gww:How the Grentches Stole Wintersday
757 gww:Spreading the Wintersday Spirit
758 gww:White Mist
759 gww:The Gift of Giving
760 gww:Save the Reindeer
761 gww:Find the Stolen Presents
762 gww:A Very Grentchie Wintersday
763 gww:The Greatest Snowman Ever Made
764 gww:You're a Mean One, Mr. Grenth
765 gww:In Grenth's Defense
766 gww:Army Wife
767 gww:Impressing the Girl
768 gww:Tossing the Bouquet
769 gww:Making Friends
770 gww:Missing Suitor
771 gww:Avad on the Run
772 gww:The Eternal Debate
773 gww:The Contest
774 gww:Consolation
775 gww:A Burning Desire
776 gww:The Big Bang
777 gww:Douse Your Enthusiasm
778 gww:Hopeless Romantic
779 gww:Fire in the Sky
780 gww:The Knights Who Say Nian
781 gww:Just My Luck
782 gww:All for One and One for Justice
783 gww:Chasing Zenmai
784 gww:Out of Kourna
785 gww:Commemorating the Fallen
786 gww:Commissioning a Memorial
787 gww:Ancient History
788 gww:Finding a Purpose
789 gww:Money Back Guarantee
790 gww:Against the Charr
791 gww:Warband of Brothers
792 gww:Search for the Ebon Vanguard
793 gww:The Missing Vanguard
794 gww:Scrambled Reinforcements
795 gww:The Rampaging Yetis
796 gww:The Shrine of Maat
797 gww:A Strange Request
798 gww:Darkness at Kaitan
800 gww:Flames of the Bear Spirit
801 gww:Temple of the Damned
802 gww:Giriff's War
803 gww:Veiled Threat
804 gww:Lost Souls
805 gww:Kathandrax's Crusher
806 gww:Curse of the Nornbear
807 gww:The Elusive Golemancer
808 gww:Tracking the Nornbear
809 gww:The Anvil of Dragrimmar
810 gww:Cold Vengeance
811 gww:The Misanthropic Jotun Principle
812 gww:Lab Space
813 gww:A Gate Too Far
814 gww:Vision of the Raven Spirit
815 gww:Genius Operated Living Enchanted Manifestation
816 gww:Destruction's Depths
817 gww:Heart of the Shiverpeaks (quest)
818 gww:Finding the Bloodstone
819 gww:Finding Gadd
820 gww:A Little Help
821 gww:I Feel the Earth Move Under Cantha's Feet
822 gww:Hole of Istan
823 gww:What Lies Beneath
824 gww:The Beginning of the End
825 gww:Tekks's War
826 gww:Worthy Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)
827 gww:Little Workshop of Horrors
828 gww:Dredging the Depths
829 gww:Watch it Jiggle
830 gww:Anything You Can Do
831 gww:Krak's Cavalry
832 gww:Crystal Method
833 gww:The Blade's Essence
834 gww:The Arrow's Point
835 gww:Defending the Breach
836 gww:Cold as Ice
837 gww:In the Service of Revenge
838 gww:Truthseeker
839 gww:A Hunter's Pride
840 gww:Shadows in the Night
841 gww:Leader of the Pack
842 gww:Round 1: Fight!
843 gww:Round 2: Fight!
844 gww:Round 3: Fight!
845 gww:Round 4: Fight!
846 gww:Round 5: Fight!
847 gww:Final Round: Fight!
848 gww:Hero Tutorial
849 gww:Bear Club for Women
850 gww:The Great Norn Alemoot
851 gww:The Great Norn Alemoot
852 gww:Prenuptial Disagreement
853 gww:Prenuptial Disagreement
854 gww:Charr Invaders
855 gww:Bear Club for Men
856 gww:Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza!
857 gww:The Throwdown in a Norn Town
858 gww:Punch the Clown
859 gww:Destructive Research
860 gww:The Destroyer Challenge
861 gww:Falling Out
862 gww:Forgotten Relics
864 gww:The Smell of Titan in the Morning
865 gww:Be Very, Very Quiet...
866 gww:Plan A
867 gww:Final Round, Championship Edition: Fight!
868 gww:Mano a Norn-o
869 gww:A Time for Heroes
870 gww:The Assassin's Revenge
871 gww:The Imploding Past
872 gww:Failure to Communicate
873 gww:Service: In Defense of the Eye
874 gww:Service: Practice, Dummy
875 gww:Polymock: Defeat Plurgg
876 gww:Polymock: Defeat Fonk
877 gww:Polymock: Defeat Dune Teardrinker
878 gww:Polymock: Defeat Grulhammer Silverfist
879 gww:Polymock: Defeat Necromancer Volumandus
880 gww:Polymock: Defeat Master Hoff
881 gww:Polymock: Defeat Blarp
882 gww:Polymock: Defeat Yulma
883 gww:Single Ugly Grawl Seeks Same for Mindless Destruction in Ascalon
884 gww:The Hunting of the Charr
885 gww:Frogstomp
886 gww:Give Peace a Chance
887 gww:The Cipher of Balthazar
888 gww:The Cipher of Dwayna
889 gww:The Cipher of Grenth
890 gww:The Cipher of Kormir
891 gww:The Cipher of Lyssa
892 gww:The Cipher of Melandru
893 gww:The Path to Revelations
894 gww:The Big Unfriendly Jotun
895 gww:Forbidden Fruit
897 gww:O Brave New World
898 gww:Lost Treasure of King Hundar
899 gww:Deeprunner's Map
900 gww:Attack on Jalis's Camp
901 gww:The Asura Trap
902 gww:Moths to a Flame
903 gww:Insidious Remnants
904 gww:Turning the Page
905 gww:Northern Allies
906 gww:Assault on the Stronghold
907 gww:Blood Washes Blood
908 gww:The Dawn of Rebellion
909 gww:What Must Be Done
910 gww:Nornhood
911 gww:The Justiciar's End
912 gww:Haunted
913 gww:Against the Destroyers
914 gww:Fire and Pain
915 gww:The Knowledgeable Asura
916 gww:Then and Now, Here and There
917 gww:The Last Hierophant
918 gww:Kilroy's Punchout Tournament
919 gww:Special Ops: Dragon's Gullet
920 gww:Special Ops: Flame Temple Corridor
921 gww:Special Ops: Grendich Courthouse
922 gww:The Tengu Accords
923 gww:The Battle of Jahai
924 gww:The Flight North
925 gww:The Rise of the White Mantle
926 gww:Straight to the Heart
927 gww:The Strength of Snow
928 gww:Deactivating P.O.X.
929 gww:Deactivating N.O.X.
930 gww:Deactivating R.O.X.
931 gww:Zinn's Task
932 gww:The Three Wise Norn
933 gww:Charr-broiled Plans
934 gww:Snowball Dominance
935 gww:Wintersday Cheer


Aus Performancegründen wurden die enthaltenen Fertigkeiten reduziert auf die wichtigen 1319 Stück. Die dürften nicht so das Thema sein und müssen hier nicht extra erwähnt werden.

Skills for profession

1 gww:List of warrior skills Liste der Kriegerfertigkeiten
2 gww:List of ranger skills Liste der Waldläuferfertigkeiten
3 gww:List of monk skills Liste der Mönchsfertigkeiten
4 gww:List of necromancer skills Liste der Nekromantenfertigkeiten
5 gww:List of mesmer skills Liste der Mesmerfertigkeiten
6 gww:List of elementalist skills Liste der Elementarmagierfertigkeiten
7 gww:List of assassin skills Liste der Assassinenfertigkeiten
8 gww:List of ritualist skills Liste der Ritualistenfertigkeiten
9 gww:List of paragon skills Liste der Paragonfertigkeiten
10 gww:List of dervish skills Liste der Derwischfertigkeiten